Breaking Free: Empowering Women Beyond the 'Donna Reed' Script - Simply Woman | Online Magazine by Crystal Andrus Morissette

Breaking Free: Empowering Women Beyond the 'Donna Reed' Script

By on May 19, 2024
modern womanhood

By Heather Mangiaratti

Welcome to the tangled jungle of modern womanhood, where we’re often caught in the crossfire between self-doubt and societal pressure. Picture this: our day begins with the best of intentions, only to be hijacked by an inner monologue straight out of the 1950s sitcom, starring our very own perfect housewife, “Donna Reed,” of self-sabotage.

But wait a minute! Who signed us up for this role, anyway? Last I checked, we weren’t auditioning for “Perfect Housewife of the Year.” It’s time to reclaim our narrative and rewrite the script.

Enter stage left: laughter, the unsung hero of sanity. Amidst the chaos, let’s sprinkle in some humor, shall we? Life’s absurdities are far too ridiculous to take too seriously. Cue the scented candles, the impromptu dance parties in the kitchen, and the shameless cuddle sessions with our furry companions. It’s time to lighten up and embrace our true, authentic selves.

But let’s not forget our arch-nemesis, the inner critic with all those pesky negative thoughts. They’re about as welcome as a skunk at a garden party. So, let’s kick them to the curb. Here’s the script: as our inner nemesis starts rambling on, interrupt with a powerful declaration, “cancel, cancel, cancel.” The audience is starstruck as you take charge, putting that negativity in the darkness and stepping into your spotlight. Replace toxic dialogue with affirmations so bold, that even Beyoncé would be jealous.

Sure, it may feel awkward at first, like wearing stilettos on a hiking trail, but trust me, you’ll get the hang of it. Deep down, beneath the layers of self-doubt and societal pressure, lies a golden nugget of awesomeness just waiting to be unleashed. Flip the script dialogue into positive: “I am feeling so fat and ugly today.” (cancel, cancel, cancel).

“I am looking so good in my outfit today I could go on a model runway.” It might feel strange, but just try it! What do you have to lose?

So here’s the deal: let’s embrace our inner child—the one who believes in rainbows, unicorns, and the infinite possibilities of the universe. Let’s dust off our superhero capes, toss aside the Donna Reeds of the world, and strut our stuff like the badass warriors we were always meant to be.

Because, darling, you are fabulous, fierce, and utterly unstoppable. And anyone who tells you otherwise can take a hike—preferably in those stilettos we mentioned earlier.

But wait, there’s more! As we navigate this journey of self-discovery and empowerment, let’s not forget to extend a hand to our fellow sisters-in-arms. Together, we can rewrite the narrative, dismantle outdated expectations, and pave the way for a future where authenticity reigns supreme. Simply complimenting each other, celebrating wins, and confirming they are not alone give all of us power.

So grab your superhero cape, unleash your inner Wonder Woman, and let’s show the world what real empowerment looks like. Because when women support each other, incredible things happen.


Heather Mangiaratti is an intuitive empowerment coach for women, holistic healer, mystic, and creator of Oracle card decks. She is deeply passionate about guiding women on their journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. With a background in holistic healing modalities and intuitive wisdom, Heather offers personalized support and guidance to help women reconnect with their inner strength, unlock their potential, and manifest their dreams. Through a blend of coaching, energy healing, and mystical practices, she empowers women to embrace their true essence, cultivate self-love, and live a life aligned with their soul’s purpose. With compassion, intuition, and a deep understanding of the sacred feminine, Heather is dedicated to helping women transform their lives and step into their power with confidence and grace.

Facebook Group, Intuitive Butterfly Sisterhood

Oracle deck Mystical Illumination




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