The X-Men films by 20th Century Studios were partially responsible for the rise of the MCU and the modern landscape of superhero films. For twenty years, they told a long, complex narrative of mutants struggling to survive in a world that hates them, touching on harsh subjects like prejudice, identity, rising or succumbing to pain, and the importance of family. Following Disney's acquisition of 20th Century Studios, the X-Men will eventually appear as part of the MCU.

Still, these movies will be fondly remembered for their unique identity and powerful stories, even if their quality fluctuates. Fortunately, the X-Men films also boast a nice list of memorable and powerful quotes. Delivered by powerhouse actors, these poignant and thought-provoking lines capture the heart of why audiences still love these characters decades after their release.

10 "Mutant and Proud"

Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) - 'X-Men: First Class' (2011)

Mystique looking intently in the 2014 movie X-Men: Days of Future Past
Image via 20th Century Studios

As a young woman, the shapeshifter Mystique (Jennnifer Lawrence) rarely spent time in her natural, blue-skinned form to blend in with humanity. This overprotective approach changes when she meets Erik Lehnsherr ( Michael Fassbender), who encourages her to stop hiding and embrace her true self. With her newfound confidence, Mystique tries to dissuade Hank McCoy (Nicholas Hoult) from using his experimental cure with a speech that ends in the above quote.

Although cheesy, this line cuts to the heart of one of X-Men's core themes: self-acceptance. Mutants are constantly at war with themselves regarding their power and society's standards, but this quote encourages them to embrace their uniqueness. Having Mystique be the one to say it is also important, as it begins her transition from a self-conscious woman into the confident and deadly femme fatale in the early movies. Oscar-winner Jennifer Lawrence sells it, turning what could easily be an eye-rolling moment into an empowering one.

X-Men First Class Movie Poster
X-Men: First Class
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Release Date
June 1, 2011
Matthew Vaughn
Ashley Miller , Zack Stentz , Jane Goldman , Matthew Vaughn , Sheldon Turner , Bryan Singer

9 "Mankind has Always Feared What it Doesn't Understand."

Magneto (Ian McKellen) - 'X-Men' (2000)

Magneto (Ian McKellen) with his helmet on, looking to his right in X-Men
Image via 20th Century Studios

As anti-mutant sentiment builds in the United States, Senator Robert Kelly (Bruce Davison) attempts to pass a Mutant Registration Act, forcing mutants to reveal their identities and powers to the government. He is kidnapped by Erik (Sir Ian McKellen), now going by Magneto, who uses the Senator to test a machine that can force mutations onto humans. Magneto also delivers the above quote while exploring the source of Kelly's fear and hatred.

Magneto's line touches on one of the worst aspects of humanity: their habit of lashing out with fear and hatred whenever confronted with the unknown. His delivery is also a reason for the line's power: he's not angry but empathetic, as if he knows it's a part of humanity that cannot be changed. The line also helps explain some of Magneto's attitude, for just as it is inevitable for humanity to fear the unknown, so too is it inevitable that mutants will supplant them as the dominant life on Earth due to their gifts.

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Not available

Release Date
July 14, 2000
Bryan Singer
104 minutes
Tom DeSanto , Bryan Singer , David Hayter

8 "There's So Much More to You Than You Know, Not Just Pain and Anger."

Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) - 'X-Men: First Class' (2011)

The X-Men looking in the same direction in X-Men: First Class.
Image via 20th Century Studios

To prevent a group of mutant extremists from starting World War III, Erik teams up with a telepathic mutant named Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) to train specialized mutants to combat them. Charles also helps Erik to develop his powers by moving a radio dish. When Erik struggles with the task, Charles helps him to remember his happy memories with his powers and the above quote.

The line reminds Erik and, to an extent, the audience that everyone has equal parts, good and evil, within themselves. Sometimes, it can be hard to find the good because of how ever-encompassing negative emotions are, but everyone has a choice in how to respond to those emotions. True strength often comes from choosing to do good despite the temptation of spreading negativity. James McAvoy's earnest delivery and Michael Fassbender's emotional response further enhance the line's power.

7 "I Have Been Marked Once, My Dear, and Let Me Assure You: No Needle Will Ever Touch My Skin Again"

Magneto (Sir Ian McKellen) - 'X-Men: The Last Stand' (2006)

Magneto shows his identification tattoo in X-Men The Last Stand
Image via 20th Century Studios

When a pharmaceutical company announces that they have developed a drug that can "cure" mutations, a massive debate spawns among mutants about how to respond. Magneto rallies mutants to his extremist cause to fight against the cure before it becomes mandatory. When one mutant asks why Magneto doesn't have a tattoo like many others if he is so proud to be a mutant, he shuts her down with this quote before revealing his Concentration Camp identification number.

This quote is perfect for explaining why Magneto holds the extremist beliefs he does. He survived the Holocaust, where humanity's fear of "the other" was irrational and caused unspeakable levels of destruction and pain. Now, humanity has a rational baseline for fearing mutants, and Magneto worries that they could do even worse things in the name of "peace" and "security" at the expense of mutant lives. In all honesty, his fear is not entirely unfounded.

X-Men The Last Stand Film Poster
X-Men: The Last Stand
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Release Date
May 26, 2006
Brett Ratner
104 minutes
Simon Kinberg , Zak Penn

6 "Is It Cowardice to Want to Be Free From Persecution?"

Beast (Kelsey Grammer) - 'X-Men: The Last Stand' (2006)

Beast at court wearing a suit in X-Men The Last Stand
Image via 20th Century Studios

As news of the mutant cure spread, the X-Men find themselves with various opinions regarding its implications. Storm (Halle Berry) takes the strongest stance, decrying the cure as evil and saying that anyone who chooses to take it is a coward who doesn't accept themselves. Hank McCoy (Kelsey Grammer), now Secretary of Mutant Affairs, responds to her with the above quote to try and help her see the other side.

While the X-Men are more than willing to use their powers to protect humans and mutants, not all mutants are brave enough to advocate for themselves. Some, like Rogue (Anna Paquin), have powers that actively make their lives more difficult; for them, the cure can be an outright salvation. Beast's quote encourages people to see things from another perspective and not to view survival as cowardly.

5 "Charles Xavier Did More for Mutants Than You'll Ever Know. My Single Greatest Regret Is That He Had to Die For Our Dream to Live."

Magneto (Sir Ian McKellen) - 'X-Men: The Last Stand' (2006)

Young Charles and Magneto standing on a street in X-Men_ The Last Stand - 2006
Image via 20th Century Studios

Following Xavier's death, while trying to calm down the Phoenix-controlled Jean Grey (Famke Janssen), Magneto takes her under his wing to destroy the mutant cure. Some of his followers, such as Pyro (Aaron Stanford), voice their displeasure with the arrangement. When Pyro professes his loyalty by saying he would have killed Xavier, Magneto is quick to put him in his place with this quote.

This quote is one of Magneto's most poignant and shows how much he valued Xavier's friendship. Despite the two being on opposite ends of the spectrum, they never saw each other as enemies but as old friends who wanted the same thing through different methods. McKellen's delivery of this line is also perfect, with a subtle hint of pain showing that, while Magneto might appear as his usual self, he is indeed mourning this loss.

4 "Most People Will Never Know Anything Beyond What They See With Their Own Two Eyes."

Nightcrawler (Alan Cumming) - 'X2: X-Men United' (2003)

A promotional still of Nightcrawler in X2
A promotional still of Nightcrawler (Alan Cumming) in X2: X-Men United

One of the most memorable mutants in the films is Nightcrawler (Alan Cumming), a teleporting Christian who resembles a blue-skinned demon. He develops a friendship with Storm and tries to stress the importance of faith. One attempt sees him tell her how he pities the people he met during his time in the circus because of the above quote.

This quote is yet another one that calls out the failings of society and how judgmental people can be. Since they look at Nightcrawler and other mutants and only see their mutations, they make assumptions and thus lose the chance to get to know the people beneath the skin. Yet, Nightcrawler's quote is said with pity, not malice: he feels sorry for their inability to look deeper and empathize with a fellow human being. It's a great approach to what could easily be a straightforward sentiment, adding nuance to an already fascinating character.

X2 X-Men United poster
X2: X-Men United

Release Date
April 24, 2003
Bryan Singer
Zak Penn , David Hayter , Bryan Singer , Michael Dougherty , Dan Harris

3 "Don't Be What They Made You."

Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) - 'Logan' (2017)

Hugh Jackman as Logan looking ahead in 2017 X-Men film Logan
Image via 20th Century Studios

Logan is one of the best X-Men movies, a deeply resonant character study for the saga's most famous player. As chemicals in food have been slowly killing mutants, an aging Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) finds himself protecting a young girl named Laura (Dafne Keen), who was made with his DNA and possesses Adamantium claws and a healing factor. Though he helps Laura and her friends escape the shady organization that created them, he is fatally wounded in the process. As he dies, Logan tells his daughter the above quote as a final piece of advice.

For his whole life, Logan was treated like an attack dog by those who had power over him, to the point where his animalistic side threatened to take over on multiple occasions. Now, as he sees a new generation of mutants, one of them threatens to continue his violent legacy. His dying words are for a hopeful future where Laura will break the cycle and forge a new path. It's a sad, poignant, and deeply resonant quote that beautifully finalizes his character journey, sending him off on a profound and high note.

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Release Date
March 3, 2017
James Mangold
Hugh Jackman , Patrick Stewart , Richard E. Grant
137 minutes
Scott Frank , James Mangold , Michael Green

2 “Just Because Someone Stumbles and Loses Their Way, Doesn't Mean They’re Lost Forever.”

Charles Xavier (Sir Patrick Stewart and James McAvoy) - 'X-Men: Days of Future Past' (2014)

Charles Xavier meets with his future self in X-Men: Days of Future Past
Image via 20th Century Studios

Following the assassination of J.F.K., Charles Xavier falls into an alcoholic depression and begins to suppress his telepathic powers. When a time-traveling Wolverine informs him that Mystique's actions will lead to a future where mutants are hunted to extinction, he agrees to help stop her, allowing his powers to resurface. When he struggles to use his computer, Cerebro, he uses Logan's mind to communicate with his future self, who tells him what he needs to hear.

This quote is spoken concerning giving humanity another chance, but it can also apply to several characters in the film. Namely, Mystique, as she prepares to kill the creator of the Sentinel robots and Charles himself, who has lost his way due to despair. It is an optimistic quote that reminds audiences that falling doesn't mean it's the end for someone: they can always choose a better path, and sometimes they just need some help to find it.

X-Men Days of Future Past Movie Poster
X-Men: Days of Future Past
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Release Date
May 15, 2014
Bryan Singer
Simon Kinberg , Jane Goldman , Matthew Vaughn

1 "All Those Years Wasted Fighting Each Other, Charles... To Have a Precious Few of Them Back."

Magneto (Sir Ian McKellen) - 'X-Men: Days of Future Past' (2014)

A dying Magneto in X-Men: Days of Future Past
Image via 20th Century Studios

To buy Wolverine as much time as possible, Magneto and several other mutants fight off an army of Sentinel robots. Though he deals considerable damage to the ever-changing Sentinels, Magneto is wounded and forced to retreat. Laying on the ground, as the end comes crashing down around him, he uses what time he has left to say his goodbyes to Charles.

This is the perfect quote to send off McKellen's version of Magneto, beautifully delivered by the mighty Ian McKellen. No matter what happened between him and Charles, the two always remained close, sharing a bond no one else could understand. Only now, as their world ends, are they able to stand together to protect the future of mutants. It is a powerful, introspective quote that sees Magneto re-evaluating what matters most, capped off by a respectful handshake between the two eternal friends and rivals.

NEXT: The 10 Most Powerful X-Men Movie Characters, Ranked