Weird feelings - October 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect
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Weird feelings

I have been getting what kind of feels like strong twitches on and off through the day today I will be 17 weeks tomorrow I also have had some odd pain on the outside of my vagina I was just wondering if this is something anyone else had experienced

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Where are the twitches? In your lower abdomen? It could be baby moving. When I first felt my first it felt like a fish swimming in my lower belly.

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in my lower belly and I started to feel him move last week kinda felt like a bubble so this just felt stronger I guess it could be movement with him getting bigger

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The pain outside the vagina - does it feel like muscular pain? I have a lot of that at the moment and in particular top of the left thigh is absolutely killing me! Seems to play up after I walk a fair bit it feels like the joint but god knows

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kinda just feels like sore is the best way I can describe it normally happens when I am laying down

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