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Twin birth story

My precious babies made their arrival March 17th at 3:40pm and 3:55pm weighing in at 5lbs13ounces and 6lbs5ounces! ❤️

On Friday March 15th we went into my normal OB appointment that quickly turned into me having to be admitted to L&D because I had a pretty high blood pressure reading and they were worried about me finally succumbing to pre-eclampsia.
They tested me, and sure enough, I was at the very, very early stages of pre-eclampsia.
They first wanted me to start getting induced to deliver on March 16th so we did start the process late March 15th (with tape overnight) and started pitocin at around 6am on March 16th but then by 8am stopped the process. The doctor on call that day decided it would be best to wait until I was considered term (37 weeks) and not preterm(36wks+6days).
We started the process back up at night of March 16th and then they broke my water March 17th morning as well as increased my dose of pitocin ever so often.  The first 5 cm of dilation were pretty slow. I got the epidural after an hour of knowing I was at least a 5cm. Took the first 2 days to get to that.  5cm-9.5cm, though, took about 2.5 hours, and then that last half cm took about 20 minutes.
Labor wasn't too crazy for me even before the epidural. I'm truly blessed with everything that went on besides the early stage of pre-e. I had a really easy birth. I barely felt the pressure they say you could feel even with an epidural. Everybody was amazed that I wasn't feeling a whole lot of anything. My doctor who delivered the babies was like what was in your epidural and who put it in for you cause he must have done some miracles with your epidural lol. Not exactly that, but pretty much that.
After the nurse checked to see that I was 10cm dilated, everything went really fast and was rushed to the OR because they always deliver twins there. I was able to have a vaginal birth with no tears. Babies were born 15 minutes apart, and that's about sums it up. The time from when they broke my water to when the babies were born was 6 hours and 49 minutes.

Adding pictures of them first pic is on their birthday and the rest are very recent

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Congrats what a smooth birth. They are beautiful! I love seeing the twin birth stories. I have 5 year old twin girls, and twin relationships are just so special.��

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My husband is an identical twin and I was a fraternal twin (my twin passed away 2 days after birth) so we understand how special twin relationships are ❤️ We had 2 girls also! I feel so lucky

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