History for Podcast/AreYouAfraidOfTheDarkUniverse - TV Tropes

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History Podcast / AreYouAfraidOfTheDarkUniverse

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* NeverTrustATrailer: [[invoked]] At the halfway point of the ''Invisible Man'' pitch, Dalton makes it clear that the "marketing" for the movie will cover ''only'' what was discussed so far, Jack becoming invisible and being forced to take part in heists, and paint the film as ''strictly'' comedy. This is so they can properly disguise the fact that [[spoiler:the ''back half'' of the movie leans into the horror comedy realm, with the introduction of Dracula's forces, [[TheBusCameBack and the return of Nick Morton]]]].
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** Conversely, ''Love Never Dies'' has [[spoiler:the death of '''Carol''']]... and ''that'' sticks. Not only that, but the (non-Dracula) post-credits scene sees [[spoiler:Jenny, [[RageBreakingPointing wanting revenge for the death of her wife,]] hunting down [[TheBusCameBack Adelaide Van Helsing]] to enlist her help in hunting down Carmilla]].


** Conversely, ''Love Never Dies'' has [[spoiler:the death of '''Carol''']]... and ''that'' sticks. Not only that, but the (non-Dracula) post-credits scene sees [[spoiler:Jenny, [[RageBreakingPointing [[RageBreakingPoint wanting revenge for the death of her wife,]] hunting down [[TheBusCameBack Adelaide Van Helsing]] to enlist her help in hunting down Carmilla]].
