More than £15,000 was raised for the Wales Air Ambulance through coffee mornings.

Amid an array of coffee and cakes, donors across Wales raised over £19,000 for the lifesaving charity.

This innovative fundraising effort coincided with the 23rd anniversary of Wales Air Ambulance.

Participants baked cakes and held events across the country, combining social interaction with a worthy cause.

One such fundraiser was held by the pupils and teachers at Pennar Community School in Pembrokeshire.

Inspired by their classroom studies and the personal involvement of teacher Victoria Boyle, whose sister Laura Slate works at the charity as the community and engagement manager, they managed to raise over £400.

Ms Slate gave a presentation and talk about the work to the pupils.

Speaking about the charity, teacher Victoria Boyle said: "The Wales Air Ambulance is something the pupils could all relate to.

"We have all seen it fly over from time to time and heard about incidents attended in the area.

"Some of our pupils’ families have also had a need for it and have seen first-hand the benefits.

"I think it’s a charity close to so many people’s hearts, especially down here in Pembrokeshire living so close to the beach and sea.

"So, it is something everyone was interested to learn more about."

Hospital staff weren't left behind in supporting their airborne colleagues.

At Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, staff swapped their scrubs for aprons and managed to raise more than £500 through two coffee and cake events.

Phae Jones, director of income generation at the Wales Air Ambulance, expressed her gratitude for the support.

She said: "We are absolutely delighted that once again our supporters came out in force to raise vital funds for our cause.

"A huge thank you to everyone who held their own Coffee and Cake event to raise funds for our charity.

"This is the first year we held our 'Coffee and Cake' event and to raise over £19,000 is amazing.

"It was lovely to hear people of all ages took part in our fundraiser to mark our 23 years of service to the people of Wales."

The charity relies heavily on such events to fund its operations.

With the need to raise £11.2 million every year to keep its four helicopters airborne and its fleet of rapid response vehicles operational, the 'Coffee and Cake' event marked a substantial contribution towards this goal.

For those interested in contributing further or taking part in future events, you can visit the Wales Air Ambulance website for more information.

Wales Air Ambulance is consultant-led, taking hospital-standard treatments to the patient and if required, transferring them directly to the most appropriate hospital for their illness or injury.