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Producers of TLC’s hit reality series 90 Day Fiance are looking to put a new spin on their “finding love off the beaten path” theme with new show Love After Lockup. The series will document couples in which one (or more?) partner is currently behind bars, but soon to be released.

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This chick…

I’m behind on episodes but WTF is this?! She’s at her mother’s house…where her oldest child lives…with the bathroom door open???!!!! That’s disturbing. Also disturbing how when she showed “her man” her son on FaceTime her man was like “…the young boy…” Does dude even know the kids name?

r/loveafterlockup - This chick…
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This is why she has 2 kids 2 baby daddy's and thinks a felon with 5 kids 4 baby Mama's, that she poached from her "friend", is a prize.

The friend is also one of the baby mothers to make it worse 🤦🏽‍♂️

Oh god… I’m not that far along in the season yet…. I should have known it would only get worse.

Yeah it’s the episode after this she meets his mom and she says how the mom already met him before but as the baby moms friend now she’s meeting her as “daughter in law” I put it in quotes because their not married

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Wow,that's trashy

What! Had no idea!

u/Ginos_Hair_Patch avatar

Nooooo 💀

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Could it be some sort of mental illness that causes these horrible/delusional life choices? Like when she watches herself on the show, will she see the ridiculous hypocrisy in all that she says and does? The bragging about how stripping has given her financial freedom yet she’s stressing about basic life necessities? The comments like, “…I’ll do anything to be successful” immediately followed by “I’m not going to school for 12 years to be…” whatever it was she claimed she wanted to be? The bitching out her mom saying she has no control over going to jail even though she made the choice to drive high multiple times? And that’s before we even get into the banking on some felon to be her knight-in-shining-armor. WTF is that?

It has all the checkmarks of a dysfunctional childhood and chaotic upbringing

Agreed, and I also think that American culture isn't exactly helpful, with the Kardashians and The Real Housewives etc that emphasize the superficial and glamorize bad behavior.

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u/cgraves77 avatar

Immaturity. Stunted Development and lack of accountability leaves people repeating the same mistakes

Yes. She has anger issues that she is being counseled for. Plus 2 DUI charges, assault, baby daddies are a young age, rough up bringing, stripping, choosing bad men, hyper sexual, hood rat behavior, toxic friendships, etc. Definitely needs a psych evaluation and therapy. But honestly that’s the least of her worries right now with those charges.

She lives with roommates. If she makes so much money, she shouldn't need a roommate unless it works because they help care for her child.

u/UnhappyAd9934 avatar

No it's just being young, dumb, lazy, and letting other people (usually another man or another young dumb friend) influence their decisions. People like her are oblivious to the things others with common sense might see and people like her usually lack accountability. I expect more poor decisions out of her now that she has a tiny bit of relevance on social media and I expect her at some point to try and fix it all by trapping some man with money with a baby.

Being young isn’t an excuse and she’s not that young. She isn’t oblivious to her decisions and the people she’s around. She just feels entitled to having her way because she victimizes herself. She’s entitled and irrational.

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(OK, totally unproven theory here...)

I do wonder if a lot of these people had mothers who either drank too much alcohol, or used drugs (even a mild drug like marijuana) and it entered the bloodstream of the fetus and caused these people brain-developmental issues that's now showing up in their life... such as poor decision-making and very low impulse control. Maybe some scientific studies need to be done to look into this, because it seems pretty widespread.

u/Nettmel avatar

Smoking any type of substance decreases oxygen to the placenta. Fact.

u/TodayIllGetItRight avatar

Or a garbage culture in general

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I'm just getting onto the second episode and I had to run over here and see if anyone was talking about her reaction to her dui. She's crying to her friend almost as if all this stuff is happening TO her. Like girl, YOU made the choice to drive high, your even admitting you were driving high but some how think it's crazy that there's a consequence.

It drives me crazy that someone can't take responsibility. It's someone like her who needs to and deserves to go jail because I coukd bet money she WILL do it again. She doesn't think there is anything wrong with driving high.

I had relapsed a few years ago and almost fell asleep behind the wheel. People called the police and I got a dui. I felt SO fucking horrible. It ended up being what made me stop using and get sober again. I couldn't get it out of my head how lucky I was that I didn't hurt anyone. I made such a dumb choice and there wasn't once in my head did I think it was wrong that I got arrested. It's not something I talk about really in real life and most ppl that know me dont know about it. I promised myself and told my close family that if I do relapse again (which I hope I don't and I have a few years sobriety again, but I am an addict). That I'll give them my car keys or they can just come take it. Because if I am choosing to get high, I can walk my ass around town, I don't deserve the privilege to drive at that point.

I understand weeds different them hard drugs but imo if your so high that the police knows and you fail a sobriety test, you absolutely should not be driving.

It blows my mind someone can put people's lives at risk and act like it's no biggie.

1st) yes, this chick the worst. Like it doesn’t even register what she did was wrong. That’s scary and dangerous. 2nd) it is so amazing and inspiring how you are able to not only own your shit, but also take accountability, learn, and grow from the situation. Everyone fucks up. I myself have really fucked up. It’s the feeling remorse and making a commitment to doing better that’s so important. It’s so commendable that you are able to understand that yourself (and all of us) are human beings. Human beings are flawed. Recognizing that and trying to change is how we make a difference in the future. 3rd) your handle name (Mia Wallace) is so fucking kick-ass. 👏 👏 👏

Aw your so sweet. I appreciate that. I spent many years thinking the world somehow did me wrong but I order to heal I had to look at how I was navigating through instead of playing a victim. I so appreciate your kind words ♡♡♡

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u/Due_Contest_6379 avatar

She says he was made to be for her. And it looks about right so far.

u/ConsequenceFun204 avatar

I thought it was 6 kids

u/musictakemeawayy avatar

the “friend” part makes her the worst like what?!

Well, if it matters... (and it might not matter a whole lot)... she seemed to indicate that she got with Rob after he and her best friend had broken up. Even if that's the case, Ayonna had to know that was probably gonna cause problems and hard feelings.🤷‍♂️

u/dnlively avatar

Now you know she ain't wait until they were broken up lol.

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She’s adding another couple great choices to her repertoire.

Don't forget all the different types of herpes and other diseases that she has. Why the fuck is she playing with her own tits?

Wait what???

Basically, we are saying that she is a skank and puts a felon before her kids and expects her mom to take care of her kids while she is locked up!

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u/ArdenM avatar

She's one of the most selfish mothers to ever grace the Love During Lockup Universe.

I really thought Raneka was as low as it could get but I’m having second thoughts now. I just finished the scene where her poor mother is trying to talk some sense into her but it’s straight up pointless. She looked and acted like a spoiled 5-year-old. I feel so bad for her mom.

u/ArdenM avatar

When she told her mom that it's HER responsibility to take care of her kids because she's her mother?! That was crazy. And her entire attitude that getting a DUI for driving high is the "stupidest law in America" - wow. I would not be at all shocked if she drove high with her daughter in the car and forgot to put her in a car seat.

She seems entirely focused on her prison boo with his 6 kids and 4 baby mommas who was her best freinds' man before she got together with him. That is not going to end well.

But the collateral damage in all this = her kids! They are innocent victims of her selfishness.

Raneka seems a little better b/c her kids were older and seemed to be pretty self sufficient (I mean the PARENTIFIED CHILD SYNDROME is alive and well on this show but that's another story...) But her daughter is what - 2 years old? So sad.


Correction … Raneka had a court case where her daughter was allegedly (sexually) abused by Raneka’s former live in boyfriend. The daughter ran away, Raneka, knew or the daughter told her and she allowed the man to continue to live there. Raneka really moved because of CPS, its failure to protect a minor and could lead to the removal of your children. Also when they moved to be near Asonta (RIP), same child who expressed reservation about Asonta on screen, ran away. That triggered 2 CPS investigations, in 2 different states.

She was being investigated for fraudulently obtaining a PPP loan to open her lashes vending machine business. (She lied on the application and said she had employees before she had the business.)

It’s on YouTube and public record Raneka was truly one of the worst mothers on the show. Then to go on a reality tv show and think it’s not going to catch up to you. I wish I had half of the nerve, these women do!

u/ArdenM avatar

Oh wow...I didn't realize the abuse allegations. That's REALLY dark.

Wowwwwwwwwwwwwww. 😮

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u/UnhappyAd9934 avatar

The children always suffer in these situations and I don't expect this to get better. Her children are definitely going to resent her later on in life for putting men and social media clout before them. Also you have to be the dumbest person there is to think that a man with 6 kids by 4 different women (one of which is your friend) is a good choice to date or marry. How low is the bar if he is being considered a prize?

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Idk if her mom warrants pity- she’s continued to allow her to act the fool. The mom definitely needs to set some boundaries with her- allowing her to pop in/out the boy’s life, she hangs out w/her son more like a brother & shoos him upstairs to take care of the toddler, all have a very negative effect on the boy. Plus she’s straight whining abt 2 DWI’s in a short amount of time being “the stupidest law on the books”, yet she admits to driving impaired. 🙄

Yea. It’s just sucks though bc her worthless daughter holds the trump card in a sense (the grandkids). Grandmom basically has custody of the son. It has to be tough bc you wouldn’t want to totally cut off a son from his mother (especially if you hold out hope the mom will get better). And the little girl. If grandmom doesn’t step up and take in the baby while moms in jail what shithole will the mom dump baby off at? Whole situation is tough

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Well, no shade toward mom, but sorry... she has 2 kids who have significant arrest records (including a son who did time for selling drugs). I'd say maybe mom is partly responsible for how her kids turned out. #JustSaying

Of course if the fathers were absent they deserve some of the blame too.

Even 2 parent households with the best of everything produce children like her. People make choices and need to stand on them. No passive ass blame cause at some point we know better.


You’re absolutely correct. Everyone has free will.

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u/UnhappyAd9934 avatar

I've seen kids come from some of the worst parental situations you can see that went on to be productive people and the thing I learned from them is that the choices you make regardless of your situation are your own and nobody else's. Mom and Dad might be partly to blame but at the end of the day they chose to sell drugs or get DUI's and that's nobody's fault but their own.

Yep. Both my parents did drugs. Both my brother and I put ourselves through college and graduated!! So.. it’s about who are as a person and HOW you choose to live your life.

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You’re making assumptions about her mom and father as well. You can’t place blame on them. Only she is to blame for the choices that she has made. She made a conscious decision. Now she has to deal with the consequences and effects of that.

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Destinie still takes the cake for me, but yeah, Ayonna is up there too.

Tbh heather is the worst of them all. I don’t think it was even mentioned on the show that she had kids!! 🤦🏻‍♀️ But Destiny is definitely the second worst, she’s horrible.

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She is definitely an early afternoon, C-team stripper

When the public defender called, I realized she was at the strip club during the day…

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This one's mom is gonna end up raising these kids.

She's already raising one. Why not both at this point?

Hopefully!! Shit.. she’s unfit as hell. The man is more important than her kids, she made that super clear smh.

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u/PrettyPettyPisces avatar

I can’t stand her . She’s even rude to her friends and family.

She fucking on her best friend ex? Like she’s not a real friend. She’s such an ass hole. She’s going to end up lonely and bitter

She's so awful.

u/Jade_Foxx3000 avatar

Can’t watch her.

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she is the reason we are all here!

u/Initial-Succotash-37 avatar


u/Mysterious_Relief168 avatar

This is one of those women who always has drama, but doesn’t know why there’s always drama. I’m willing to bet Ayonna is mad at her friend (his child’s mom) when it was Ayonna who got with her friend’s boyfriend. She’s probably still mad about that cop giving her a DWI. Like there’s something she can magically do to avoid a DWI.


u/Inside-Film-3811 avatar

who would pay to see that hump a pole ?

Speculation here but probably some raggedy bum who knows certain low-end establishments make up for second-rate “aesthetics”with (what we’ll politely call) more gratifying endings. 🤔

u/UnhappyAd9934 avatar

After hearing her speak for a few minutes I said to myself you can't convince me she's not sleeping with some of the people paying for dances or at the very least sleeping with some older guy from time to time for extra money on bills or money for birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, or back to school shopping.

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Obviously she has no shame, but what do the other family members think watching this play back on TV? Are they just so used to her being a mess that it doesn't register any more? I don't want to blame her mother entirely, but something went very wrong in this girl's upbringing to think all of this is OK.

Her life is a revolving door of karma lol

Ayonna just needs to calm down. Also, being from Philly, "the youngbul" is just slang, it's like "there he is!"

Good to know. Thanks for the info

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You know she nasty.

u/Intelligent_Food_637 avatar

This photo made me go “oh shit it’s Friday”. I lost track of this week

She’s what you see in the dictionary if you look up ratchet.

u/ljacks09 avatar

Help is needed.

I feel for her son ...he's probably thankful he lives with his grandmother 😫

Fr. I’m thankful he lives with his gma. His mom couldn’t even act right during the time she DID spend with him smfh.

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A real winner in life, she treated her Mother poorly and is a whore on top of that

u/SheikhIssa avatar

She’s exactly what is wrong with society: zero accountability for her actions. Her utter disbelief that a judge would be upset at her feeding her kid during a hearing is laughable.

And I hate the judicial system as much as the next guy but her world-revolves-me attitude needs to get corrected.

Her dumb ass probably did that on purpose thinking of the judge sees she’s a mother he will give her a lighter sentence. The fact that not giving the court your full attention is totally disrespectful didn’t even occur to her. So weird

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u/Ok-Fig6407 avatar

That screenshot. 😂

Ah yes, the cheap porno flick money-shot. Very classy, very classy indeed.

u/Susanlovescoffee avatar

Trash 🗑️

This scene was crazy but her acting up on zoom court took me all the way out!

It’s really sad thinking about this woman and her kids. Dancing is honest work! Bad choices are apparently unavoidable… you all know how this love story will end!

u/CoolAd1910 avatar

Her poor kids ...

What a fkn goofy

u/JohnnyRed575 avatar



she's so ugh.

She's almost unwatchable. A DISGRACE.

u/Goodbykyle avatar

🤢 she is trash 🗑️