Walton Goggins' 'Fallout' Look 'Extremely Anxiety Provoking'

Walton Goggins Has Revealed How His ‘Fallout’ Transformation Was ‘Extremely Anxiety Provoking’ To Endure

Walton Goggins is currently having the time of his life and posting shirtless photos while over in Thailand and losing himself in Mike White’s The White Lotus. He’s also currently the subject of his own revelations that he and Timothy Olyphant were not always tight on the Justified set. However, Goggins has taken some time in recent weeks to appear at for-your-consideration-style events, including a Deadline-hosted panel, where he discussed the physical transformation involved with being The Ghoul in Amazon’s Fallout series.

Goggins has more of that coming, given that the show was renewed for a second season, but he admitted that the process was “extremely anxiety provoking” until he got used to “sweat-inducing facial prosthesis designed to make him look almost skeletal.” The process (which included retainers that made it difficult to speak), as it turned out, was originally a five-hour event, but prosthetics designer Vincent Van Dyke was able to trim that time town to only two hours. Amazon has provided a behind-the-scenes look at Walton’s time in the makeup chair, and it sure does not look like a fun time.

Additionally, Goggins previously discussed (during an Indiewire interview) how grueling the shoot was, to a point where he thought, “Man, you’re getting too old for this shit.” He further elaborated:

“It’s exhausting to talk. It’s hot. … It was physically exhausting and I didn’t realize until we got everything on. The first day just so happened to coincide with a day in New York where the heat index was like 106. I didn’t have a cooling suit because we didn’t even think about it. It was not even a part of the process. And I don’t complain. I don’t really ask for much, except time in front of the camera. So there was a point pretty early in the day where I sat down and I could feel my body just– not shutting down, but getting very heavy.”

Well, Walton Goggins is certainly receiving more of what he wants — “time in front of the camera” — with his career hitting new heights with each passing TV gig. The Age Of Goggins is a wonderful place to be.

Fallout‘s first season is streaming on Amazon.

(Via Deadline & Indiewire)