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Thankful Thursday

Good morning! I'm most thankful this morning for the beautiful sunshine outside my window. It's a lovely morning and going to be a beautiful day.

I'm thankful that the school year is almost over. I'm tired of waking up at 6:00am every morning, 😂. On that note though, I'm thankful for sleep. I'm thankful that my girls mostly sleep through the night - with just the occasional waking up to pee or get water, etc.

I'm thankful for my wonderful husband. Sometimes I'm genuinely shocked at myself that I'm still this happy in my relationship after 10 years. After breaking up with my ex (6y relationship in my early 20s), I honestly thought it wasn't in me to be in a long term relationship. I just figured I was the type to fall out of love. Turns out, it was just the wrong guy. My husband is my rock, and I'm glad I have him by my side for life.

I'm thankful for my girls' teachers, and for our school system in general. We live in a great district and the preschool and kindergarten teachers are amazing. I can't believe how much my girls have learned in a year. I could never have done a better job.

I'm thankful that we have no plans for this weekend. Should hopefully be relaxing - maybe we'll even make it to the zoo! I'm looking forward to family time.

What are you thankful for this week? ❤️

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I was literally thinking yesterday that we’ve come such a long way with my sons sleep. He’s almost 2 and knows when bedtimes is and there’s no fussing over it. When he was smaller he would cry and fight bedtime every single night. Now we just give him a bath, pjs, lay him in bed with his water, blanket and stuffed animal. He says bye and laughs as we’re walking out of the door. So that’s one thing I’ve been very thankful about.

Also thankful that he now waits for us to turn on his monitor light before getting up in the morning. Previously he would wake up 5/6am and just start SCREAMING for us to go get him. So happy for our new quiet mornings lol

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It's so wonderful when bedtime gets easier. Great job!

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I'm thankful for my babies who made me a mama

thankful for the snuggles I'm currently getting. it's stormy here and my son wanted to cuddle under a blanket, drink some milk, and watch his spidey and friends show and even asked for the lights off. it's pretty nice honestly

thankful everything was fine earlier this week and that baby Ellie is still doing great

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beautiful name! Ellie belly sounds very loving. I’m glad you both are doing well. When is she due?

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I'm thankful we took Tuesday off and went to the aquarium. It was a really great day, which has been a nice change from the emotional rollercoaster we seem to be stuck on lately.

I'm thankful my son stayed in my bed and fell asleep on his own again today. This is a huge step towards him sleeping on his own, and I'm really proud of him. I'm also really proud of myself for not rushing him even though it's taking him longer than it did with my daughter. Society as a whole seems to be more judgemental about attachment parenting and things like bedsharing. I'm glad I haven't let anyone else sway me from doing what I know is best when it comes to my kids. Letting them lead the way has yet to steer me wrong.

I'm thankful for my daughter's new(ish) OT. I finally got the chance to really talk to her for a bit this week, and she told me how much she loves working with my daughter and how sweet and funny she is. My daughter is doing so great with her and is always so excited to see her. I'm thankful that she's going to help our SLPs with the feeding therapy. I'm hoping another approach with a therapist my kiddo doesn't already associate with food will help.

I'm thankful for my husband. I'll be thankful for coffee later when that afternoon slump really starts to hit. I'm thankful for the chocolate pudding I had in the fridge to satisfy my chocolate craving.

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I snuck a fun sized snickers this afternoon to satisfy my chocolate craving. Had to hide it from the girls!

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I appreciate the weather! It’s been raining, and sunny, and cold and warm and all this mix made everything around so luscious, green and blooming.

I appreciate my house. I have the door to the backyard open with no need to warm up or cool down the house. The sun all around makes it so bright.

Today we had a scheduled visit to the kindergarten for my younger daughter and I felt such a relief with our choice. The teachers, the atmosphere, the setting…. everything looks up to standard. I appreciate it soooo much. We had a great day with my LO.

I appreciate my husband who’s doing his best every day and we all feel it.

I appreciate my pets, dog and cat. They are so cuddly and make it all complete

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I’m also thankful for my husband! He’s also been our rock, especially this week, and I love how our relationship has grown. I’m writing this as I watch him build towers with magnatiles with our toddlers and he’s just the cutest and a wonderful father ��. I’m thankful my kids enjoy playing together. Their at an age where they can play together for multiple pockets throughout the day, which has allowed me to finish a cup of coffee, switch laundry, do some dishes etc. Two months ago I wouldn’t have thought it was possible and I’m so grateful.

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I wrote my comment yesterday evening before going to bed , but seems I didn’t actually post it. I’m going to do it again.

- I am also thankful for my husband and our marriage. Sometimes I can’t believe we have been married for as long as we have been. I am grateful for all the growth we both have made in our years married, both as a couple and individually.

- I am thankful for my parents health , mindset/attitude and ability to be flexible . It’s truly a blessing the way they have so much energy and health at their age despite the health issues they have. Sometimes I forget their age and that they have the health issues they do. Hope they continue to have lots of energy and the ability to be flexible.

- I am thankful for my brother getting into a fellowship program.

- I am thankful that we are going to visit my family in the summer. This year I have been blessed to see my family quite a few times , probably the most I ever see them in a year.

- I am thankful my kids are excited about summer school in summer.

- I am thankful my husband and I have many similar views about my mom in law.

- I am thankful for all my husband does for our family in addition to working and providing for us financially.

- I am thankful for observant kids. Yesterday one of my boys noticed our neighbor across the street had their car on the road and the front hood of it open. He questioned to my husband and I about this, which lead to my husband going and using our car to jump start our neighbor’s car.

- I am thankful to my mom for teaching my kids to read Quran.

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