PRACTICAL PARSIMONY: Friday and Sensor Success

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Friday, May 17, 2024

Friday and Sensor Success

 Even though the neighbors have been jerks, cruel to their children, and obviously lost custody of two boys, I really hate for bad things to happen to their lives. I suggested to Tommy that we leave a note, telling them to check mail because there was a letter about a lien on their home. He agreed that would be good for them. There are at least two dozen letters, probably more letters in their mailbox. 

Then, I thought it over. She probably thinks I contacted the city. And, she would have it in writing that I opened the letter. I opened a kid's Auburn housing letter unknowingly but took it over and told him. He laughed. I opened a Temu package and found curl enhancer, then looked at the address and name. If it is in my mailbox, I just open it assuming it is mine. Mostly, I see the wrong address first and refrain from opening the envelope. This time, we had three letters for their box. ???

So, we will let it ride. They are adults and can find their own mail. I am quite sure the lien will just be only for a very expensive lawn mowing the city will perform. 

Catastrophe--we ran out of Kraft Cheddar Cheese chunks. Tommy always complains that I am buying too much of this cheese. The last time it was on sale, I refrained from buying any. So, I am out of cheese! 

Thursday night, I did not go to bed until 1:30 and dreaded Friday. The tree guy was coming to removed the limb. So, I thought he would be here at 8 am. It was raining. At about 4:30 am, I went to bathroom, saw Tommy's light on and walked in here to find him gone. He was in the kitchen getting cereal and milk. His alarm on the meter was going off. The sound woke him, warning him about dropping blood sugar--about 52. He ate while I sat here and checked it again. He went right back to sleep. 

So, at this time, I was really dreading the tree guy coming.  I awoke next time at almost noon. The alarm was not going off but his blood sugar was dropping. He ate lunch and I had milk, and we left the house to get the last two ads at grocery stores. 

I bought sundried tomatoes for my Mediterranean Pasta, pb bogo, Passing by the soup aisle, I saw Campbell's Tomato soup unsalted. I rarely eat tomato soup. As a child we mostly had it when we were ill. Then, extra salt was added. I have tomato soup now about every two or three years. I was furious when I got home and read the label because it has so much sugar.

Yesterday, I bought sundried tomatoes for the Mediterranean Pasta I want to make. But, neither Tommy nor I can find the jar. So, I bought another. 

We pass by the market where we got vegetables last year that had to be home grown. I was sure it should be open, but it never was and there were no signs. Today, Tommy slowed a bit and we got a phone number which I called. The time of the market has changed from Wednesday to Tuesday. Location has also changed. No wonder we could not find the market!

Today, I used one of the Tupperware tumblers with lid for the purpose it was destined with me. Sometimes, I want/need to carry milk in the car. It is treacherous to carry a disposable cup of milk since I might spill walking, or in the car. A Ball pint is great, but I don't want to use glass. The Tupperware with lid won't break or spill. The new tumbler worked perfectly for me today. 

Usually Friday in Hueytown is very congested. We almost never make it out of the house until 3 pm or maybe later if Tommy really wants to watch Jeopardy. I hurried him out (why I carried milk for my lunch) and we were out by 1pm. The roads were practically empty as was Publix. The chores were less arduous since traffic was very light. 

Three more of the mesh laundry bags live here. I think that makes seven. We use them for things that get lost and for laundry. One is for his remote sensor. He returned two blouses that did not fit. One was returned to cc I used. He got store credit for the other then turned around and used it for a purchase. 

We returned home in time for him to watch almost all of the first Jeopardy and all of the second Jeopardy. So, it was a good day all around. Oh, I did buy one chunk of Medium Cheddar Cheese for $4.79 instead of the usual sale price of $2.50 or $3. It hurt to put the cheese in my cart!

The person who was showing me glasses said a coating was the solution for astigmatism. I called today to say the antibiotic burned my eye and to ask about astigmatism solution. Just take the Zpak for eye, and the coating helps with glare. No, coating is not the solution for anything else but glare caused by astigmatism.  So, that is settled, and I was correct. 

Today, I am being plagued by callers wanting to sell or give me something health related. These calls are still going at 5:30 pm. 

Do you put a coating on eyeglasses if you have astigmatism?


  1. I had astigmatism all my life until I had cataracts removed and got new lenses in my eyes...poof, no more astigmatism. Never noticed glare, but had tinted lenses because they relaxed my eyes for reading. Never really thought about it. When my cataracts got really bad, the overhead lights in a store made it hard to see anything the glare was so bad. I am happy the glucose monitor is working and that Tommy is paying attention to it.

    1. I only knew I had astigmatism when I got glasses at 42. No, astigmatism did not go away. I noticed glare from cataracts or after surgery, not sure why now. Store light were bad. He is doing very well with the monitor. I am so relieved, too.

  2. I have had my glasses with the slight tent to help with computer glare. Have used computers for years. The extreme glare stopped with cataract surgery. I have always had astigmatism. I still don't like bright sun glare and wear sunglasses.
    Glad the machine is helping Tommy.

    1. Cheryl,
      The bright sun is so awful. It makes my eyes water and reduces vision. I will get sunglasses.

  3. I wouldn't waste one second of pity on your neighbors, except for their children. People (usually) are the ones who turn their own lives into huge messes. I wouldn't so much as pick up a stray piece of paper from their yard. They can fix their own mess, or wallow in it.

    And a lien doesn't mean anything other than that when the home is repo'd, the lien-holder gets paid from the eventual resale of the home.

    Your neighbors sounded like trash; just be happy they seem to be on their way out. If you are worried about the dogs, call the ASPCA--or a local rescue society--and give them the address.

    I'm glad you found the new time/location of the Farmer's Market. And the Tupperware lidded cup is a great solution to carrying beverages. I agree I would never want to carry a glass container around.

    Nobody with astigmatism has a lens coating to address that issue. You just proved it yourself with a phone call. You might have told them that one of their employees is ignorant & giving callers bad info.

    I seldom consult anyone under 50 these days about important issues, doctors/nurses being the exception.

    1. Sue,
      I imagine they have people treat them poorly all the time because they are lesbians. I really don't care what they are. A dog that disturbs the peace during the day, barks day and night, and has a trash heap for a yard are things that matter.
      However, they probably mistake reactions to their anti-social behavior as discrimination.

      Occasionally, I have used a Ball pint jar. But, that is exactly why I bought the Tupperware tumblers. I am afraid I will drop it on way to car or break it in the car.

      I have known I have had astigmatism for 35 years. And, no one has ever suggested a coating for it. I did tell them she made a mistake, but that she was very nice, and I did not want to get her in trouble.

      Even when I don't ask a younger person for help, some of them seemed compelled to give me bad or silly advice.

  4. I have a mild astigmatism. You are core correct: The coating on my glasses doesn't help the astigmatism. It does, however, reduce glare which can be worse with an astigmatism. I can't believe your health care provider would be comfortable giving you such inaccurate information.

    1. Meg,
      The young woman handing me glass frames from which to choose told me this. I gathered up my prescription and left.

  5. I've been getting telemarketer calls from one town here called Etowah and I am over it! It's so frustrating.

    1. Belinda,
      These people can barely speak English, have poor telephone skills and are such an annoyance.

  6. I do get a coating on my prescription glasses to minimise scratches. The coating really does help to avoid lense damage.

    1. Janet,
      Thanks. I either never get scratches or I cannot see well enough to know they are scratched. Probably the latter.

  7. How are you getting calls? Happily I don't get any.

    1. Urspo,
      I suppose I am on some sort of list. I wish I did not get any of these calls.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.