Hello! I am having an issue in regards to rotating yaw in the Animation editor. This issue seems to be specific to the Curve Editor, and seems to not occur when using the base animation editor.

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Create a New Animation
  2. Enable the curve editor
  3. Rotate the LowerTorso along the Y Axis(yaw)
  4. If you play back the animation it should now do various unexpected turns, often flipping the entire model.

System Info:

  • CPU: Intel I7 13700kf @ 3.4 GHz
  • RAM: 64 GB DDR4
  • OS: Windows 11 Home 64-bit (10.0, Build 22631)

All Beta Features enabled except:

  • Avatar Auto-Setup Beta
  • New Studio Camera Controls
  • Scripts are Non-Strict By Default

Expected behavior

Ideally the rotation should still behave similar to how it was before enabling Curve Editor

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