Badung, Bali (ANTARA) - Indonesia's House Speaker Puan Maharani reviewed the preparation of the international parliamentary meeting which is part of the 2024 10th World Water Forum (WWF) in Bali.

"Parliamentary Meeting on The Occasion of The 10th World Water Forum" will be held at the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC) on May 19-21, 2024.

Some 231 participants from 49 countries are expected to attend the forum.

'Where is the room for the bilateral meetings?' Maharani asked the committee when checking the venue on Sunday.

"Today's preparation is 98 percent, which is ready for the WWF parliamentary meeting," one of the committee member said.

From the BNDCC building, Maharani went to the Water Expo location around the venue complex. She looked at the exhibition booths, and reviewed the dinner venue for the delegation.

The theme of Parliamentary Meeting on The Occasion of The 10th World Water Forum is “Mobilizing Parliamentary Action on Water for Shared Prosperity”.

Through that theme, Maharani expected lawmakers from all over the world to have the opportunity and propose steps to overcome water crisis and scarcity.

"Hopefully, the results of this meeting are useful, not only for Indonesia but also for the world," she added.

Furthermore, the House Speaker said that it is necessary to work with all stakeholders in overcoming water problems which is one of the agendas in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“Water is becoming a very important thing for life going forward. Overcoming water problems can not only be done by parliament but it must also be a commitment and mutual cooperation between parliaments, governments, international organizations, and the world community," Maharani said.

Related news: Water conservation, disaster mitigation prioritized at WWF: Jokowi
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Translator: Kuntum, Kenzu
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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