福建省泉州市2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(有答案与听力原文 无音频_21世纪教育网-二一教育

福建省泉州市2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(有答案与听力原文 无音频

  1. 二一教育资源

福建省泉州市2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(有答案与听力原文 无音频


英 语
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. What is Lisa doing
A. Celebrating a birthday. B. Making a shopping list. C. Giving suggestions.
2. When did Mr. Morgan have a check-up last time
A. Six years ago. B. Five years ago. C. Last year.
3. What does the man ask Helen to do
A. Give a history lecture. B. Take care of his brother. C. Lend him her notes.
4. What will Marina probably drink
A. Coffee. B. Orange juice. C. Water.
5. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. At home. B. In a car. C. At a gas station.
6. What are the speakers doing
A. Discussing an accident. B. Looking at some pictures. C. Reading some news.
7. How does the woman feel in the end
A. Helpless. B. Annoyed. C. Moved.
8. What is the relationship between the man and woman
A. Husband and wife. B. Mother and son. C. Neighbors.
9. Who will look after the dog
A. Alfred. B. Maggie. C. Toby.
10. When will the man be back home
A. Next Thursday morning.
B. Next Wednesday morning.
C. Next Friday morning.
11. Why does the woman move here
A. She has got a new job.
B. She hates her old community.
C. She wants to live in the city centre.
12. What does the woman think of the restaurant
A. It is acceptable. B. It is excellent. C. It is terrible.
13. What is the woman satisfied with in her new place
A. The cinema. B. The parking lot. C. The sports centre.
14. Who is the man
A. A teacher. B. A student. C. A writer.
15. What day is it today
A. Tuesday. B. Friday. C. Sunday.
16. What does the man want to know from the woman
A. Chinese table manners. B. Western table manners. C. Chinese daily life.
17. What will the man and the woman do next
A. Have breakfast. B. Wash the dishes. C. Study chopsticks.
18. Where is the speaker from
A. America. B. China. C. Britain.
19. What did the speaker like to do on Thanksgiving Day night
A. Prepare the food. B. Watch the football game. C. Do some shopping.
20. What does the speaker mainly talk about
A. His professor. B. A festival. C. American football.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Discover Xiamen’s Four Must-Visit Attractions
Join us on a fascinating trip through Xiamen’s beauty and culture as we visit four famous places like Gulangyu Island and Nanputuo Temple, each showcasing the city’s rich history and scenic charm.
Gulangyu Island: A Romantic Escape
Discover the charming beauty of Gulangyu Island. The island is famous for its unique buildings and romantic atmosphere. Take a leisurely(悠闲的)walk along the narrow streets, feel the refreshing ocean breeze, and immerse yourself in the island’s rich culture.
Hulishan Fortress: Historic Sentinel by the Sea
Hulishan Fortress is a historic marvel in Xiamen. It offers a glimpse into the city’s military past. The fortress has impressive architecture(建筑风格)and a strategic location by the sea. This makes it an attractive site for visitors to explore. It has a rich history and cultural significance. Both locals and tourists cherish it for its unique charm and heritage.
Island Ring Road: Scenic Coastal Drive
Experience the coastal beauty of Xiamen on the Island Ring Road. Whether on foot, bicycle, or by car, enjoy breathtaking views of the sea and cityscape. Discover parks, sculptures, and beautiful gardens along this picturesque route.
Jimei School Village: Fusion of Tradition and Innovation
Explore Jimei School Village and witness the integration of traditional Chinese and modern architectural styles. This combination of tradition and innovation provides a glimpse into the development of education and culture in this unique village setting.
Each destination promises a unique experience, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
21. Which place is known for its romantic atmosphere and unique buildings
A. Hulishan Fortress. B. Island Ring Road.
C. Gulangyu Island. D. Jimei School Village.
22. What makes Hulishan Fortress special to visitors
A. Its military history and location by the sea.
B. Its traditional and modern architecture.
C. Its romantic atmosphere.
D. Its education and culture.
23. What architecture can visitors expect to see in Jimei School Village
A. European-inspired architecture.
B. Only modern architectural styles.
C. Only traditional Chinese architecture.
D. A mixture of traditional and modern architecture.
When Jane Goodall was young, reading and exploring nature were her ideas of fun. Her mother encouraged her to learn and ask questions. Goodall dreamed of seeing the habitats of her favorite animals on her own.
In 1957, Goodall visited a farm in Kenya, Africa. There, she met a famous paleoanthropologist(古人类学家), Louis Leakey. He was looking for someone to study chimpanzees, which could tell us about early human history. Once he got to know Goodall, he knew she was the perfect person for the job.
Goodall arrived in Tanzania, East Africa, in 1960, and journeyed to the Gombe Stream Game Reserve. She learned early on that studying chimpanzees wouldn’t be easy. To observe them up close, she had to take months to gain their trust. To her, the chimpanzees were complex creatures with lives surprisingly similar to humans’. She rejected the practice of identifying chimpanzees by numbers and gave each of them a human name. Goodall was observing chimpanzees she’d named David Greybeard and Goliath. She watched as they made tools out the roots of grass to pick termites(白蚁)out of a nest. Until then, people thought humans were the only species that used tools. Because of Goodall’s discovery, chimpanzees are now accepted as intelligent and social animals.
Goodall established the Jane Goodall Institute in 1977 to provide conservation and environmental education. In the late 1980s, her focus changed to something much larger. Deforestation(滥伐森林)and climate change were affecting the world’s natural habitats. The plants that the chimpanzees depended on for food were in danger. The fight she began against habitat loss continues today, through animal preserves and research sites.
Throughout her life, Goodall’s work has protected the lives of people and animals around the world. And she encourages young people to join this struggle for a better world. Goodall says that the world will be a better place if people do some help.
24. Why did Louis Leakey pick Jane Goodall to study chimpanzees
A. Jane Goodall’s mother inspired him to do that.
B. Louis Leakey wanted to know animals’ history.
C. Jane Goodall was just the right one for the work.
D. Jane Goodall had fun in exploring the unknown.
25. What significant discovery did Jane Goodall make
A. Chimpanzees could use simple tools.
B. Chimpanzees could follow humans’ commands.
C. Chimpanzees had the ability to swim and fish for food.
D. Chimpanzees lived in large societies similar to humans.
26. What made Jane Goodall change her focus according to paragraph 4
A. The reasons for chimpanzees’ using tools.
B. The Jane Goodall Institute’s establishment.
C. The change of her main interest.
D. Fewer habitats and unfriendly climate change.
27. What is the text mainly about
A. Jane Goodall’s early career.
B. Jane Goodall’s research techniques.
C. Jane Goodall’s focus on chimpanzees’ tool use.
D. Jane Goodall’s discoveries and conservation work.
If a traditional sport bores you, it’s time to try something new! Cycling, but outdoors on city roads; surfing, but on the land; playing frisbee(飞盘), but with a group of people... New sports have been refreshing our minds, bringing more joy to physical exercise.
National fitness has been part of the national strategy for many years, aiming to improve people’s overall physical health. With great attention paid in support of national fitness, new sports begin to develop. According to a study by Houlang Research Institute which attracted more than 1,200 young people to participate, more than 93 percent of people born after 2000 are interested in urban(城市的)sports.
Why do young people favor new sports Houlang’s report claims that apart from keeping fit as a type of exercise, many young people pick them up to socialize—allowing them to build up their social circles. “Players tend to have online group chats announcing their usual activities and simply sharing their lives. The new sports are also suitable for taking photos and are less limited by venues(场地),” the CEO of a tourism website in China told China News Service. Gathered together through social media, people can enjoy new sports at many places in the city, from parks to spacious sidewalks.
Qianjiang Evening News also comments that the new sports are easier for new players to start, unlike other traditional sports, such as soccer and basketball, which usually require strict and complex rules. Thus, the new sports are less competitive but could bring more fun. According to a website, people may opt for sports that are less challenging and can take place at local venues.
Urban sports have unlocked new lifestyles in China and prove that more people are exposed to and willing to enjoy sports, according to China News Service.
28. Why do the young prefer urban sports
A. To compete better. B. To help socialize.
C. To have online chats. D. To desert traditional sports.
29. What can we learn about urban sports
A. They are easy to have access to.
B. They are only suitable for the young.
C. They are more competitive than traditional sports.
D. They need more strict rules.
30. What does the underlined phrase “opt for” in paragraph 4 mean
A. Spot. B. Decide. C. Choose. D. Support.
31. What may be the best title for the text
A. The entertainment activities in modern cities
B. The rise of urban sports in China
C. The development of urban sports
D. A promising exercise for the young
Scientists say there has been a major drop in the population of leatherback sea turtles(乌龟)off the U. S. West Coast.
One recent study found a 5.6 percent yearly decrease in the population. Leatherbacks are massive sea turtles dating back to the time of the dinosaurs. The animals can grow up to 1.5 meters in length and weigh as much as 680 kilograms.
The leatherback sea turtles found along the U. S. Pacific Coast are actually born thousands of kilometers away, on beaches in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands. The animals migrate(迁徙)11,000 kilometers across the Pacific Ocean to mainly feed on jellyfish in waters off the U. S. West Coast. Then, they swim back.
Scott Benson is an ecologist with the U. S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA)Fisheries. “There are birds that go farther, but they fly. There’s a whale shark that might swim a little further, but it doesn’t have to come up for air,” he said.
Scientists say that if nothing changes, the leatherbacks could completely disappear from the U. S. West Coast within 30 years. The population drops are mainly blamed on international fishing activities, the destruction(破坏)of nesting grounds and climate change.
The animals can be killed when they get trapped in fishing equipment. Scientists say the population is also harmed because a lot of turtle eggs are removed from beaches.
Researchers say that while all the world’s leatherbacks are under pressure, the group that migrates for months across the Pacific faces the greatest threats.
NOAA launched an aggressive plan to save leatherbacks in 2015 and is set to release a new action plan this month. The plan is meant to persuade governments and international organizations to join efforts to save the turtles.
32. Which word best describes the present situation of the leatherbacks
A. Promising. B. Worrying. C. Complex. D. Unstable.
33. What do the leatherbacks mainly survive on
A. Sea weed. B. Other turtles’ eggs.
C. Little sharks. D. Jellyfish.
34. Which period is the most dangerous for leatherbacks
A. The period of migration. B. The period of fishing activities.
C. The period of being on a beach. D. The period of laying eggs.
35. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear
A. Entertainment. B. Health. C. Nature. D. Education.
Art is a way of using the human imagination to show expressive ideas or feelings. Now meet four types of the art to know it better.
A colorful expression from brushes
Artists use brushes and paints to create drawings on a big surface. And they can tell stories and make people feel different emotions. It is easy to find some well-known paintings in museums. 36 .
An important moment frozen in time
This is the art of taking photos or filming something with a camera. Photographers will capture(捕获)moments and create wonderful photos. And the photos are about some key moments to help people see the world from different views. 37 .
Performance art is a special art form. 39 . It can challenge the audiences’ ideas about what art is, make them think about the important things in life, and create a sense of community for them. The theaters are usually a good place to enjoy a great show.
A click of a mouse showing a world of beauty
Digital art is like painting and drawing, but using a computer or a software instead of a canvas or a paper. 40 . It’s a new and creative way that allows artists to explore new possibilities.
A. A sound and visual art live on the stage
B. A dance performance with classical music
C. They are usually found in newspapers, magazines and on social media
D. Digital art can be used for everything like movies and website design
E. Artists use their bodies and voices to encourage people’s deep thinking in it
F. Ludwig van Beethoven also became one of the most recorded musicians in history
G. For example, Mona Lisa’s mysterious smile has become a famous image in the world
第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分45分)
It was dinnertime at Grandma and Grandpa’s farm. It was a feast(盛宴)but without 41 occasion. We had chicken, potatoes, green salad, corn and fruit salad. We sat at the table. Grandma 42 the food to Grandpa and their girls. Grandpa said, “Looks delicious. I’m as 43 as a bear.”
As soon as Grandpa picked up his 44 , they heard a car drive up. Grandma opened the door, and in came Aunt Maud. “Come in! You’re just in time,” Grandpa said. Then in came Aunt Dessie, Aunt Clara, friends, and their families. Grandma was a little 45 , “I never expected so many guests to come, but I can 46 it.”
Grandpa sat in the doorway. There was little 47 in the kitchen behind his chair. So he got up and pulled his chair in so people could 48 . But when he sat down again a strange thing happened: His plate had 49 before his eyes! He put his fork down, thinking to himself, “Well, there seems no 50 for my plate anymore.”
Grandma tried to serve the kids some water, but Aunt Dessie 51 her, “We’ll take care of ourselves.” Then everyone started 52 around the sink(水池)and cupboard to drink water. Kids were thirsty! There were lots of kids. Grandma had enough food for four, not twenty-four! 53 , Aunt Dessie helped Grandma make more dishes. The girls 54 to help, but Aunt Dessie said they were too 55 and had better stay at the table so that they wouldn’t do more harm than good. Grandma added some more foods to everyone’s 56 . There was lots of laughter. No one 57 they had a good time.
The visitors announced their thanks and said, “Hate to 58 and run!” They hugged and took pictures outside. Leaving was 59 . People waved all the way to the fence. Grandma was proud! They never found out who used Grandpa’s plate, but did know that he 60 the reunion and that was enough!
41. A. real B. proper C. special D. troublesome
42. A. threw B. introduced C. passed D. sent
43. A. strong B. clever C. brave D. hungry
44. A. book B. glasses C. fork D. pencil
45. A. surprised B. frightened C. amused D. puzzled
46. A. control B. manage C. design D. achieve
47. A. time B. money C. company D. room
48. A. take off B. pass through C. come up D. look out
49. A. disappeared B. flown C. grown D. changed
50. A. importance B. color C. solution D. use
51. A. encouraged B. told C. spotted D. followed
52. A. waiting B. hanging C. playing D. looking
53. A. Besides B. Thus C. Still D. However
54. A. ended B. needed C. explained D. tried
55. A. firm B. faithful C. young D. mysterious
56. A. table B. plate C. chair D. wallet
57. A. doubted B. dreamed C. said D. believed
58. A. walk B. sleep C. eat D. laugh
59. A. happy B. interesting C. hard D. nervous
60. A. expected B. enjoyed C. promised D. regretted
第二节 选词组填空(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
A. apart from B. due to C. have ... in mind D. In spite of E. Don’t hesitate toF. take charge of G. work through
61. The company’s financial losses were mainly __________ very poor management.
62. __________ his recent knee injury, Ricardo will still play in Saturday’s important match.
63. After your most beloved person passes away, it can take a long time to __________ your deep sadness.
64. __________ contact me directly if you need any more information or support.
65. His boss asked him to __________ the office for a few days while she was away.
“I wish you good health, happiness and longevity!” The allegro(快板)in the Chinese language resounded in a hall at Prince Sultan University, during a cultural event to celebrate the Chinese New Year.
66 (crowd)with enthusiastic visitors, the event held on Monday afternoon showed the rich traditions of the Chinese festival, 67 fell on February 10 this year.
Abdullah Hazmi, a student who is studying the Chinese Proficiency Test(HSK)Level 2, expressed his 68 (admire)for the experience of tasting traditional Chinese foods and learning about the art of Chinese tea. He said that his encounter with the Spring Festival’s customs inspired a 69 (deep)interest in Chinese culture than ever, 70 (lead)him to learn more about the Chinese language.
Faisal Islam, who 71 (recent)has began his Chinese learning journey, shared how brush writing sparked his interest in the beauty of Chinese 72 (character)and the charm of Chinese culture. The event also featured traditional Spring Festival scrolls(卷轴), penned by students from China’s Tsinghua University. These volunteers presented a series 73 cultural performances, including traditional Chinese dragon dances and tai chi.
Zhang Xinying, the Chinese dean of the Confucius Institute at Prince Sultan University, said, “It is not only a Spring Festival celebration, but a grand event to bring Chinese culture into the campus, fostering deeper Sino-Saudi cultural exchanges.”
The Confucius Institute has witnessed 74 growing interest in Chinese language and culture since its opening on June 4, 2023, with nearly 100 students 75 (participate)in five classes to learn junior- and medium-level Chinese language.
第四部分 读后续写(满分25分)
Jackson Merle was exhausted(筋疲力尽的). He had been knocking on door after door, looking for work, but no one would even listen to what he had to say. No one wanted to talk to him. He stood in front of the biggest house in the block. This was his last chance for the day. Every homeowner on the street had run Jackson off, without even listening to him, but maybe this one would be different Jackson rang the doorbell. Within minutes a pretty young woman opened the door.
“Good morning,”she said cheerfully,“What can I do for you ” Jackson was heartened by her sunny smile and friendly attitude. “Good morning,” he said, “I’m a handyman(杂务工), and I’m here to offer you and your family my services.” “What kind of work do you do ” she asked. Jackson answered, “I do some woodwork, painting and cabinet making. I fix small appliances and do some gardening, and my rates are very reasonable.” “Come on in,” the woman smiled, “I have a table with a wobbly(摇摆的)leg that needs fixing, and maybe you can paint my guest room ” Jackson couldn’t believe his ears. He walked into the woman’s beautiful house, toolbox in hand.
First, he fixed the table, while the woman—who introduced herself as Ruth—sat watching him work and chatting to him. Then he looked at the guest room. Ruth gave him money to buy paint so he could paint the guest room the next day. She also paid him twice what he’d asked for the table. Jackson said, “You’ve given me too much money!” Ruth told him firmly, “My daddy always told me to pay a fair price for a job well done, and that’s what I’m doing!”
Over the next few weeks, Ruth’s neighbors were surprised to see the elderly man coming in and out of her house with his toolbox in hand. Somehow Rut h always found something that had Jackson coming back.
One afternoon, Jolene, Ruth’s neighbor, decided to find out what was going on.Jolene was moved by Ruth’s kindness and thoughtfulness.福建省泉州市高一期中考
M:Hello.International Friends Club.Can I help you
W:Oh,hello.I read about your club in the paper today and I thought I'd phone to find out a
bit more.
M:Yes,certainly.Well,we are a sort of social club for people from different countries.It's
quite a new club-we have about 50 members at the moment,but we are growing all the
W:That sounds interesting.I'm British actually,and I came to Washington about three
months ago.I'm looking for ways to meet people.Er,what kinds of events do you organize
M:Well,we have social get-togethers,and sports events,and we also have language evenings.
W:Could you tell me something about the language evenings
M:Yes.Every day except Thursday we have a language evening.People can come and
practice their languages-you know,over a drink or something.We have different
languages on different evenings.Monday-Spanish;Tuesday-Italian;Wednesday-
German;and Friday-French.On Thursday we usually have a meal in a restaurant for
anyone who wants to come.
W:Well,that sounds great.I really need to practice my French.
M:OK.Well,if you can just give me your name and address,I'll send you the form and some
more information.If you join now you can have the first month free.



