Xinhua world news summary at 1530 GMT, May 15

Xinhua world news summary at 1530 GMT, May 15

Xinhua world news summary at 1530 GMT, May 15

FARAH, Afghanistan -- At least six people have been killed with nine others injured in an incident of roof collapse in west Afghanistan's Farah province, a local official said Wednesday.

The mishap occurred on Tuesday night during a wedding ceremony in the province's Bakwa district, killing five children and a woman on the spot, said provincial director of disaster management authority Mohammad Israel Sayar. (Afghanistan-Roof Collapse)

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NEW DELHI -- The death toll from a huge iron billboard collapse in India's financial center Mumbai has risen to 16 with the discovery of two additional bodies, local media reports quoting civic body officials said Wednesday.

The bodies were found beneath the rubble at the collapse site during the continuous search and rescue efforts that have been going on for over 40 hours. (India-Mumbai-Billboard Collapse)

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JAKARTA -- The death toll from cold lava floods in Indonesia's West Sumatra province has risen to 67, with 20 people still missing, the country's top disaster agency official announced on Wednesday, adding that relocation options are being considered.

Suharyanto, head of the National Disaster Management and Mitigation Agency, said that soldiers and policemen had been dispatched to the affected areas to assist in evacuation and the search for the victims. (Indonesia-Lava Floods-Death Toll)

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HANOI -- Vietnam has recorded 141 cases of malaria since early this year, an increase of 107.4 percent over the same period in 2023, Vietnam News reported Wednesday, citing the National Institute of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology.

According to Hoang Dinh Canh, the institute's director, 13 out of the 23 provinces with malaria cases reported infections from imported sources. This is a challenge for malaria prevention and elimination in the future. (Vietnam-Malaria)

Xinhua world news summary at 1530 GMT, May 15

Xinhua world news summary at 1530 GMT, May 15

16th May 2024, 02:15 GMT+10

FARAH, Afghanistan -- At least six people have been killed with nine others injured in an incident of roof collapse in west Afghanistan's Farah province, a local official said Wednesday.

The mishap occurred on Tuesday night during a wedding ceremony in the province's Bakwa district, killing five children and a woman on the spot, said provincial director of disaster management authority Mohammad Israel Sayar. (Afghanistan-Roof Collapse)

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NEW DELHI -- The death toll from a huge iron billboard collapse in India's financial center Mumbai has risen to 16 with the discovery of two additional bodies, local media reports quoting civic body officials said Wednesday.

The bodies were found beneath the rubble at the collapse site during the continuous search and rescue efforts that have been going on for over 40 hours. (India-Mumbai-Billboard Collapse)

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JAKARTA -- The death toll from cold lava floods in Indonesia's West Sumatra province has risen to 67, with 20 people still missing, the country's top disaster agency official announced on Wednesday, adding that relocation options are being considered.

Suharyanto, head of the National Disaster Management and Mitigation Agency, said that soldiers and policemen had been dispatched to the affected areas to assist in evacuation and the search for the victims. (Indonesia-Lava Floods-Death Toll)

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HANOI -- Vietnam has recorded 141 cases of malaria since early this year, an increase of 107.4 percent over the same period in 2023, Vietnam News reported Wednesday, citing the National Institute of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology.

According to Hoang Dinh Canh, the institute's director, 13 out of the 23 provinces with malaria cases reported infections from imported sources. This is a challenge for malaria prevention and elimination in the future. (Vietnam-Malaria)