Hello! I have been trying to get my toon UNSTUCK in the game for 3 days! I had a ticket Issue ID: #98973045 that was “resolved” by 2 GM’s now and BOTH responses are saying the same thing that I already told them about…are you even reading what I wrote?
I made my Garrison and then went to leave the area and when it reloaded…it stuck. I used the unstuck self service 4 times…says it was moved, it was not. I tried clearing cashe as suggested, uninstalling all add ons, used update and repair on app and this happens mind you on TWO different computers in two different places…yet…your suggestion that it is MY internet’s fault? No. Please fix this for me. I pay like everyone else and this is not okay to get brushed off because someone doesn’t want to read the tickets.

Also, the toon is in retail / Moon Guard name is Tralanie.

They never read the server forums. Like at all.

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Unbelievable :frowning:

If you keep trying to leave the Alliance garrison through the back entrance, you will keep getting DC’d/stuck. Use the front entrance. Character unstuck works for me. Otherwise move your topic to the bug report forums if you want a reply from a CM/GM.

I cant even log in for more than 3 seconds then DC. Ty I will move it

Yes, it happens to everyone who tries to go through the side/back entrance and down the hill toward the water. You have to go out the front entrance and go the long way around, avoiding that part of the garrison.

Also if you can’t log in to use the character stuck, go here.


I have done that 4 times now. Does not work. :frowning:

Days MG not being mistaken for some other forum: 0


Weird. It always moves me to a different part of the garrison, and then I avoid going out that same entrance that causes the constant DC’s. Definitely frustrating. Hopefully a GM can help ya in the bug report forums.

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Tyvm - lets hope…they don’t seem to want to actually READ the tickets :frowning:

Use the “payment problem” option when making a ticket. This is the only way to get a guaranteed human, non AI automatic, response.

It’s dumb, but it’s been a tried and tested method of WoW custom service for years now.

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Be certain to hit up the support forums, which is where they generally want people to do these posts for ease of finding them and helping customers: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/c/support/12

Ooo thanks, I appreciate that!

If you are ever stuck in a location other players can get to, get a group with you as the lead, a warlock and a portal up and you should be able to get out. Hopefully. I don’t have a full idea of the stuck situation you are in without a picture.

Have you also tried having someone do a pvp kill. Just throwing ideas out that might help.

I appreciate it - all of these would prolly work if she wasn’t immediately DC’s when she logged (literally within 3 seconds). I did get her moved finally, ty for all your help!