REV+ : DW : May 11, 2024 8:15am-8:31am CEST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive Skip to main content

tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  May 11, 2024 8:15am-8:31am CEST

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and that's the latest on the w news. this our up next we have read for you looking at how increased competition in china is affecting the electric vehicle business in europe. a, mary, anna evans team from me and the entire news team in berlin. thanks for the company . the we are all set. we are watching to see all the to bring you the story behind the new, the will on about. com biased information for free might say, do to me in a room or, or actually true money was in trying not be the that the tv is going to die because
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the traditional german legacy brands like missy this on coal, cannot compete with the up and coming chinese e v makers. so they are not on the verge of throwing the tone. i'm due again from the, the rest. and i'm going to show you, is that the case or not? are you all as long as you people are coming through frontier told, could you point him venture so you will come from the engine. but so what should we intend to walk you to choose onto should go up. we saw that she took to grand junction to have a way to call when you talk to this left me who had already a jump on the button fagen and purchased 2 electric vehicles is sent to the buffalo . what's going on? what's happened to you that the vision is clear,
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a purely electric portfolio portfolio, and yes, we firmly believe that the electric mobility is going to support the sustainable and so you are missing the future to disco was no longer costs have to have massive investments in the electric vehicle sector, german automakers, including miss status bmw and folks back and over the past decade. oh, gone to based when i heard that vast and ultimate curse represented by misstate as well going to give up on the electric vehicles. i quickly check out the more serious germ of financial media, such as the reports in honda's block, which said these what and vicious goals, according to the internal plans, mister spins am to achieve more than 20 percent of itself is fully electric cars in
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2023, however, distilled, got based company, only managed to achieve electric share of 12 percent of the approximately $12000000.00 costs delivered last year. given this pace it, since i'm realistic for the traditional german ultimate garment status, to achieve its goal of fully electric sales by 2030. and so after our run the of criticism from the supervisory board, the head of my status, ola colleen hughes has put an end to it. he's a comprehensive electric strategy. essentially how the thing to target for the end of this decade, the south racial of my status hybrids and electric vehicles. quite at most retail level of 50 percent. but from this news come read concludes that may say this and even german automakers as a whole. a balance of the box, electric vehicles, and stop competing these chinese manufacturers. even now they haven't given up at
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all saying they've given up is completely nonsensical. there's no such thing, prof into it's a leading technical consultant in the european automotive industry. and has also witnessed the growth of trying those electric vehicle industry. i think at the moment there is a very high attention to any new step according to the electrical year cuz they have the option of electric vehicles in gold market. the see, the moment the, the situation, we have plenty of prices around about political, economic plan, so on. right. and people are really somehow in fear of change in some respects as those voices from china and europe mentioned. the uncertainty about the future of electric vehicles. may steam from the fact that we currently live in the certain words. because so many of our previous understandings has been negated by new circumstances. we have started to become accustomed to engaging every scene.
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but when it comes to the future of all more ability, a highly important topic, what do the experts in europe sick? and while the electric will be that we use to choose us for the industry. so there is no doubt about every major role. we have many, many un trends the, the set dep, it so elected to community as the, as the main trends of demand for more options for the future to come full. so assess slice don't target x result cracks, money, thoughts on the end of the dream. i'm not entirely results foundation. they have also got their opponents in germany. so the is the future to my unfortunately, our politicians have lost interest in the future. this is professor of 49 students who have, who used to be known as the godfather of the automotive industry in germany. as an
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academic, he pays close attention to and is optimistic about the development of china's electric vehicle industry and is often a v i p as paul facial chinese event. however, he is not optimistic about the future of electric vehicles in the european american markets. the reason stands from politics up on the political side, there have been significant changes and these changes are slowing down the electric car. the main reason why electric cars are now weakening in germany in the u, who is the lack of support from the political spirit. firstly, in terms of buyers premiums, and secondly, due to the general political attitude that internal combustion engines still have a future to the point of view, i need to talk. so this is the view of professional didn't have a, as an academic of server. what have germany is major, traditional automakers has recently set about the future of electric vehicles. this is all kind of in use. the treatment of miss status. as we mentioned before,
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the phased criticism from the supervisory board, because it's a business plan for a fully electric line up by 2013, wasn't the chief of all. now here's chan she's narratives pushing back the deadline for completing this transition by another 9 years to 2039. so we want to achieve a net carbon neutral position by the end of the next decade. the body in order not to wait for that to happen in 1516 years. we have also set ourselves at the interim target by the end of this decade, pen achieve up to 50 percent of the journey by 2030. the net 0 carbon targets mentioned by mistake, this is actually more vicious from the previous go. i'll achieving a fully electric sales line up by 2013. this net 0 go means that the entire
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product life cycle of audio vehicles, including batteries, roll material, production, assembling, delivery, customer usage, and recycling with a chief carbon neutrality and the environmental impact of electric vehicles. so out your entire life cycle is also a focal point. for many critics in the long term, factory electric vehicles will be the predominant tap of trying to think of the market share by 2027 know will be at a tipping point. so fucked it up for electric vehicles flipping something that i see. this was the boat to expiration made by the c o a fox, but you can in 2023. furthermore, looking across other german automakers, including bmw and audi, achieving carbon neutrality is essentially a medium to long term goal for our often is only the timelines for achieving those
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goals. very seeing that german automakers are planning to execute the electric vehicle. race is therefore completely at outs. vista effects you need to how many was in your questioning the future of electric vehicles? for example, european countries including germany on friends, significantly reduced subsidies for electric vehicle buyer's, not long ago, before the constellation of purchase subsidies by an electric vehicle in germany could have that's you, a government subsidy of around 45026000 euros. imagine if you had both a mid to high spec electric me, just a subsidy alone would have amounted for roughly 10 to 15 percent of the purchase price. for popular moses like the many,
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this level of discount was essentially the maximum a manufacturer could offer. if you had bought a cheaper entry level, electric car price between 20030000 euros, the government subsidy. would that cost the $2.00 adults and even the other person's off the cost? but now this money is gone. i guess it would have flies and now the price difference assessed significance. and this is the most important argument. customers are withdrawing and reverting to combustion engines. so it's the big price difference between combustion engines and electric cars. to my way of comparison, china is no, a power dies for e v buyers. you can get this for running about 27000 euro. this 432000 euros, and this for less than 17000 bureaus of costs cannot be considerations. undoubtedly the primary concern for most users. besides the
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purchase price, however, the continuously racing electricity prices across europe. also a reason why many consumers hesitant to embrace eaves furthermore, the 1st wave of trial and error of pioneers. oh, the so called early adopters have already terminated. first time, positive and negative experiences. so years ago as someone who acquired an electric car i belonged to to those early adopters. the experience of driving electric vehicle in europe these days isn't necessarily bad, but it's enough to fast track you into a midlife crisis. the experience is marked by o paid public charging stations and excited pretense electricity prices. the low compatibility of charging costs the incomplete or inc are create information about charging stages and various frustrating charging experiences. add to the audio,
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coupled with range anxiety in her and to electric cars. all that reinforces my belief that the future of electric mobility cannot remain as it is now. i also understand better why many argue that the electric cars we see on the roads today. i'm really transitional products of costs, the dissenting voices as well. ninety's of my i don't agree because if you look at vehicles from the latest generations, for example, what our series is doing with his s and e class models, they have great range and one can manage quite well with them. which device? well, not really a high over kind of forward, i me say this s o e of costs. we kind of hope that's a common curse. well, gradually democratize the battery of technology used today in top models to more affordable models that the masses cannot accept. regardless of the future of
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electric mobility will still depend on new technological advancements. the most important thing, what we see here in better ways this is that they come all the cheap that starts right away and we will have plenty of improvements over the next 2 years in terms of price performance, dependability as well. so this makes me confident that elected to probably the 10 foot feet of its promises to provide sustainable affordable mobility for society. again, different hours and we expect that battery technology will make significant liens forward in the next 5 years. unfortunately, it's not one of the link that we're talking about, solid state batteries, some of the state, but only i've also noticed that in germany, whether people are pessimistic or optimistic, i bought the car and states of electric vehicles. yes. do you believe that the future direction of outside will mess up? is electric. kind of those traditional german comm acres, which ones bone,
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beak risk conversion or internal combustion engine technology and has been criticized for moving to slowly on 2 legs towards electrification. continue improving the f a clear vision of the future and they are embrace in the future as that is electric, or at least hybrids electric for the existing portfolio. so i wouldn't worry too much if you're not able to to, to mask the car. godfather of germany believes that the future of electric mobility lies and trying to see where optimistic that to break through will happen in china . no question. and we think it will also spread to europe and the us. but the question always is, what will the politicians do? the politicians can back the car, die or let it live. and you can predict know what politicians will do, where you got this message. you never less as to be, have heard from me say this folks log in and others eaves off from best. not even
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fading away. major comm acres in germany, just adjusting the pace towards full electrification. what do you think? leave us a comment below the from gas guzzling pick ups to solving traffic by rerouting cars embargo to now on raf or the thing most ca biased can probably agree on if you want to get the maximum amount of
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car for your money and the call that has always been good at this is the scope so.