We clear up: 11 misconceptions about menopause

Menopause is a typical topic that we prefer to avoid. There’s still time, it’s not there yet. After all, climacteric, as menopause is called in technical language, does not have a good reputation. And wrongly so!

But let’s be honest: who associates the menopause with something beautiful? No one? This is a pity. Because after all, we can’t avoid it. Every woman goes through menopause sooner or later, whether she likes it or not. And then it is undoubtedly better not to go into this phase of life with the worst premonitions, but rather with a positive attitude.

Admittedly, it catches us in a phase in which we are probably starting to think about aging more regularly. Even if we feel as young as ever inside, the children may already be (almost) grown up and we now have significantly more younger than older colleagues at work. Not to mention physical problems, gray hair or the first wrinkles.

But knowledge is power – empowerment, as it is called today. This also applies to menopause. If we know what to expect and how and when we can counteract it, we are no longer so at the mercy of the whole matter. However, there still seems to be room for improvement on this point. A representative survey recently found that one in four women feels insecure when it comes to menopause. Although 88 percent of those surveyed knew the term menopause, only 17 percent of them knew what it actually meant.

How about you? Do you know your way around? Do you want to know more? Then click through our picture gallery. And: Don’t worry if you catch yourself with some misconceptions. It’s like that for many women.

If you want to read more about it, check out our articles on menopause and menopausal symptoms. Or find out about premenopause, perimenopause and postmenopause. And remember: menopause is not an illness, just a phase.


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