Road accidents, fatalities declined in last one month - NTSA

Road accidents, fatalities declined in last one month - NTSA

NTSA has attributed the decline in road fatalities to vigorous road safety campaigns

In Summary

•The authority has attributed the decline in accidents and deaths to a rigorous road safety campaign.

•NTSA said the reduction was as a result of continuous awareness and enforcement of traffic rules and various campaign safety campaigns.

Bomet Central Deputy Subcounty Commissioner Victor Kisachi (centre) with NTSA regional coordinator Patrick Tilitei (left) and Bomet County Traffic Enforcement Officer Ogolla(right) adress journlists after a tree planting session at Bomet University College on May 15, 2024
Bomet Central Deputy Subcounty Commissioner Victor Kisachi (centre) with NTSA regional coordinator Patrick Tilitei (left) and Bomet County Traffic Enforcement Officer Ogolla(right) adress journlists after a tree planting session at Bomet University College on May 15, 2024

The number of road accidents and fatalities recorded across the country has declined in the last one month, the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) has said.

The authority has attributed the decline in accidents and deaths to a rigorous road safety campaign.

NTSA regional coordinator Patrick Tilitei said the reduction was as a result of continuous awareness and enforcement of traffic rules and various campaign safety campaigns.

Tilitei spoke to the media in Bomet after leading a tree planting exercise at Bomet University College on Wednesday.

The target was to plant more than 5,000 trees in all the Subcounties within the region.

He was accompanied by Bomet Central Deputy Subcounty Commissioner Victor Kisachi and Bomet County Traffic Enforcement Officer Allan  Ogolla.  

Officials from Wakili Hillary Sigei Foundation were also present during the sensitisation campaign.

“About one month ago before we conducted a strong road safety campaign and awareness in all the counties," Tilitei said.

"The numbers have started going down in terms of road crashes, injuries and fatalities compared to the other months,” Tilitei noted.

Bomet Central Deputy Subcounty Commissioner Victor Kisachi (centre) with NTSA regional coordinator Patrick Tilitei second (left) and Bomet County Traffic Enforcement Officer Ogolla (right) speak after a tree planting session at Bomet University College on May 15, 2024
Bomet Central Deputy Subcounty Commissioner Victor Kisachi (centre) with NTSA regional coordinator Patrick Tilitei second (left) and Bomet County Traffic Enforcement Officer Ogolla (right) speak after a tree planting session at Bomet University College on May 15, 2024

The official said the initiatives put in place by the authority have started bearing fruits and called on Kenyans to support the campaign aimed at ensuring the safety of all road at all times.

Tilitei said the authority the move was to ensure road safety especially during this period when schools are reopening.

“As learners are going to the normal way of learning, they should be taught the rules on the roads like when crossing and all the measures that revolve around road safety so that they can be secure,” he said.

The authority also partnered with the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (Nacada) to combat drug abuse among motorists and students.

In April, NTSA embarked on a comprehensive operation aimed at raising safety awareness, especially on roads prone to accidents.

The initiative was aimed at educating the public and stakeholders within the transport industry on the importance of following safety regulations and cut down on the alarming rate of road carnage in the country.

Kisachi reiterated government commitment to ensuring road accidents are reduced.

“No matter the status you hold, as the government we value all the lives and that is why we are partnering with NTSA, to make sure all Kenyans are safe,” Kisachi said.

He said most of the accidents that occur are avoidable if only the road users observed the rules and regulations put in place by the government.

“The future of this country is bright and we want you to be part of the future. So don’t lose your lives in a careless manner,” Kisachi remarked.

Aaron Mutai from Wakili Hillary Sigei Foundation said more focus is being directed towards educating the bodaboda riders.

This, he said, was because they have been losing five to 10 riders per month through road accidents.

“With these rising road accidents among riders, we decided as the office of the Bomet senator in conjunction with the foundation to start sensitising our people so that we prevent the loss of lives being experienced in the sector,” Mutai noted.

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