Singer Koo Jun-yeop's wife and Taiwanese actor Seo Hee-won (Xu Siyuan) has escaped drug rumors.Seo H.. - MK
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Park Rosa
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2024-05-17 18:04:37
Koo Jun-yeop and Seo Hee-won. Photographs|Vogue Taiwan
Koo Jun-yeop and Seo Hee-won. Photographs|Vogue Taiwan

Singer Koo Jun-yeop's wife and Taiwanese actor Seo Hee-won (Xu Siyuan) has escaped drug rumors.

Seo Hee-won said on his Instagram on the 17th, "I thank the prosecution for returning us to innocence," adding, "It turned out that there was no illegal drug administration."

Seo Hee-won also published an article on ET Today, a local media outlet. The media said, "In 2023, six celebrities, including Seo Hee-won and (brother) Seo Hee-je, were accused of drugs. Taiwan's local prosecutor's office investigated their hair and urine, and as a result, no drug ingredients were detected, so it was terminated.

Seo Hee-won was embroiled in drug rumors in 2022. This is because her ex-husband, Chinese businessman Wang So-bi, claimed that Seo Hee-won took drugs during her marriage.

In response, Seo Hee-won said, "I'm not interested in drugs. Taiwan does not allow any drugs, he said, adding, "We are consistently complying with the law."

Seo Hee-won married Wang So-bi in 2011 and had one son and one daughter, but divorced in 2021. After that, he dramatically reunited with Koo Joon-yeop, a former clone who was in a relationship 20 years ago, and remarried in March 2022.

However, Seo Hee-won's ex-husband Wang So-bi spread rumors that Seo had an affair with Koo Joon-yeop even before his divorce, and even criticized him, claiming drug administration, and Seo Hee-won refutes one by one.

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