i HATE this why did they do this horrible change. Not a single player asked for this.
Just to clarify after 1 minute in instances mobs will infinite stun you with no DR until you’re dead period. After 1 minute they are not slowable or stunable and move at 300% movement speed. Let me farm my transmog!


This does need to be addressed. While I didn’t agree with the anti farm/boosting stuff when it was put in in TBC, it serve a purpose. Now it just prevents so classes from being able to get the Transmog items they want and should be removed.


Did they just do that today, or has it been a thing for a while?
Love to know before I try more transmog farming on my dk.

That’s been a thing for awhile, though I wasn’t personally aware of any 300% increase or constant stunning. I just murder everything in my path when I go in those dungeons, so if you’re just deleting mobs, you should be fine.

Clarify better. After having the mob aggro’d for 1 minute and NOT KILLING THEM, thats when the debuffs start. Stop trying to pull the entire dungeon and just 1 shot things as you move through, or just stop periodically to aoe them down. This has been around for a while and started as way to stop mages from pulling the entire dungeon.

Or they could remove the stupid, outdated anti-boosting mechanic.

Why is it an issue for a level 80 to clear low level dungeons in large pulls?

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The issue was originally dungeon boosting, people cried about others having a high level character blast through a dungeon to level quicker, for some reason this made people upset. Something about their social experiences or some such nonsense. These were the days before RDF became a thing, and it happened partway through TBC, though there’d been people whining and complaining well before then. Now they complain about GDKPs and whatnot.

Naturally Blizz overcorrected by making it so if you’re just baaaarely over the mob level, everyone else’s exp just gets nuked, basically meaning if you don’t get experience from a kill, no one gets experience for the kill in your group. Also for the Mages that could solo portions of dungeons to level themselves up quickly off dungeon elites, which takes a fair bit of skill, luck and patience in some parts, they just don’t get to do that anymore.

Multiple times I leveled while in the dungeon and just left. When the xp goes from 1k+ to 12 there’s no reason to finish the run.

Exactly, so if you got matched into a dungeon, someone levels in said dungeon and that pushes them over, it just kills everyone else’s experience. They screwed it up, hard.