Sci-Fi Movies or Shows | Lenovo Gaming (US)

Sci-Fi Movies or Shows

I watch so many Sci-Fi movies and shows. It and horror/suspense are my favorite genres. In fact I watch so many, I have been reverting back to streaming some of the classics. It's funny how some of my favorites don't hold up as well but were awe-inspiring as a kid. I decided to get Buck Rodgers in the 25th Century on Prime and it is so cheesy now. I was such a fan in the 80's and enjoyed watching it out of nostalgia but couldn't help but chuckle. The old Star Trek episodes, in comparison, still hold up well with excellent acting and dialogue. I wanted to share some of my favorites from classics to modern titles. As far as classics go, Battlestar Galactica, Planet of the Apes, Star Trek, Star Wars, original Dune, original Tron, Aliens, The Last Starfighter, Back to the Future, The Abyss, Brazil, E.T., Terminator, Akira, Doctor Who, Twighlight Zone and Blade Runner are some of most revered oldies. The more recent Sci-Fi titles I really liked are The Expanse, Westworld, Lost in Space, Watchmen, Dark matter, Altered Carbon, Stranger Things, Black Mirror, Ex Machina, Inception, Ready Player One, Super 8, and Interstellar. Some of the classics obviously still have sequels, remakes or new seasons that are really good so there is some overlap. I am curious what Sci-Fi movies/shows you revere both classic and modern. Are there any oldie Sci-Fi show or movies that you thought were top notch back in the day but are cheesy or cringe after watching them decades later? The Sci-Fi genre is so extensive so I apologize for my long lists. I definitely left out other greats but just put out the greats that came to mind first. I didn't include super hero/villain shows but you can include them since they truly are sci-fi in my opinion. If I got into comic/ super hero I could probably fill this whole page . Lol. Looking forward to your list of favorites. I am hoping I see a title I haven't watched so I can check it out.

  • I watched a little of Buck Rodgers recently, I enjoyed it. I think shows today are more cheesy.

    I mainly watch cartoons and shows that I ignored as a kid and I was wrong to do so. Some of the sci-fi shows that surprised me: Babylon 5, Reboot, Defenders of the Earth, G.I. Joe, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Underground, Ultraforce, Earth: Final Conflict

    My most favorite sci-fi show is Aeon Flux the cartoon.

  • I have watched Train to Busan a few times lately. Pretty good. In Korean, so subtitles. I'd say worth it. Heard they are remaking an American version. Kind of a bummer. Don't think I will bother after Oldboy.

    Have you seen Arrival or Annihilation? I think I heard Arrival is a remake of the Charlie Sheen movie?  I don't know it that well, but I don't see the resemblance.