Choose Chicago had a prominent presence at IPW 2024, anticipating what the next annual meeting in 2025 will be like | ABC Mundial

Choose Chicago had a prominent presence at IPW 2024, anticipating what the next annual meeting in 2025 will be like

  • Interview with Rich Gamble, Interim President and CEO of Choose Chicago.
    Interview with Rich Gamble, Interim President and CEO of Choose Chicago.
By Pablo Pla @pablitopla
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Interview with Rich Gamble, Interim President and CEO of Choose Chicago.

At the recent IPW 2024, the largest inbound travel trade show in the United States held in Los Angeles, Choose Chicago made a notable impact, paving the way for the next event when Chicago will host IPW 2025. Rich Gamble, Interim President and CEO of Choose Chicago, shared insights into Chicago's offerings and what to expect in 2025.

"IPW provides an unparalleled platform to showcase Chicago's rich variety of cultural, culinary, and architectural offerings to a global audience," said Rich Gamble. "Our active engagement here sets a strong precedent for what we will deliver when we host IPW next year."

"So, what will be new next year?" we asked Gamble. He replied, "Chicago, in constant evolution, always has new and different theatrical shows, concerts, and attractions to offer. In 2025, one of the newest attractions will be the Obama Presidential Library. We have our entire summer series of Blues Fest, Gospel Fest, Lollapalooza, and much more. You can taste the world in Chicago. One thing that Chicagoans love, and visitors too, is diversity. We have 77 neighborhoods, an incredibly diverse community, where you can find a place that feels like home while experiencing the best of Italian, American, Japanese, and various other cultures."

Gamble also highlighted Chicago's vibrant cultural scene, mentioning institutions like the Art Institute with its impressive collection, the National Museum of Mexican Art, and the Museum of Science and Industry. He also emphasized Chicago's thriving performing arts scene, including the Joffrey Ballet, Lyric Opera, and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

"Chicago is known for its four seasons," Gamble continued. "While some may not like the cold winters, they are truly magical here, especially during the holiday season. From Thanksgiving to January, Chicago comes alive with celebrations, festivals, and events, like the Magnificent Mile Lights Festival. And for sports enthusiasts, we have something for everyone, from the Bulls to the Bears to the Fire. Chicagoans celebrate and enjoy all sports throughout the year."

Gamble concluded with enthusiasm for IPW 2025, saying, "We are ready to showcase and celebrate with you in June 2025. Chicago has so much to offer, and we can't wait to share it with the world."

Choose Chicago's Presence at IPW 2024

Choose Chicago, the official destination marketing organization for Chicago, successfully concluded business meetings and promoted the city at IPW 2024. Leading a delegation of hospitality, tourism, and civic leaders, Choose Chicago laid the groundwork for the next IPW, which will be held in Chicago from June 14 to 18, 2025.

Exhibiting partners included major attractions such as 360 CHICAGO, the Chicago Architecture Center, the Chicago Cubs, the Field Museum, among others, ensuring that Chicago's unique offerings were highlighted throughout the event.

The participation at IPW 2024 demonstrated the importance of tourism to Chicago's economy, and the excitement is palpable as the city prepares to host IPW next year. With a vibrant booth at the trade show and numerous brand activations, Chicago left a lasting impression on attendees.

Key tourism metrics indicate positive trends, with visitor spending generating significant revenue and hotel revenues surpassing pre-pandemic levels. Chicago's diverse cultural scene and thriving sports culture continue to attract visitors from around the world, laying the groundwork for a successful IPW 2025.

As Chicago prepares to welcome the world next June, anticipation is high for an unforgettable experience showcasing the best the city has to offer.