How to transfer contacts from blackberry z10 to computer? - EPN

How to transfer contacts from blackberry z10 to computer?

Transferring your contacts from your BlackBerry Z10 to your computer can be a quick and simple process. Whether you want to keep a backup of your contacts or sync them with other devices, following these steps will help you easily transfer your contacts to your computer.

Step 1: Connect your BlackBerry Z10 to your Computer

To begin the transfer process, connect your BlackBerry Z10 to your computer using a USB cable. Ensure that your phone is unlocked and the screen is active.

Step 2: Select the Contacts Application

On your BlackBerry Z10, locate and open the “Contacts” application. This application stores all your phone contacts and provides various options for managing them.

Step 3: Access the Contacts Menu

Once inside the Contacts application, look for the menu icon, usually represented by three dots or lines. Tap on it to access additional options.

Step 4: Export Contacts

From the Contacts menu, select the “Export Contacts” option. This will prompt your BlackBerry Z10 to generate a file containing all your contacts for transfer.

Step 5: Choose File Format

After selecting the export option, your BlackBerry Z10 will ask you to choose the file format in which you want to save your contacts. Select a suitable format that can be easily imported and accessed on your computer, such as CSV or VCF.

Step 6: Save the Exported File

Once you’ve chosen the file format, specify where you want to save the exported file on your BlackBerry Z10. Make sure to choose a location that you can easily find later.

Step 7: Connect your BlackBerry Z10 to your Computer

Now, using the USB cable, connect your BlackBerry Z10 to your computer. Ensure that your computer recognizes the device and establishes a stable connection.

Step 8: Open the File Explorer or Finder

On your computer, open the File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac). These applications allow you to navigate through your computer’s files and folders.

Step 9: Locate your BlackBerry Z10

In the File Explorer or Finder, locate your BlackBerry Z10 device among the connected devices. It might appear under the “Devices” or “This PC” section on Windows or under the “Devices” or “Locations” section on Mac.

Step 10: Access the Exported Contacts File

Navigate through your BlackBerry Z10 files on your computer until you find the folder where you saved the exported contacts file. Double-click on the file to open it.

Step 11: Import Contacts to your Computer

Once the exported contacts file is open, you will have the option to import the contacts to your computer’s default contact application or any other suitable software. Choose the desired option and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the import process.

Step 12: Confirm Successful Transfer

After importing your contacts to your computer, confirm that the transfer was successful by opening your computer’s contact application. Your BlackBerry Z10 contacts should now be accessible from your computer.


Q1: Can I transfer contacts from my BlackBerry Z10 to my computer using Bluetooth?

A1: No, transferring contacts via Bluetooth is not supported between a BlackBerry Z10 and a computer.

Q2: Can I transfer contacts from my BlackBerry Z10 to my computer wirelessly?

A2: Yes, you can transfer contacts wirelessly using cloud-based services or apps that sync your contacts across devices.

Q3: What other file formats can I use to export my contacts from my BlackBerry Z10?

A3: Apart from CSV and VCF, you can also export your contacts as an Excel file (XLS or XLSX) from your BlackBerry Z10.

Q4: Can I transfer contacts from my BlackBerry Z10 to my Mac computer?

A4: Yes, you can transfer contacts from your BlackBerry Z10 to both Windows and Mac computers following the steps mentioned above.

Q5: Can I import my contacts to a specific contact management software on my computer?

A5: Yes, when importing the exported contacts file, you can choose the desired contact management software installed on your computer.

Q6: Are there any limitations on the number of contacts I can transfer?

A6: No, you can transfer as many contacts as you have on your BlackBerry Z10 to your computer.

Q7: Can I transfer contacts from my BlackBerry Z10 to multiple computers?

A7: Yes, you can repeat the transfer process on multiple computers to have a backup of your contacts.

Q8: Will the contact details, such as phone numbers and email addresses, be preserved during the transfer?

A8: Yes, all the contact details, including phone numbers, email addresses, and other information, will be preserved during the transfer.

Q9: Can I transfer contacts from a BlackBerry Q10 or different BlackBerry model using the same steps?

A9: Yes, the steps mentioned above should work for various BlackBerry models, including the Q10 or other models running the BlackBerry 10 operating system.

Q10: Can I edit the exported contacts file before importing it to my computer?

A10: Yes, you can open and edit the exported contacts file using a spreadsheet application before importing it to your computer’s contact management software.

Q11: Is there a faster way to transfer contacts from my BlackBerry Z10 to my computer?

A11: Unfortunately, the mentioned steps are the most convenient and reliable method to transfer contacts from a BlackBerry Z10 to a computer.

Q12: Do I need any additional software to transfer contacts from my BlackBerry Z10 to my computer?

A12: No, you don’t need any additional software. The transfer can be done using the built-in functions and utilities on your BlackBerry Z10 and computer.

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