Mrs Hinch's top tip to clean this easily forgotten kitchen area

Mrs Hinch has shared a clever hack for cleaning an easily-missed area in your kitchen
Mrs Hinch has shared a clever hack for cleaning an easily-missed area in your kitchen -Credit:Getty

There's a number of jobs to tick off when you're completing your weekly household chores - and many of us are guilty at avoiding the jobs we just can't see. However Mrs Hinch has shared a clever hack for cleaning an easily-missed area in your kitchen.

The cleaning influencer, whose real name is Sophie Hinchliffe, took to her social media to highlight the build-up of food and grime that can accumulate in your kitchen plughole over time, as reported by the Mirror.

In her Instagram story, Mrs Hinch revealed her tried and tested technique for cleaning the plughole and eliminating unpleasant odours. To start, Sophie placed a spoonful of bicarbonate of soda over the plughole, before pouring white vinegar over the top.

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The combination is often hailed as a cupboard essential, working wonders for cleaning appliances. Bicarb is a gentle abrasive and natural deodoriser that can dissolve mineral deposits and organic materials such as grease. While vinegar has been hailed a 'stape' of housekeeping hacks due to its acidic properties.

Sophie then use a teaspoon to assist with the hack. Telling her followers, she said: "It's very clear that none of us like a smelly plug. But if bicarb and vinegar doesn't do the trick it may be worth checking deeper, let me show you this..."

She then used the spoon and unscrewed the plughole to release the plate. While the surrounding surface appeared clean, the area under the drain cover was covered in grime, as reported by the Mirror.

Sophie then used Cif and her SonicScrubber to lift the dirt, which came off easily. To finish, she poured Zoflora down the drain. She said: "Not gonna lie... This is my idea of heaven. The satisfaction is real."

One cleaning enthusiast was left disgusted after trying out the plughole hack. Posting on the Cleaning & Organising Inspiration Australia Facebook group, they penned: "After watching this on TikTok I thought I'd give it a try! How long has it been since you’ve actually cleaned your sink?"

She explained: "Use a butter knife to open the bolt and find the filth underneath (it stinks as well). Once its opened pour bicarb soda over everything, then spray some white vinegar over it and let it bubble. Scrub with a brush and rinse with hot much better now its clean!"