any tips on little ways to make time for partner during the day? - August 2022 Babies | Forums | What to Expect
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any tips on little ways to make time for partner during the day?

so my husband and i started prioritizing having coffee together in the morning. we have noticed it’s helping our relationship a lot just to have those 10-15 minutes in the morning to actually connect or even just sit there together. he mentioned today trying to do more little things like that and i just wanted to see if anyone had anything that works for them that they would like to share.

my family lives in a different country and my husbands family is no help with our son so leaving our son with someone isn’t really an option

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When our LO goes to sleep, we usually go sit outside (monitor is always with us) and talk about anything and everything. Sometimes we even just listen to a genre of music that we love (we both listen to a lot of old country music and or rock) and just take turns picking songs and maybe even talking about memories connecting to them, and dance even. Sometimes we will curl up on the couch or in bed with snacks and watch a movie/ show together. We have also talked about looking into board games you can play with just two people (I follow a couple on TT that kind of plays them together and posts the videos). It’s much easier for us to do it at night because naps we use to get stuff done and we never know how long she’ll nap, but you could also do these things during nap time.

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love this thank you!

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We do hugs. Seems silly but it helps our relationship so much. My husband knows exactly when I need it (or when he annoys me) and comes to give me a long, nice hug. It’s usually enough to connect and keep going with our crazy toddler caring life.

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love this thanks for your comment :)

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Our kids go to sleep early like 6:30-7:15 so every once in a while we get takeout after they go to bed and eat just the two of us and it is such a nice way to connect. We also prioritize intimacy at least 3 times a week. On off nights, we will play a board game, watch a show or occasionally just do our own things. We’ve been together 12 years and are happier than ever. I’m a SAHM and my husband works from home full time so we’re together almost 24/7 but still make sure we prioritize “connections” vs being in the same space.

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good ideas! maybe we should try an earlier bed time again

thanks for sharing!

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We have date night every week. Like you, we have no help from anyone so we have it every Wednesday after the kids go to bed. Well my 11 year old knows that’s our time so she stays in her room and our 21 month old is in bed by 8/830. We do different things like have a late dinner together, play uno watch some tv and if we are absolutely drained from the day we just cuddle on the couch and talk.

He purchased some dance lessons so every now and then we practice that and have a couple drinks. He goes to bed at 10/1030 but having those 2 hours together every week makes a difference.

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