Free Blood Pressure Checks for People Over 40

The NHS in Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West (BOB) is supporting May Measurement Month   initiative, a worldwide public health campaign aimed at increasing awareness of high blood pressure and its dangers.  

This May Measurement Month, people across the BOB area are being encouraged to take part in the Big Squeeze and get a free blood pressure check at a local community pharmacy. Boots and the Henley Pharmacy are participating in this initiative. 

This free service is for people aged over 40. The quick, painless check takes a couple of minutes and if there is any cause for concern, the pharmacist will be able to advise on next steps, which may mean making an appointment at the GP surgery. 

Left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to heart attacks, strokes, kidney disease and vascular dementia, so getting blood pressure checked saves lives. And if someone is diagnosed, the good news is that it’s usually easily treatable. Anyone under 40 with concerns about their blood pressure can arrange a check through their GP or pharmacy (at the pharmacy’s discretion). 

Dr Heike Veldtman, Cardiovascular Disease Lead for the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire West ICB, said: “High blood pressure is a very common condition that can have very serious consequences if left untreated. Most people who have it, may not even be aware. The good news is however that it is completely treatable. It starts with being aware and knowing your numbers. With early detection it can be managed with simple lifestyle changes for many, but there will be some who need lifestyle changes and medication. 

“Home blood pressure machines are now easily available online and in stores. They are of good quality and an easy way of keeping an eye on your blood pressure from the comforts of your own home. Or you can have a blood pressure check at your local community pharmacy, some libraries or arrange for your NHS Health check if you have not had one. 

“Well controlled blood pressure saves lives.” 


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