Crossing the Finish Line: Lamar High School celebrates 126th annual commencement – Lamar Ledger Skip to content

Crossing the Finish Line: Lamar High School celebrates 126th annual commencement

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)

  • Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday,...

    Lamar High School celebrates their 126th Annual Commencement on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. (Gabrielle Hammer)


Gabrielle Hammer

Lamar High School recently commemorated its 126th annual commencement ceremony, marking a significant milestone for the graduating class of 2024. The event, filled with poignant speeches, heartfelt moments, and reflections on the past four years, celebrated the achievements and bright futures of its graduates.

Among the speakers at the commencement were the valedictorian, Hallie Mackey. Mackey reflected on her journey through high school, acknowledging the pressures of striving to be the best and the challenges of imposter syndrome. She encouraged her fellow graduates to embrace the present moment, cherish their youth, and focus on personal growth rather than just external success.

“Some people would say that we’ve just finished the part of our life that’s supposed to be the time of our lives…from here it’s supposed to be downhill,” Mackey said. “I disagree – I think this is where the journey starts; where we will be tried and tested like nothing we’ve seen yet. Now [before], I talked a bit about how I cared a lot about being successful, I still do! Make no mistake, I want to someday make some bank…  But let me tell you something, all the money in the world won’t mean a thing when I die. What will matter is the difference I made while I was here. What will really matter, and what really makes you a successful and good person, is how you handle the hurdles in the next chapter of our lives.

“So class of 2024, don’t just set out to be millionaires, strive to learn what makes you a better person and the world a better place.”

Mackey also shared a touching story about her father’s ultramarathon, illustrating the importance of perseverance and determination in overcoming obstacles. She emphasized the message that everyone is capable of achieving great things if they commit to their goals and push through challenges.

“My dad ran that race to teach me a lesson, but it’s also a lesson that applies to the rest of you guys,” she said. “There’s not a lot of things I can think of that are harder than running 100 miles straight. Whatever life throws at you after this, if you’re going to college, if you’re working, if you’re just doing your own thing – you can do it. Everyone in this room is capable of doing hard things.”

Salutatorian Taya Schmidt expressed gratitude to her family, friends, and mentors who supported her throughout her high school journey. She highlighted the significance of believing in oneself, living life to the fullest, avoiding regrets, and leaving a positive impact on the world. Schmidt shared personal anecdotes and inspirational quotes to inspire her peers to pursue their dreams fearlessly and define their own paths to success. One specific point of highlight was Schmidt’s acknowledgement of what a great teacher can do for a student.

“Every person has a teacher who is a role model that has helped shape them into who they are today … the one person that sticks out the most is Jenna Randle [LHS Marketing Teacher]. During my freshman year, I didn’t want to do DECA at all,” Schmidt said. “Because of her encouragement and dedication, I continued to pursue the program and ultimately fell in love with it. Her unconditional support and willingness to go the extra mile to make sure we have everything ready are things that I strive to be.”

Head Girl Vanessa Chairez reminisced about her transition from Wiley School District to Lamar her eighth-grade year, where she discovered new opportunities and personal growth. Chairez emphasized the importance of resilience and perseverance in overcoming challenges and encouraged her classmates to embrace their unique journeys as they embarked on the next chapter of their lives.

Chairez noted, “See, I view every person as a book. For example, just like me, each and every one of you has their own story that is building them into the person they are becoming. Some chapters may be easier to read than others but a bumpy chapter does not define an entire book… when a book gets boring or difficult to read, that’s when you have to lock in and push through to get to the happily ever after. We have all had our own fair share of triumphs and hardships, but we made it because we have not let moments of difficulty define us but have used our wins to power us. We are here today and because of that we are stronger than we were yesterday.”

Head Boy Cole Krug, known throughout the community for his success in cross country, wrestling, and track and field, utilized a race metaphor to reflect on the various stages of the graduates’ high school journey, from the exhilarating start to the sprint to the finish line in senior year. Krug acknowledged the support of the community and encouraged his fellow graduates to approach the future with confidence and determination.

Krug, who is set to run competitively for Fort Hays State University next fall, concluded his speech by saying, “Now we are gathered here today, crossing the finish line, each at our own pace and with our own strategy. We have run our individual races but come together and celebrate graduating as a team. The Lamar High School class of 2024. It is a rewarding feeling and now we get to begin our cool down.”

“But, let’s not be fooled, we have another very important race coming up, the race of life. Whether the beginning of this next race involves college, trade school, serving our country in the military or entering the workforce,  we must continue to carve our path and make another great effort to complete what falls before us confidently, and to the best of our ability. It is clear, we are ready to tackle what lies ahead. So, to the class of 2024- congrats on your strong finish!”

Superintendent Dr. Chad Krug commended the graduating class for their resilience and determination in the face of adversity. He expressed gratitude to parents, teachers, and the community for their unwavering support and encouragement.

Dr. Krug encouraged the graduates to embrace the challenges ahead with courage and conviction, knowing that they had the love and support of their community behind them, and concluded his remarks with, “Live forward. Do good. And, be well. Things worth doing aren’t always easy!”

In addition to the inspiring speeches of the day, the ceremony recognized the top ten students of the class: Hallie Mackey, Taya Schmidt, Vanessa Chairez, Carisma Gass, Cole Krug, Riley Chavira, Brocc Brodecky, Austin Thacker, Andrew Durst, and Zack Rankin. Furthermore, several students graduated from Lamar Community College with an Associate Degree, including Vanessa Chairez, Riley Chavira, Carisma Gass, Hallie Mackey, Zack Rankin, Taya Schmidt, and Austin Thacker. A particularly special moment during the ceremony included the recognition for the three individuals who have chosen to serve their country by joining the military, Blake Miller, Kaije Mosier, and Omar Rubio. Whilst standing for their recognition, the three boys received a standing ovation from the audience, and the immense appreciation for their dedication to this country was felt throughout the room.

The 126th annual commencement of Lamar High School served as a testament to the resilience, achievements, and bright futures of its graduates. As they embark on their next chapter, the class of 2024 carries with them the lessons learned, the friendships forged, and the memories cherished from their time at LHS.