Guillaume Canet victim of a horse riding accident: his right side damaged, images revealed

By Samya Yakoubaly | Editor

A movie buff, she loves watching trailers and historical moments on television. The next James Bond or Barack Obama’s inauguration speech gives him the same chills.

Guillaume Canet has never hidden his love for horse riding. However, this discipline did not only bring him gifts, since he was the victim of a serious horse riding accident. For the INA, the actor and director returns to this violent episode.

Guillaume Canet victim of a horse riding accident: his right side damaged, images revealed

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Accomplished actor and director who we have just seen at the cinema in Out of season, Guillaume Canet also has another passion than cinema: horse riding. A promising rider, he however stopped practicing this discipline after a fall. A subject he has already spoken about but the INA, National Audiovisual Institute, revealed images of this impressive accident to the artist, during an interview with him.

The year is 1990 and Guillaume Canet is 17 years old. While riding during an obstacle course, he falls and is injured. For dna, the INA program which confronts personalities with archive images, the filmmaker and actor looks back on this very painful event which took place in Mesquer, not far from La Baule where he was in competition after having been second in an event. A distant period of his life during which he also dated another actress, unknown like him at the time, Marina Hands.

It was a pretty violent fall. There I took the crampon holes on my hand, in the back. I broke my whole right side. (…) The horse steps on me afterwards, I pass under it and there it tramples me.“The toll is heavy:”I crack my wrist, dislocate my shoulder. Holes in my back from the crampons, I break my ribs, I break my foot. A large part of the right wrist and the wrist in 1000 pieces.

Why did Guillaume Canet fall from his horse?

For dnaGuillaume Canet specifies the circumstances of this accident: “I ask for an improbable stride from the horse, who takes a stride forward and who does not have the possibility of passing the obstacle and who pedals into it. I fall and he steps on me.”

Enough to keep him away from the horse but not for long. He started riding again for a year, “with a cast“. However, Guillaume Canet finally hung up his bombshell to have more time to devote to the 7th art: “I wanted to know a life other than that.”

We know what happened next, with his career as an actor and director taking shape with films such as My idol. There will also come his meeting with Marion Cotillard, future mother of his two children Marcel (soon to be 13 years old) and Louise (7 years old). However, the horse is always in his heart, the proof with the film Jappeloup which allowed him to resume show jumping and his great friendship with the late Jean Rochefort, also a lover of horse riding. Once passionate, forever passionate.

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