Cheap non-stop flights from London to Las Vegas for £377 - Britain Travel Deals - cheap flights, hotels, holiday packages

Cheap non-stop flights from London to Las Vegas for £377

  • 18.05.2024 15:20
  • Eugene
USA Las Vegas unsplash

Check out these cheap non-stop Norse Atlantic Airways flights from London to Las Vegas! Tickets are on offer now at a bargain price from £377 for a round trip!

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Set in the heart of the Mojave Desert, Las Vegas is a vibrant oasis of excitement, luxury, and endless entertainment. Known as the Entertainment Capital of the World, this iconic city dazzles visitors with its dazzling lights, world-class resorts, and non-stop entertainment options. From the iconic Las Vegas Strip to the breathtaking natural wonders of the surrounding desert, Las Vegas offers something for every traveler to enjoy.
The Las Vegas Strip is the beating heart of the city, a neon-lit stretch of road lined with extravagant resorts, iconic landmarks, and dazzling attractions. Take a stroll down the iconic boulevard and marvel at the architectural wonders that line its bustling sidewalks, from the towering replica of the Eiffel Tower at the Paris Las Vegas to the majestic fountains of the Bellagio.
Beyond the glitz and glamour of the Strip, Las Vegas is surrounded by stunning natural landscapes just waiting to be explored. Take a day trip to Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, where towering red sandstone cliffs, scenic hiking trails, and panoramic vistas offer a breathtaking escape from the city.
For a truly unforgettable experience, venture out into the desert on a guided tour to explore iconic landmarks such as the Hoover Dam, the Grand Canyon, or the Valley of Fire State Park. Discover the beauty of the desert at sunrise or sunset, when the sky comes alive with a symphony of colors that will take your breath away.

Travel dates:
September 2024 – March 2025

Example dates:
12-26, 15-24, 19-24 Sep, 26 Sep – 1 Oct, 1-8, 1-15, 6-15, 15-22, 15-29, 22-31 Oct, 3-7, 3-12, 7-21, 24-28 Nov, 3-10 Dec, 12-16 Jan, 9-18, 11-18, 20-27 Feb, 13-18, 20-25 Mar

London Gatwick – Las Vegas – London Gatwick

Baggage allowance:
Check out airline policy for baggage allowance

Please note: All the information on this page is correct at the time of publication. If you are checking out the deal at a later date, the price and the availability may no longer be as advertised. Prices are subject to change. To ensure you never miss our deal again, sign up for DEAL ALERTS: download our App on Google Play or App Store. You can also opt for email notifications >>

Hotel £63/double

In Las Vegas we encourage you to stay at the well-rated 3*Hotel Jefe at Ojos Locos

Hotel Jefe at Ojos Locos

This is an example booking for one night. You can easily adjust the duration and the number of travellers.

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The prices in the article are available at the time of publication and may be subject to variation. To ensure you don't miss the opportunity access the offer through our partner as soon as possible!

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