How old are your arteries?

How old are your arteries?

How old are your arteries?
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For who ?

Anyone aged 20 or over with risk factors such as being overweight, high consumption of foods containing hidden salt (industrial dishes, etc.), or having a family history of high blood pressure should measure their blood pressure regularly.

But be careful, high blood pressure can occur in individuals of normal weight, those who regularly practice physical and sporting activity, and those whose lifestyle is satisfactory. Generally speaking, it is recommended that all adults have a blood pressure test once a year from the age of 30, and invest in an automatic blood pressure monitor.

High blood pressure (hypertension) is the most widespread chronic disease in , affecting 17 million people in 2023. Around 1 million new patients start antihypertensive treatment each year.

Using an automatic blood pressure monitor, step by step

To carry out a blood pressure self-test, you must obtain an automatic blood pressure monitor. This device consists of a cuff and an electronic block. Several rules must be respected. When taking five minutes of quiet time with an automatic blood pressure monitor, it is recommended to sit comfortably, in a seated position, at complete rest. It is important not to smoke, talk or cross your legs during the measurement. Then position the cuff correctly on your arm. It is recommended to carry out several measurements, two at least.

Carry out the voltage self-test on video

What are normal blood pressure values?

A systolic blood pressure (SYS) of 120 mmHg or less and a diastolic blood pressure (DIA) of 80 mmHg or less are considered normal. A systolic blood pressure above 140 mmHg, or a diastolic blood pressure above 90 mmHg, indicates high blood pressure. A systolic blood pressure between 120 and 140 mmHg or a diastolic blood pressure between 80 and 90 mmHg indicates an intermediate state, sometimes called pre-hypertension. Since blood pressure can vary, repeating the measurement is necessary before confirming the diagnosis of hypertension.

High blood pressure? This could be a sign of high blood pressure.

To interpret the measured tensions and obtain personalized advice, the figures displayed on the blood pressure monitor screen must be recorded on the “Measure tension” test. Then, the person can take this test to their healthcare professional for medical advice. In particular that of carrying out a self-measurement over three days when the measured voltage turns out to be too high.

It also makes it possible to detect “White Coat” tension, that is to say high tension linked to the medical context, or so-called masked tension. According to the results of the FLAHS 2022 survey, “white coat tension” concerns 55% of subjects aged 70 and over, as well as 50% of people aged 35 to 64.

Why is screening for high blood pressure so useful?

Because it most often does not cause any symptoms. However, its silent progression over years can cause cardiac, neurological (stroke, cerebral ischemia and hemorrhage, Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia), renal (renal insufficiency, vascular nephropathy) or vascular (myocardial infarction, insufficiency cardiac rhythm, arrhythmia, sudden death). Untreated or poorly treated, high blood pressure is the leading cause of death and severe disability worldwide.

Useful links :

SuiviHTA is a free application available for tablets and smartphones, scientifically validated by the Hypertension Foundation.

Know how to choose and use an automatic blood pressure monitor

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