After reviewing extensive community feedback, the majority seat signers of the Polkadot Community Events Bounty aim to grow it, and continue adding value. We will submit an alternative to Ref #775 for a community-centric top-up for Bounty #17.

To align with our Polkadot community-centric vision, we’ll replace ⅘ curators, while retaining Mark Ryan to continue with leadership and training for new curators, and we will be opening applications to the community starting today.

We’ll also create a working document for open community feedback on the new proposal and curator set before presenting it to Polkadot OpenGov.

We imagine this proposal to incorporate new curators, receive feedback from and with the community, and request a reasonable allocation of DOT for Bounty #17 to ensure alignment of Community Events, all while creating the best #Polkadot Community Events Bounty possible!

We want Bounty #17 to reflect community input and grow with the ecosystem. We denounce Ref #775 that has excluded global community involvement. Polkadot needs open, transparent discussions on managing a global Community Events Bounty. We value a variety of voices from all over the world - as we’ve seen the community asking for - and we feel this must be considered.

We believe Bounty #17 should adapt to the community and Polkadot’s decentralized vision, not a “lean startup” model.

We would like to amplify the Decentralized Futures business and marketing initiatives, also including influential members of the community, and other key stakeholders who contribute to the Polkadot ecosystem.

We are excited to include Polkadot events organizers as auxiliary Advisors and in an important feedback-capacity role. However, our experience with demonstrated conflicts-of-interest have clearly shown us that including teams who also organize and throw events cannot be direct on-chain actors holding the keys to the funding of events. An events production company should not be the judge, jury, and executioner of Community Events Bounty funds.

We aim to use the full functionality of the Bounty #17, including sub-curators in an executor role, which will also be drawn from community applications in the next steps of this process.

The form for applications for Curator and Advisor roles is posted below. We look forward to receiving your application if you are excited about Polkadot events and determined to shape the future of the Polkadot Bounties landscape.

Application Form

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Application for Event Curator in the African Region

Dear Polkadot Community,

My name is Nicholas Joshua(Sirjey), and I am thrilled to apply for the position of Event Curator for the African region. As an active Polkadot ambassador and a curator with the meet-up bounty in the African community, I have a profound appreciation for the transformative potential of Polkadot in our region and beyond.

Qualifications and Experience

Active Polkadot Ambassador: I have been actively involved in the Polkadot ecosystem, promoting its vision and values across the African continent. My efforts have focused on education, community engagement, and fostering a deeper understanding of Polkadot’s capabilities. I have been actively fighting scams in the ecosystem being a member of the Anti-Scam Team. I have had speaking opportunities within the ecosystem also, especially in the African community

Pioneering Events in Northern Nigeria: I had the privilege of hosting the first-ever Polkadot event in Northern Nigeria. This event was a landmark achievement, bringing together enthusiasts, developers, and stakeholders to discuss and explore the innovative solutions Polkadot offers. The success of this event highlighted the growing interest and potential for blockchain technology in Africa.

See more pictures here

Extensive Event Management Experience: With a background in event management, I have organized and curated numerous successful events, ranging from small meetups to large conferences. My experience ensures that I can handle the logistical, promotional, and operational aspects of event curation effectively.

Political Philosophy

My political philosophy is rooted in the principles of inclusivity, innovation, and decentralization. I believe that: The future contains a vast variety of possibilities that the minds to anchor these must hold cryptic capacity for fresh contribution in the above regard.

Inclusivity: Blockchain technology should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or location. I aim to bridge the knowledge gap and foster a diverse, inclusive community by curating events across Africa.

Innovation: The African continent is ripe for technological innovation. By promoting Polkadot and its ecosystem, we can drive significant advancements in this region.

Decentralization: Decentralization is at the heart of blockchain technology. I am committed to promoting decentralized solutions that empower individuals and communities, reducing reliance on centralized systems, and promoting transparency.

Vision for the Future

As an Event Curator, my vision is to:

Expand Reach: Curate events in underrepresented regions across Africa, ensuring that more people have the opportunity to learn about and engage with Polkadot.

Proper fund management: To help the ecosystem manage funds for maximum impact in the event track and work to fast-track event

Detail review of events: To give in time for proper and detailed review on each proposal as assigned by the team

Collaborate with Local Communities: Work closely with local communities to tailor events that address their unique needs and challenges.

Foster Talent: Identify and nurture local talent, providing them with the resources and support needed to contribute to the Polkadot ecosystem through the event bounty.

I am passionate about Polkadot’s mission and excited about the possibility of contributing further as an Event Curator. I believe that my experience, dedication, and vision align perfectly with the goals of this role. Together, we can make this happen.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to serve and collaborate with the vibrant Polkadot community and other curators. I will accept the outcome of this application either way.

Best regards,



I wholeheartedly support Sirjey’s application
For the event bounty.

You’re been an active contributor to the ecosystem. Inspiring and nurturing growth, supporting new comers through discussions and meetup, most not even documented.

I’ve had the privilege of working with you in some projects and events and I’ve witnessed your commitment, you’re a person of excellence, always giving your 110%

You’re hardworking and dedicated, and you will be an invaluable asset to the event bounty.


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