Sounding board - 14 May 2024 - Guitar World Magazine - Readly

Sounding board

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The Byrds (from left: Skip Battin, Clarence White, Roger McGuinn and Gene Parsons) pose in front of a record shop in November 1969. Their new album, Ballad of Easy Rider, was probably available inside, as were (from the top of the sign to the bottom), Abbey Road by the Beatles, The Band by the Band, New York Tendaberry by Laura Nyro, Santana by Santana, Volunteers by Jefferson Airplane, Led Zeppelin II by “Lead Zeppelin,” Arthur (Or the Decline and Fall of the British Empire) by the Kinks and Hot Rats by Frank Zappa. — D.F.

Nice to see Ness, but we want his board

I always do a full page-through of each new issue before going back and reading through every page. As I started flipping through the May 2024 issue, I planned on finding the email address so I could request artists for My Pedalboard. I wanted to request a look at Mike Ness’ board. I also planned to ask if there was ever a chance for an article featuring Mr. Ness. Well, you know where this is headed. Thanks! (But I’d still love to see his pedalboard.)

— Rooster

Enough already with the sidebars!

I’m a 57-year-old pro musician and longtime GW subscriber. I really enjoy the magazine in general (I really do), but there’s one thing you really need to do: Stop chopping up pages/stories with super-annoying sidebar stories! Seriously. There’s nothing more annoying than sitting down to read a story on a page, and there’s another story appearing on the same page (whether it’s related or not) on either side or at the bottom! It’s like a magazine written for people with A.D.D. It’s like trying to read an article from a teenager with A.D.D., strung out on energy drinks, with five windows open on their laptop at the same time. Please stop laying it out like that! This isn’t a teaser or sampler. We already bought/subscribed to the magazine. We want to sit and read a whole story — first — without an annoying “ad” for the side story distracting us from the main story. There’s plenty of space — on another (and even consecutive) page. I don’t think we’ll miss them, you know? Can you say “schizophrenia”? Sorry, but it’s really annoying and totally not a good idea. And, it looks bad. It really does. I’m reading the current Van Halen cover [May 2024] and there’s this annoying “story” or whatever running at the bottom… while I’m trying to read about Eddie. I’m so annoyed, I’m not going to read whatever it is. Let me finish reading what I’m on before you star

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