No, Lars is Not Fully Immortal in Steven Universe

As a passionate SU gamer and content creator, I‘m here with a major update on Lars Barriga‘s mysterious condition after being resurrected by Steven early in Season 5. While he exhibits some abnormal abilities these days, analysis suggests Lars isn‘t truly immortal.

The Lifespan Theory Taking the Fandom By Storm

A compelling fan theory making the rounds on Reddit and Tumblr purports that the leaves on Lars‘ tree in the pink dimension represent his remaining lifespan. Compared to Lion‘s tree, Lars‘ has significantly more leaves left. This could mean Lion has much less relative time left than the revived Lars.

But if the leaf lifespans are finite, neither of them are likely fully immortal. Lars may just be aging at a decelerated pace.

Comparing Lars‘ New Abilities Against Other Beings

Here‘s a quick reference table for how Lars stacks up to other key Steven Universe characters:

Lars (Revived State)Normal HumansFull GemsLion
LifespanExtended, but likely not infinite80 years avgEffectively immortalUnknown, also has a tree
Eating/Drinking Required?No, but can optionallyYesNoUnknown
Oxygen Needed to Breathe?YesYesNoNo
Withstand Harsh Environments?Enhanced resilienceNoYesYes
Portal Opening PowersYesNoSome GemsYes

So while Lars has gained some Gem-like upgrades, he hasn‘t attained their full immortality and environmental resilience.

Tracing Key Events in Lars‘ Transformation

For gamers and lore junkies, here‘s a quick timeline of how Lars became his revived pink self:

  • In Season 1, Lars is an ordinary human working at the Big Donut
  • In Season 5, he dies on Homeworld but Steven resurrects him with a tearful plea
  • Lars‘ skin turns pink with a portal-opening hair and link to Lion‘s pocket dimension
  • He can now survive in space and pilot a Sun Incinerator ship back to Earth
  • Back home, he still works at the Big Donut but with his new abilities

The key takeaway? All his new powers originated from Steven‘s healing emotional outburst. They may fade without Steven nearby.

Speculation on Lars Losing His Powers Over Time

As an SU superfan, my theory is that Lars‘ pink state and stretched lifespan aren‘t permanent. If he loses touch with Steven, his gem essence may stabilize back to a normal human. Or perhaps his revival tree leaves could eventually run out down the road.

Evidence from "Lars of the Stars" shows his skin condition can fluctuate. And we still don‘t know the full toll of Homeworld‘s death and healing on his cellular structure.

Perhaps every revival shortens the lifespan of his tree? If so, Lion may have exhausted more of his own tree leaves across centuries of daring Universe missions.

The Big Q: Could Lars Be Revived Again If Killed?

The biggest mystery around Lars‘ not-quite-immortal status is whether Steven could revive him a second time if injured again.

Maybe Lion has been reset this way too across multiple deaths spanning millennia?

Based on Lars‘ anguished Homeworld revival scene, perhaps only a deeply emotional healing attempt from Steven has potential to succeed if Lars‘ lifepoints ever drop to zero again.

But for now, Lars seems confident in taking hair-raising risks as the daring captain of the Off-Colors‘ battleship. His revived durability and portal powers give him an edge absent before his Homeworld tragedy.

The Waiting Game for New Series Content

Until Steven Universe returns with new animation or comics, the fandom can only speculate on beloved Lars‘ full potential. The theories covered today may get officially confirmed or not in future franchise installments.

For now, he clearly has an stretched but not endless lifespan with hybrid human-Gem abilities unlike anything else in the Universe.

What do you think? Does revived Lars seem functionally immortal, or is his longevity still capped compared to pure Gems? Let me know in the comments!

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