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Our healthcare system sucks

Need to vent. I had a loss back in October 2023. I’m on my second pregnancy and this one will mostly end in a loss as well since my gestational sac has not grown in 3 weeks and there’s no sign of a baby or heartbeat… my issue is… why do I finally qualify for fertility now that I have 2 losses? Why can’t you get proper care or surveillance before suffering reoccurring losses??? I’m just absolutely devastated and feel like I’ve been chewed up and spit back out by our healthcare system.

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I feel your frustration. My doctor won’t even test for anything until 3 losses. I’ve already had 2 and am dreading having to go through another one before they investigate. I also think OB offices need a separate waiting room for pregnant women vs miscarrying women. It’s so hard to go to multiple ultrasounds and dr visits knowing your baby isn’t going to make it and having to sit there with excited pregnant women and their partners. It just adds to the emotional trauma!

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I couldn’t agree more. It’s so unfair and *** feeling

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couldn’t agree more. There’s such a lack of investment in female health care especially. My heart goes out to you in this terrible situation ❤️‍��

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it makes me so angry. I feel like in men we’re the ones having babies, we would have a lot more options and resources and just more studies done with more information.

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in my experience, statistics and algortythms dictate a lot. After one mc, a lot of doctors wont pursue testing and insurance may not cover it because many people have one mc and then go on to have a healthy pregnancy. They figure the odds are, things are fine and the main goal of any business is to reduce unnecessary spending.

That ends up meaning that some people, who are the statistical minotirty, will probably get the s*** end of the stick. It happens not just in womens healthcare but people get procedures and testing for things refused regularly on the basis that the algorythm deems it “not medically necessary”.

You and I are both part of the statistics and it does make it harder. Ive spent so many hours and hours of my life on the phone with insurance companies, medical billing, etc.. and shopping around for doctors and advocating for myself.

what do you mean by qualifying for fertility now and what surveillance would you have wanted?

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I’m located in south jersey. I did opt for the chromosomal testing to me done when I got my d&e today. Just going to get more answers. The new doctor I’m seeing seems more invested in helping me and conducting additional testing to find out why I’m having reoccurring losses.

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I wholeheartedly agree. I feel they super dropped the ball on this one for me. I urged my doctor about my spotting and she said it was no big deal just wait for the ultrasound. At the 8 week ultrasound, the woman tells me stop worrying the baby is healthy and has a heartbeat. That same night I get cramps and the bleeding turns red. I rush to the hospital and they tell me to relax, my cervix is closed. 2 ultrasounds later they tell me they can’t find the baby and it’s gone. I then, after all the probing, finally bleed out an alarming amount of blood and I realized it’s all true. I’m losing the baby. The lack of care and their concern was wild to me. No testing of my levels from the start of my concerns and pleas, no nothing. Just shrugged me off and seemed annoyed by my pleas until it was all too late and all I got was a “sorry”. I wish I went somewhere else.

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omg I am so so sorry for your loss. I’ve had multiple horrible experiences with a variety of different offices. You really need to test out so many doctors and advocate for yourself almost to the point of being aggressive/bitchy bc they really don’t listen. I finally found a doctor who listened to me and validated me. She’s doing my D&C today ��

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I’m so sorry… I was thinking about the D&C but ended up saying no since I was already passing most of it. I’m thinking of reconsidering. Thank you for your kind words, I see a new doctor tomorrow and I’m hoping she’s compassionate and kind. I really want some answers.

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I feel you, and as much as I want to deny it, it's a fact. I'm sorry for your loss and I hope this one will hold. Fingers cross for you.

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I feel you… so much. They told me I had to have three.. I did.. they ordered a basic panel, said I was fine and then I lost two more

I finally had to go out of state to find people who cared and showed compassion for my situation. It’s absolute trash. The lack of compassion was what really sealed it for me when I had an OB tell me the second one didn’t count because it was a chemical. Even after I was finally able to conceive my miracle child and give birth, they still didn’t believe me when I said I needed medicine and went on to have another miscarriage. They recommended IVF over giving me the medication recommended by my fertility doctors.. just ick. Thankfully the fertility office offered to manage my medication so next pregnancy I have it on hand. It’s just crazy how broken the system is.

I’m so sorry, it sucks

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it’s a sin and they should be so ashamed of themselves. I’m so sorry you had to endure that �� what medication did your fertility doctors recommend?

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after a lot of blood tests, he believed my MTHFR was the root of my recurrent loss and recommended lovenox, low dose aspirin, and methylfolate as well as a vitamin. That cocktail led to the birth of my daughter in Feb 2023.

I’m currently going through my 7th loss, but it was ectopic so the medication protocol wouldn’t have changed anything

It all sucks.. while I understand there is very very little that can be done in early miscarriage, the lack of compassion is really what ticks me off

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I’m sorry for your loses. My 8 week appointment was with a midwife when I found out I had a MMC. She said 2 loses (I had one a few years ago) is 2 loses too many and we did genetic testing and a full blood panel. Everything checks out totally fine, but at least now I know that my loses were abnormalities and not something my husband or I did “wrong” or something we carry. Perhaps go that route over an OB! I did have an OB deliver my now 3 year old but prefer midwives for all other care.

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