International local government news 15.05.24 - LGiU

Global Climate action and sustainable development, Democracy, devolution and governance, Housing and planning, Transport and infrastructure

International local government news 15.05.24


Here are the latest newsworthy and interesting stories from the local government sector that caught our attention. In this round-up of what’s happening right now in the world of local government, you’ll find best practices, inspiration, and more from across the sector.

Italy: Florence set to pay drivers to cycle instead
The City of Florence has set aside 1.2 million euros to encourage motorists to cycle to work or university instead of driving. The year-long incentive scheme will launch on June 3, and seeks to inspire a shift in mobility habits in the city towards healthier, more sustainable forms of transport. Participants will be able to earn up to 30 euros a month, receiving 20 cents per kilometre, as well as five cents per kilometre on non-commute cycles as long as they remain within the municipality. While commuters who already cycle will be rewarded, those who swap their cars for bikes will receive slightly more.
The Mayor

Belgium: Residents to receive free trees in Antwerp
In a bid to greenify unoccupied areas, the City of Antwerp is set to give away 2,000 trees to residents to plant in their gardens or patches of non-sealed land on their property. 20 different species of tree, all chosen to be suitable for the local climate and ecosystem, are available, with the city providing a helpful guide to residents on choosing the right tree for their property. The city has also launched a webpage on how to plant and care for the tree while meeting city guidelines.
The Mayor

UK: Liveable city charter launched in Exeter
In a bid to craft thriving communities and boost building development, Exeter City Council has developed a new liveable city charter. The charter ensures all Exeter developments are designed and built to quality standards, while fostering sustainability and thriving communities. The charter emphasises using innovative planning tools to develop spaces with social, environmental and architectural benefits that will be felt by future generations. The charter is the result of the collaborative Exeter Design Quality Partnership, which saw developers, design specialists and city council officers work together.

Europe: EU cities to partner with Ukranian cities to develop climate neutrality plans
A new scheme funded by Horizon Europe will see 36 EU cities that have pledged to achieve climate neutrality by 2030 partner up with 10 cities in Ukraine. The SUN4Ukraine project aims to support cities in the Ukraine develop climate neutrality plans to support their reconstruction during the ongoing war. Held in collaboration with the Association of Ukrainian Cities, the project will help understand needs, trial methods of working, and develop reconstruction blueprints guided by sustainable development and climate neutrality practices.


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