“The Tooth Is Out There” – SO HELP ME TODD. Pictured: Skylar Astin as Todd Wright

So Help Me Todd Season 2 Episode 10 Review: The Tooth is Out There

Reviews, So Help Me Todd

Though the fan-driven push to save the series remains strong, there’s no avoiding the current cliffhanger ending of So Help Me Todd Season 2 Episode 10 “The Tooth is Out There.”

Already dealing with the full weight of the external financial threats to the firm, Margaret is rocked to learn that Folding is working against it from within. When she arrives to find the entire staff has revolted, it begins to look like there’s no saving the business.

Beverly certainly seems to think so, apologizing for her recent behavior and saying it’s all been a test. Francey accepts another job offer, forcing Margaret to release her from employment. Susan, we soon learn, is getting offers of her own.

SO HELP ME TODD Season 2 Episode 4, "Dial Margaret for Murder"
 SO HELP ME TODD, Pictured: Marcia Gay Harden as Margaret Wright and Rosa Arredondo as Francey Jones. Photo: Michael Courtney/CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Before that, she has one more client—Allison is determined to sue her own mother for the pay she’s owed as a medical expert. It’s largely a cover for everything else she’s processing and eventually leads to a much-needed airing out for the Wright family.

Amidst all this, a case offers a lifeline only after Margaret is persuaded to switch sides. In retaliation, opposing council first hires Gus and then uses Harry as a witness. The latter, in an act of remorse, offers her a key piece of evidence.

After one last thrilling legal victory, the firm gains twenty-three new clients that will resolve all its financial woes. Maragret finally offers Susan her promotion and everyone else the pay they deserve. Everything is good again!

“Faux-Bituary” – SO HELP ME TODD, Pictured: Skylar Astin as Todd Wright
 SO HELP ME TODD, Pictured: Skylar Astin as Todd Wright. Photo: Michael Courtney/CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

But not for long. After Lyle brings a file to decrypt, Todd and Judy do so, engaging in some romantic tension and banter along the way. But when the image of another supposed mole is revealed, it’s of Margaret herself.

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Folding is setting her up to take the fall for everything he’s done. It will cancel out all they’ve won and have far worse consequences for her. Todd stands by her, but against what? We may never know. Just as Folding is about to enter at last, we cut to black. End series. Probably.

So how do we feel about the confused state in which we leave everyone? I am at least glad we avoided any literal life-or-death circumstances and appreciate the moments of character growth and shared love amidst the chaos.

“Faux-Bituary” – SO HELP ME TODD, Pictured: Caitlin McCarthy as Ellen, Bernie Yao as Lewis, Kelly Metzger as Jean and Marcia Gay Harden as Margaret Wright
SO HELP ME TODD, Pictured: Caitlin McCarthy as Ellen, Bernie Yao as Lewis, Kelly Metzger as Jean and Marcia Gay Harden as Margaret Wright. Photo: Michael Courtney/CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

I know Margaret will be okay in the end, especially with her son by her side. In fact, I’m sure everyone we care about will land on their feet. However many questions we have, we’re also given reassurance that they know what they’re going.

There is discord, too, and not being able to see it resolved makes it feel worse. This is especially true with Allison, finally pushed with plenty of reason to lash out in the most personal way she can. The resolution we do get is sweet, but it’s just a first step.

The most heartbreaking individual scene is likely watching Francey push Margaret to fire her. She’s been the Wright matriarch’s devoted ally since well before the start of the series. Losing that, however temporarily, highlights this recent spiral.

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SO HELP ME TODD, Pictured: Rosa Evangelina Arredando as Francey Jones. Photo: Ed Araquel/CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

There’s also a lot thrust into romantic relationships. No matter how much Margaret rejects Harry, she does accept his help, and that creates something uncertain for her and Gus. The new romance between Todd and Judy is also on wary footing at times.

Yet for all the drama, the most overwhelming message for everyone is how much these characters care for each other, whether openly or grudgingly. I expect we might have started season 3 with people moving apart, but only on the way to a renewed united front.

And yes, there is plenty of comedy even in the direst of circumstances. The episode title stems from the dental “charity” occupying the mysterious 28th floor, leading to an (almost literally) painfully hilarious scene of Todd trapped in a van with a dubious dentist.

“The Tooth Is Out There” – SO HELP ME TODD, Pictured: Marcia Gay Harden as Margaret Wright
“The Tooth Is Out There” – SO HELP ME TODD, Pictured: Marcia Gay Harden as Margaret Wright. Photo: Michael Courtney/CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

In the end, though, it’s difficult to feel anything beyond resentment towards CBS and frustration that this is where we leave off, particularly in light of series creator Scott Prendergast confirming a planned seven seasons(!) worth of plot.

I’ll leave off asking everyone one last time to sign the THREE petitions here, here and here. We deserve all seven seasons. At the very least, we deserve a complete ending. But if we don’t get either, at least we can share love for this show and these characters one more time.  

This show brings something unique to a spectrum of spin-offs and cookie cutter crime dramas. The humor and character dynamics—for both biological and “found” families—are at the top of their game. To the crew and cast, you deserve so much more. But if you don’t get it: thanks for the ride!

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So Help Me Todd airs Thursdays at 9/8c on CBS.

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Caitlin is an elder millennial with an only slightly unhealthy dedication to a random selection of TV shows, from PBS Masterpiece dramas to some of the less popular series on popular networks. Outside of screen time, she's dedicated to the public sector and worthy nonprofits, working to make a difference in the world outside of media.

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