Titus Techera on "Noticing", by Steve Sailer - The Unz Review
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Titus Techera on "Noticing"

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Titus Techera reviews Noticing at PostModern Conservative:

Steve Sailer, Noticing


APR 27, 2024

So I received a literary gift the other day, the Steve Sailer anthology Noticing, published by Passage, run by my friend Lomez, to go by his nom de guerre. Buy it & revisit the major American changes in society of the last 30 years or so, seen through the eyes of the only man who noticed & talked candidly, intelligently, mixing the curiosity of the student of political science & the concern of the citizen.

This publication is important for three reasons that all point to the transformation of conservatism as a political & intellectual movement. First, it announces Lomez’s success as a self-made publisher. He gets talented people to have him publish their works—adds something prestigious to their celebrity—announces to the rightwing audience that they are now in charge of intelligent writing. Lomez will be the most important tastemaker on the right if he keeps this up & his present success already shows how to do it. As liberalism fails & wokies trash the culture, it’s going to be people like him who save the day. Comparatively, conservatives have reduced their respectability to cowardice & lost a generation, everywhere from elite schools to pop culture. Don’t wait for a few years to remember I told you so—join Lomez.

Next, Steve shows the path for contesting political issues through social science observations. He is a guide to activists & journalists; he will be an inspiration to bureaucrats, social scientists, & anyone else in gov’t who wants to fix the corruption Progress has installed in almost every public institution. He didn’t just research & write, he also was an early digital adopter, bringing people together in online communities to discuss the burning issues neglected by liberals. Whoever the next GOP president of America will be, his advisers will be inspired by Steve.

Finally, Lomez is himself a student of Steve. You’d be shocked to know how many of us read Steve 20 years ago or so. We were young men, we had an interest in the world around us & noticed how much cannot be said in 21st c. America, however important or urgent, but we also realized that we ourselves didn’t quite understand what was going on. Steve was writing columns steadily through the years, ignoring the people who ignored him, educating us instead & gradually acquiring a kind of secret fame stretching from Hollywood comedians to the new generation of talent involved in quant on the right. Now, thousands upon thousands of people want to buy this volume & soon tens of thousands more. Steve was generous. Steve won.


This reminds me, I had the pleasure to talk to Steve not once, but twice — I recommend the podcasts. Listen to his calm California guy voice & his all-American story:

This one is especially good — Sailer’s Law of Female Journalism is the theme!

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  1. Anonymous[137] • Disclaimer says:

    “I’m a noticier.”

    “What’s a noticieh?”

    “Specializes in noticing.”

    • Replies: @Jenner Ickham Errican
  2. @Anonymous

    “I’m a noticier.”

    “What’s a noticieh?”

    “Specializes in noticing.”

    “Natty Light Street Gang, this is Almighty—over. Natty Light Street Gang, this is Almighty—standing by, over…”

    • LOL: Hunsdon
    • Replies: @Gc
  3. Luke Lea says:

    Instead of calling all these young progressives on the extreme left “woke” why not “lost”?

    • Replies: @Jenner Ickham Errican
  4. @Luke Lea

    why not “lost”

    Because “woke” is funny.

    • Replies: @Prester John
  5. Steve Sailer has a book to sell you, and you will be noticing his promotion of it for many months to come.

  6. @Jenner Ickham Errican

    “Woke” was a word that made its way from the ‘hood to the intelligencia (English Lit/poli sci departments in the Ivies etal.) and thence to the NYT, WaPo, Slate and the usual suspects and now used as a way of demonstrating a kind of ersatz solidarity with the brothas and sistahs and other representatives of Mr. Sailer’s Coalition of The Fringes while simultaneously distancing themselves from them–a reminder of who is REALLY calling the shots.

    • Replies: @Ghost of Bull Moose
  7. Techera is a rare name. The only entries “notable” enough for Wikipedia pages are four soccer players from Uruguay.

    It looks close to Teixeira, and would be pronounced that way in Portuguese and perhaps Galician. In fact, Teixeira itself can be Galician, and the coat was bestowed by the King of Spain shortly after the dissolution of the Iberian Union. (Which, by the way, is why Ceuta belongs to Spain, despite having been captured by the Portuguese.)

    Teixeira means “yew tree”, and in Spanish it is Tejera– a name which also belongs to four Uruguayan footballers. Uruguay has a small Portuguese-speaking minority along the Brazilian border.

    If Titus is related, perhaps he might like to use the coat. Note the beast featured:

  8. Mark G. says:

    There used to be a number of small publishers like Regnery, Devin-Adair, Caxton and Arlington House that would publish conservative books. I would read many of them years ago when I was younger. This was in an era after FDR liberalism had become the political mainstream.

    It is good to see there are still publishers that will publish such books. The political right has become somewhat less intellectual in recent years. Gone are the days when you had someone like Reagan talking about Milton Friedman, F.A. Hayek or Russell Kirk. Writers provide the intellectual ammunition that can be used to defeat the political left.

  9. Cortes says: • Website

    The Flavian period is covered in the Falco and spin-off series by


    A tad “woke” in the later volumes. But very entertaining.

    The separate novel “Master and God” covers the Fidel Castro/Titus less talented neurotic and uglier younger brother syndrome of Domitian’s reign.


    • Thanks: Kolya Krassotkin
  10. @Prester John

    A friend of mine was on Tucker some years back and used ‘woke,’ and TC’s next guest ( a liberal) mentioned it was the first time he’d heard someone on our side refer to being ‘woke.’ He seemed impressed.

    Now of course they get mad when we call them ‘woke’ because they understand we are winding them up and ‘woke’ is just ghetto retard terminology.

  11. anonymous[658] • Disclaimer says:

    Hey, everyone!

    I just read Steve’s book!

    Now I notice stuff I’ve never noticed before!

    And… I want to die!

    Is that what’s supposed to happen? Should I be spontaneously concocting scenario’s, starring me, jumping off tall buildings or majestic bridges? Or taking the subway in NYC, and just waiting for “my time?”

    Make no mistake. I now notice things! And I want to die!*

    I’m white, so I’d be doing it for relief, and revenge. Let’s let the brownie’s, the mentally ill, and their Jew overseers enjoy life without US!

    Eurovision Singing Contest winner 2010:

    Eurovision Singing Contest winner 2024:

  12. @anonymous

    Eric Carle’s estate wants his caterpillar back!

    That was held in Malmö, which serves as a Newark or Bridgeport to Copenhagen’s Manhattan. I generally don’t approve of alien goons beating up Europeans, but might look the other way in this case. Take the judges with him.

  13. Anonymous[267] • Disclaimer says:

    Titus Techera looks like Dr. Nick from The Simpsons.

    • Agree: Harry Baldwin
    • Replies: @J.Ross
  14. conatus says:

    ‘Noticing’ is unavailable on Amazon this am.
    Will there be another printing or is this one of those books destined to be 500 dollars like ‘The Rise and Fall of the Anglo-America’?

  15. J.Ross says:

    If your mustache looks like that you need to just shave it.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  16. Vox Day has his own publishing house called Castalia House, which produces impressive-looking leather-bound books. However, it seems to be limited to fiction writers, both modern and ancient.

    Anyway, unlike Scott Alexander, there hasn’t seemed to be much overlap between Vox Day and Steve Sailer. I used to read Vox Day all the time, but since he turned off commenting on his primary blog I find myself going there less and less. Vox Day would disagree with me, but I often find the comment sections of blogs to be quite illuminating, and anyone who says unironically says “your mistake was reading the comments” is someone who really can’t be taken seriously.

  17. Anonymous[394] • Disclaimer says:

    and anyone who says unironically says “your mistake was reading the comments” is someone who really can’t be taken seriously.

    When this is said, it’s usually by the thin-skinned, egotistical (and often low IQ) authors of the primary article.

  18. Anonymous[172] • Disclaimer says:

    Now I notice stuff I’ve never noticed before!

    And… I want to die!

    Don’t worry, most of what Sailer has written about is way out of date or has never come to pass or has been shown to be wrong.

    He goes for the facile take and that appeals to his cognitively-declining boomer readership.

    Sailer’s work is such a contrast to Ron Unz ‘s work. Unz reads^3, then analyses ^3, then writes 10k-word rigorously-reasoned treatises on contemporary issues. Then again, Unz’s work has led to the overturning of Supreme Court decisions and geopolitical changes.

  19. @ScarletNumber

    Comment sections on many sites provide references, links and other illuminative reading, like a wave propagation.

  20. Gc says:
    @Jenner Ickham Errican

    “Standing by, it’s 9:15 so play your love song with a banjo”

  21. @ScarletNumber

    Vox Day’s monitors kept the trolls out, unlike here. I remember when Tiny Duck put up one of his simpering posts. It was vaporized within minutes, and Tiny Duck never returned.

    • Replies: @ScarletNumber
  22. JimDandy says:

    Taki’s daughter ruined that site when she pulled the comments section.

    • Agree: Kolya Krassotkin
  23. Anonymous[497] • Disclaimer says:

    If your mustache looks like that, and you look like that and wear an ascot, that’s probably not a mustache. That’s probably a dirty sanchez.

  24. @Ministry Of Tongues

    There is a difference between banning obvious trolls and turning off comments all together.

  25. anonymous[235] • Disclaimer says:

    Meanwhile, Howard University Negroes defeat… themselves!

    In the middle of their own graduation ceremony!!

    Where the hell did these dumb mo’ fo’s think they were?

    Spirit Airlines?!


    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar
  26. Philip Neal says: • Website

    A great blog attracts a great commenting community (and I still miss the West Hunter crowd). I have no idea how Steve filters out the Godwin’s Law dross he must surely get, but he deserves our thanks purely for that reason.

    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar
  27. Anonymous[193] • Disclaimer says:

    I just read Steve’s book!

    Now I notice stuff I’ve never noticed before!

    And… I want to die!

    What about the content makes you want to die?

    • Replies: @anonymous
  28. @anon

    Literary inspiring……

    I remember how, at Cambridge, I walked with her once in the Fellows’ Garden of Trinity, on an evening of rainy May; and she, stirred somewhat beyond her wont, and taking as her text the three words which have been used so often as the inspiring trumpet-calls of men—the words God, Immortality, Duty—pronounced, with terrible earnestness, how inconceivable was the first, how unbelievable the second, and yet how peremptory and absolute the third. Never perhaps, have sterner accents affirmed the sovereignty of impersonal and unrecompensing Law. I listened, and night fell; her grave, majestic countenance turned toward me like a sibyl’s in the gloom; it was as though she withdrew from my grasp, one by one, the two scrolls of promise, and left me the third scroll only, awful with inevitable fates. And when we stood at length and parted amid that columnar circuit of the forest trees, beneath the last twilight of starless skies, I seemed to be gazing, like Titus at Jerusalem, on vacant seats and empty halls—on a sanctuary with no Presence to hallow it, and heaven left lonely of a God.

    Frederic Myers 1881, on George Eliot’s visit to Cambridge 1873

  29. anonymous[125] • Disclaimer says:

    What about the content makes you want to die?

    If one is white with an IQ above 110 like me, it’s inevitable to extrapolate from the assorted content that if I die now, I can do it by my own hand with relative dignity, instead of waiting to expire of natural causes 30 years from now in a state of semi-senility while in government-run managed care strapped to a pest-ridden bed, my lower extremities mummified in my own week old feces, while overseen by an under-qualified Muslim caretaker who hates infidels and I call “Hadji.”

    • Replies: @Frau Katze
  30. @anonymous

    Disturbing news from another article at that link:

    Despite this, Biden seems to have maintained much of his foothold among older and white voters who, as a group, seem to be demanding less fundamental changes. As a result, Biden has become more competitive in swing states with a greater population of white people, like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.


  31. @Philip Neal

    I have no idea how Steve filters out the Godwin’s Law dross he must surely get…

    Sturgeon’s Law as well.

  32. somehow unmentioned in the book – the moment Bonds KNEW he had to go on the juice

  33. Joseph A. says:

    Congratulations, Mr. Sailer!

  34. @anonymous

    How do you know you will become senile? Not everyone does. In fact, it’s a small minority if you’re in your seventies. It only gets to a fifty fifty chance by your nineties.

    So you want to kill yourself now based on those odds?

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