Trigger Point Injections

Your Key to Unlocking Referred Pain Relief

Are you suffering from chronic pain that seems to radiate or spread to other areas of your body? Do you find yourself battling frequent headaches or migraines? We see many patients come to our clinic, located in Anchorage, Alaska, complaining of pain that is not relieved by conservative measures.

For many, the pain you are experiencing may be caused by trigger points and referred pain patterns. The good news is that a simple and effective treatment called Trigger Point Injection (TPI) therapy may be the answer to your pain puzzle.

What Are Trigger Points and Referred Pain?

Trigger points are those pesky, tight knots you feel in your muscles. These hypersensitive areas can be caused by injury, overuse, or even stress. When a trigger point is active, it can cause pain not only at the site of the knot but also in seemingly unrelated areas of the body. This phenomenon is known as referred pain (source).

Think of it like a pebble dropped in a pond: The initial impact creates ripples that spread outward. Similarly, a trigger point can send pain signals that travel along nerves and muscles, resulting in discomfort in a different location.

How Can Trigger Point Injections Help?

Trigger point injections offer a targeted approach to pain relief. During the procedure, one of our Live Well medical staff will inject a small amount of local anesthetic, ozone, or combination of the two, directly into the trigger point. This can help:

  • Relax the Muscle: The anesthetic works to numb the trigger point and relax the surrounding muscle fibers.

  • Reduce Inflammation: Ozone medical gas can help reduce inflammation and further alleviate pain.

  • Interrupt the Pain Cycle: By disrupting the pain signals and promoting muscle relaxation, trigger point injections can help break the cycle of pain and dysfunction.

  • Alleviate Chronic Fatigue: Pain can disrupt many aspects of your life, including your sleep patterns. Eliminating your source of pain will allow your body to relax and feel restored once you are able to get a good night’s rest.

Mapping the Pain: Understanding Referred Pain Patterns

One of the most fascinating aspects of trigger points is their unique referred pain patterns. Each trigger point has a specific pattern of pain referral, which can help healthcare professionals accurately diagnose the source of your discomfort.

For example:

  • A trigger point in the trapezius muscle (upper back) can refer pain to the head, neck, and even down the arm.

  • A trigger point in the gluteal muscles (buttocks) can cause pain in the hip, thigh, or lower back.

By understanding these patterns, our trained staff can pinpoint the exact trigger points responsible for your pain and deliver precise injections for optimal relief.

Is Trigger Point Injection Therapy Right for You?

If you're struggling with chronic muscle pain, particularly pain that seems to radiate or spread, Trigger Point Injection therapy may be a valuable option for you. Consult with one of our trained professionals to discuss your symptoms and determine if TPI is a good fit.

Take the First Step Towards Relief

Don't let trigger points and referred pain control your life. With trigger point injection therapy, you can regain control over your pain and enjoy a more active, pain-free lifestyle.


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