CrazedIvan V. Tess'land Territorial Dispute

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The CrazedIvan V. Tess'land territorial dispute pertains to a disagreement on the proper demarcation of the boundary of jurisdiction between the the sovereign territory of Tess'land, a personal estate of eponymous ruler Tess, and CrazedIvan. The dispute may be said to have begun with Tess' annexation of the territory now known as as Tess'land and the subsequent creation of a four block tall cobblestone border wall by CrazedIvan on the shared boundary between Tess'land and CrazedIvan's personally claimed property which in turn prompted Tess to erect a fence of her own around the lands claimed by Tess'land.

As of the 12th of May, 2024, relations between Tess'land and CrazedIvan have markedly improved with the two parties having assumed a united position against the perceived common enemy as represented by the various corporations of the server.