yo yo yo this is your boy fireworks and welcome back this is snoopers going to Snoop YouTube channel the beautiful white gold is here with us today and since we took a look at the Constantine justice league dark which was awesome um we’re going to take a look at the live action 2005 Constantine film all right and this will be her first time watching um and it does have the incredible Keana reev this is one of my early introductions to him you know around like this The Matrix hard ball kind and speed speed hard ball Matrix and I think this is kind of 2005ish so it was right for the Matrix so um but or during actually The Matrix but yeah so we’re going to take a look at this I guess DC animated character um I guess I can give you the synopsis you kind of are familiar with who uh Constantine is and who kind of represents is like the supernatural guy um but the synopsis is um a woman loses I think her father and Constantine is the guy that is supposed to help her because she believes it’s for other it happened under other causes and not like a natural death or something like that um so I guess it’ll be interesting to see you know how she feels and what she takes from you know this movie how you feeling about getting into it I’m I’m intrigued to take a look for sure okay so again this is 2005’s Constantine all right I know a lot of people out there kind of wanted us to do something like this cuz we’ve done some good Kiana Reeves John Wick stuff you know on the channel so this will be fun all right so before we get into it make sure you guys leaving a thumbs up and leaving a like if you’re new here to the channel make sure you guys are tapping that notification Bell and hitting the Subscribe button so that way we do a video just like this you all will get it first and of course if you want to get it early and edited with all the commentary the link to the patreon is in the description so don’t forget to go and check that out and also if you want to make requests you can go there and make requests on patreon as well and don’t forget to follow us on Twitch cuz we going do here we will be doing it over there all right so Constantine Kiana Reeds on fireworks the beautiful white gold this is snoopers G new YouTube channel and we back [Music] he who possesses the spirit of Destiny holds the F of the Wilderness hands the spirit of Destiny has been missing since the end of the World War II FYI micle oh he fell in that eagil dead hole like that was that was crazy no no it’s deer my man stepped in the Name of Love NE so I’m assuming that that is the SP excuse me that’s a swastic c put that back ready my boy that was disgusting it’s like he walked right into it yeah I don’t want to see that man well damn maybe he needed it to aha let’s steer clear of Manuel she PR to the Lord ah yeah that ain’t man well that’s when it get freaky man when they start hanging up on the ceiling upside down and all that hell no we know it ain’t the crack I love these shots I think I found you one as soon as I couldn’t pull it out myself I called you see I feel like it was perfect to watch that animated joint because like Keana is like already the perfect Constantine he ain’t said one word yet he fits in perfectly Dam they freaked out in [Music] there damn that’s crazy so one of his I guess one of those affects the demon or something this is Con Bro how come everybody how come everybody else can get the Exorcist right but the Exorcist people like this is like fourth movie we’ve seen where they done done it right and this ain’t even an exorcist movie yeah bro I would are you disgusted I be that’s gross that was disgusting just crammer oh no way I forgot he was in here yeah we love shyu here on this channel I forgot he was in here there’s another actor here that I can’t remember dud man I feel like though bro that end up H over the top bro this is some CRA see what I’m saying see how more Stakes driven this feels than the ex the actual Exorcist movie how do they do this and they can’t wow that was fire that was fire see what I’m saying like they getting this off bro and this is 05 they are struggling with exorcisms right right now in theaters the Constantine no wonder he smoke it’s dagger what happened in there I need some help listen that exorcism wasn’t right listen to The Ether anything unusual you let me [Music] know my dude was stressed out big time but I mean hell it’s a it’s a the job can’t be made for everybody here nobody want to just get up and be scared every day right you feel me I’m down with it but it might get out my nerves after a little bit too you feel me John take out yes John thank you I know what to take yeah there we go I think that’s Rachel whise I think it’s her name she was in uh Black Widow in the mummy two weeks since my last confession killed a man today most cops go 20 years without firing their guns I’m wondering is there’s something wrong with me Father God has a plan for you he has a plan I think it’s weird he hearing her with no accent The Mummy in Black Widow she has an accent like this might be the only movie out here I talk straight yeah you know what I’m saying it’s dope it gives her like a like a edgy feel like hearing her voice or something it’s like hearing Elena without hers yeah it’s weird like the sounds are in Reverse you might still be dreaming ho it’s all this green light oh don’t do it that was a creepy dream it made me feel like that whatever that thing on her wrist or whatever she’s going through like I guess she can’t die or something things I’ve beaten now I’m going to be done it by this wouldn’t be the first time damn his lungs looked horrible they look terrible you got to stop smoking I mean it’s already probably too late buto yeah that’s a good idea Johnny really need to prepare I already know exactly where I’m going damn he he going to die like that she said you need to make a range but that’s that’s messed up she didn’t even tell you to hit the therapy or or yeah she didn’t even tell you to smack the therapy she just told you get some rrange but cracking give us the room please wow she fell from the roof she jumped I know it’s hard to accept she was sick but she saw it I mean that’s why she’s like she wouldn’t kill herself detective period detective period there was security cameras you got to believe it now yeah I was going to say the foot video Don’t Lie right well okay the Barefoot Bandit it’s still on the loose Cas shes on excuse me sir okay yeah dude’s a Savage ever since he got hit by that car he done turned into a Super Saiyan oh or death dang the big score the mother load the mother bullet shavings from the assassination attempt on the pope Screech Beetle from em Screech Beetle that sounds crazy yes yeah easy there hero it’s dragon’s breath I know a guy who knows a guy that’s awesome that’s awesome definitely dragon’s breath dragon fire breath you just pulled a soldier demon out of a little girl we’re finger puppets to them John not doorways can’t come through onto our plane check the Scrolls uh well that one did that that was crazy through the mirror I like that that was heat all right question how much longer do I have to be your slave John my very appreciated Apprentice then why don’t I Apprentice something besides driving then John bro talk John and I I like how in Hollywood they have kept like this style character alive cuz that’s like the dope Ender that’s like the dude from Rush Hour 3 you know what I’m saying like the drivers those characters are awesome in movies I really need to speak with him as first very important first come first sir so you’re rude no matter where you are she’s like oh I remember you from the elevator sucker I know what you want son is that angel one flattered it is look at her with hair too she looks pretty that’s awesome she has to have Catholic funeral considered a mortal sin she didn’t commit suicide God was the only one she ever believed loved her sorry damn said I’m sorry can’t go I mean okay maybe that’s where he come in damn that’s like a huge Library too that looks crazy walls or bookshelfs trying to buy your way into heaven that’s not the way this works what does he want from me self- sacrifice belief I was born with this curse a gift John one that you’ve squandered on selfish Endeavors everything you’ve ever done you’ve only ever done for yourself damn he has it yeah that’s that explains why he’s such a douche kind of but he say he’s born with that [ __ ] he’s like probably pissed one who should go to hell Half Breed Half Breed sound like my blood why me Gabriel got to church enough I didn’t pray enough I you are going to die young because you smoked 30 cigarettes a day since you were 15 damn since he was D because of the life you took dang I mean I guess if your spirituality in your soul that would that would suck to be that would you know suck to be him to get the you know not even kind of sympathetic it’s just you’re [ __ ] right they really hit the Kentucky we not like that y’all promise H oh she said his name boom there’s your evidence right there okay playing games on my phones hold on you called the fact machine how many phones she got in there damn my man smoked cigarettes and then chugs the lead yeah the lean bro the cough [Music] medicine hold on what was that thing that’s crazy crazy get beat by a BL could have minded your own business excist yeah that is creepy oh I almost got hit bro that was crabs and bugs and snakes and gross gross like e ew it’s a Haven for those who rise and those who fall I remember reading about this read too much kid it’s a bar it’s a bar it’s a bar Papa midnight is a crusader for good to swore the oath of neutrality can you please get me into this bar John please if you can get in yeah you can get in if you can get in frogs on a bench John John bro you can’t get in he got you I’m just tting get my man some help my man said I’m just testing it no you a going get to get through there boy get some help demon bar or a very strange strip club demon bar or strange strip club which one of y’all picking let me know in the [Laughter] comment look at him my man went to the de in Continental yes you’ve been absent some time you come here with relics to sell perhaps pedling forges has ended up being bad for your health I thought the thing was authentic your health is bad for other reasons alone uh he’s going to die yeah okay how about that health is bad is a little I am most certain you did not come here for sympathetic shoulder to cry a demon just attacked me right out in the open on Figaroa how many have you deported back to Hell full-fledged demon here on our plane that is impossible and yesterday okay why is everybody saying it’s impossible when it’s happened now twice right demons stay in Hell angels in heaven I need to use the chair forgetting the fact that it would almost certainly kill you and as long as the balance is maintained I take no signs and I you were Constantine once damn now no nobody believe in him yeah I guess I guess you went to hell buddy you must have went down the drain spooky [ __ ] you know the rules of my house Johnny Boy damn he went strict to taking him out I like his style I I don’t like no warnings no nothing you if you going to go ahead and go for it my turn finger I didn’t catch that damn bro and it’s like attacking him I feel like it’s like the uh like the Goku heart virus or something it’s just it’s just creeping slow low key like anytime he I mean and he’s trying to cheat it too like I guess he don’t want to end up in hell off the fact that he donees send on these demons down there and now they like we can SM on the way damn he smoked him out that’s messed up if it come back for you bro Mr Constantine Sor I remember I’d like to ask you a few questions if that’ll be okay just listen then please then showed the badge he don’t want to talk girl but I feel it you want to get some answers about old girl I guess that was your twin or something twinny twin twin my sister was murdered yesterday jumped off the roof thought you said she was murdered what kind of mental patient kills your that’s just crazy can you not be a douche I mean he said he didn’t want to talk but damn bro you’re making it worse on yourself don’t say nothing you don’t want to talk then don’t right I know you’re going to die bro but damn just before my sister was committed she became deeply paranoid demons Angels now I think someone got to her sounds like a theory Detective why don’t you tell him about the dream right then she had the dream M say something about the dream your background you could at least point me in the right direction my sister was a devout Catholic that means if she’ taken her own life her soul would go straight to hell where she’d be ripped apart over and over God damn you ohoh maybe you should have listened or something what if I told you that God and the devil made a wager I tell you to stare in your meds humor me you think the devil is responsible well this has been real educational but I mean girl you wanted some help and then now he’s kind of spilling it and you like acting weird about it mhm no no uhoh the do is coming oh power outage no we should go yes can you come on what is that something that’s not supposed to be here that’s really not going to help yeah guns in the Supernatural kind of already dead going to kill him again really no Sho yourself uhoh oh sh damn that was crazy he burned them demons up let me that sh that was crazy that thing was ferocious too man yeah happens everyone the first time God yeah she had to blow the soow up sorry vomit can’t even say it what were those things no demons demons girl and I don’t think they were after me let’s see if she’s in hell so you going to go to hell let’s see if she’s in hell what you going to do Ouija boarded hello Helens that’s crazy do you know an Isabella we do okay cck pot full of water it’s like Big Mama’s House where’s the Crisco y yeah bring in the Cris you got a pot full of water yeah bring in the Crisco and the oil bring all that yeah cats are good half in half out anyway don’t you mean need candles and a pentagram why do you have any this is crazy yeah that’s what you get for trying to be a jokester I need you to leave I’m sorry Angelo please yeah this is very strange you’re holding my cat you got your feet in a Crock-Pot full of water in my house what the hell like he’s a crack pop damn what oh you can get this with a cat oh well hello yeah this is dope like a depiction of hell yeah and it’s dope for like a 2005 depiction I guess looking back I feel like it aged as well like I don’t feel no type of way about it wow wow all the souls in hell that’s crazy [Music] gross yeah see this that’s what it looks like just kind of like a upside down copy of where she was in a mixture of kind of hell I guess H oh my God my man is steaming he’s on fire holy hell how is this possible well you know I like transported through a cat yeah I was going to say bro into the depths of hell yeah I was going to say he used the cat to get to the depths of hell maybe that’s the only way I don’t know yikes you better than me bro don’t know if I could do it [ __ ] never on them bodies yeah that that probably traumatized me oh that’s Isabelle I feel like he’s half scared and half prepared like uh he said know I got to drink after that bro what do you what did what did you do why are you he looks sick he me some liquor bro is he paranoid or something cuz you not drinking it spilling out though oh maybe that’s they not allow him to drink or something yeah it’s not it’s not like coming out he’s breaking it he’s not it’s not like allowing him to drink that’s crazy I’m glad he didn’t put it in his head I thought that’s what he’s about to do sheesh bro I don’t know what just happened I don’t know if dude drunk the stuff or what now because like now it was like you feel me it was weird yeah things you shouldn’t have to see damn that got me I like tensed up like sheesh think you’re crazy long enough find a way out damn how many times do they give them kids that what that that that electroshock therapy yeah that’s crazy officially I was dead for 2 minutes but when you cross over time stops Angels and Demons can’t cross over have breeds they can only whisper in our ears oh maybe that’s what happened to Isabelle and that maybe that’s what oh boy was doing to yeah the dude in there those with the demon touch alongside us they call it the balance okay so the ancient one is a angel right Half Breed but but she had angel wings rep their sorry ass straight back to hell I’ve been hoping to get enough to ensure my retirement I don’t understand I’m a suicide when I die the rules say I’ve got just one place to go you yes they all said okay that’s what they all keep saying trying to buy his way but like no one understands that he was cursed this mhm God’s a kid with an Anon he’s not planning anything God came in here and he had to go at the entire stock drown himself in alcohol the hell’s he doing here so maybe he did do it maybe like visually to us or maybe it looked like to him that he wasn’t right but in real life he was M so he left him a sign so he wasn’t all the way crazy he was just going through it battling and he was fighting it what that was the same symbol on old girl mhm she tell everyone about the things she said she saw so you had her committed two weeks this time this time she get better and then she get worse damn so she’s been in and out of like these men these mental institutions I mean her parents were scared I mean it makes sense like as a kid like I don’t know what to think if my kids with saying some stuff like that that I knew they just had no business knowing we don’t you know talk about stuff like that so how in the hell is right you know and I showed you everything she left behind in that box that’s something a cop would find I’m not like my sister she were once kind of Von doesn’t just disappear there’s nothing here you snap out of it listen to him quit being I mean a stubborn Lord he’s trying to help you he like he’s trying to figure it out too but he needs you how should I know what did she do actually I don’t know what did she do Angela what did she do Angela what did she do I don’t know she did something spill it we would leave each other messages yeah there you go I knew he knew there was something going on breath window John there is no 17th act in Corinthians Corinthians goes to 21 acts in B one H so there’s a Bible in here says the world will not end by God’s but be reborn and embrace the sins of the father would only be exceeded by the sins of the son impossible to cross over whose son God’s son no the other one devil had a son too the son of the devil okay so that the that sign that everybody seeing is the sign of the son of the devil that’s crazy yikes Mamon has no patience for his father’s rule his own kingdom of fire blood yeah it’s creeping up I like the camera creeping up slowly on his his back that’s crazy he’s on the way you said his name Mone or M Mone always a catch umon meon would have to possess a powerful psychic Isabelle Divine assistance Manuel to cross over yeah okay that sword thing with the dagger oh get out of there bro get out he scared out his mind demon oh no it’s crawling through his eye that make my eyes water y’all damn it we manam was they too late I feel like they was too late that was gross damn yeah gross they were coming out of dude’s mouth yeah he was done he got hit with like the plague like the mummy mhm it just got faith and here come a demon I can drive [ __ ] to Los Angeles in 32 miles it wasn’t just Isabelle I used to see things too I need to understand you don’t want to know what’s out there trust me sister embraced her gift you denied yours why you’re still alive John they killed my sister I mean yeah at least help her do something with it if she can’t if she denied it and she’s accepting it now then she got to she got to figure something out right I used to pretend that I didn’t that I didn’t see things until one day I finally stopped seeing I abandoned her John I need to see what she saw well I guess she’s I mean I don’t know a little bit of this feels like it’s out of guilt yeah maybe maybe there’s some of it for the right reason but she’s definitely going through it okay so do I have to take the rest of my clothes off or can I leave them on John I’m thinking yeah I got a question look at her she’s flattered why water Universal conduit normally only a portion of the body has to be suspended but you have to be fully submerged for how long as long as it take I’m scared myself [Music] yeah I mean like is she going to drown or uh damn what the hell just happened oh she was there I’ve always known I’ve always known why I was knowing that it wasn’t Lu damn that was crazy I actually thought we were visually going to see it but I guess not but like she came up smoking y’all yeah for real or [Music] steaming I got to do something yeah I feel like now that like loky awoke her power or back up or whatever damn she found it quick too I guess her oh it was oh boyar Bazar that’s dope that she learned how to do that that’s probably she probably had to learn that for the movie that’s dope how she did that though what’s he making like a super crucifix the super fix the dagger Half Breed TI the scales when you started killing my friend God literally he he he got the God’s gun god literally damn that was crazy that was dope though I kind of liked it you know had to put a little super fix on there like you said I wonder if like you could have bought one of those as like toy merch back in5 I hope not I really hope not think of it as a bulletproof Fest uh I’m coming with you she going to get out it never works when people say stay in the car stay in the car would you didn’t think so are you all right you have something at Professor Clump piece of [ __ ] natur damn he already took yes get it yes go please help him cuz he’s already getting his ass beat here yeah maybe get some holy bullets oh gross enjoy it okay John Constantine I like his weapons though they’re like all holy even his brass knuckles the Christ Knuckles e it’s like a uh scroll yeah he does kind of like a scroll it’s like it look bit like it’s more uh what you call it rated R War graphic yeah you’re not a priest just tell me how my man is crossing over and you can go back to your [ __ ] hole God have mercy on you grab your child entry into thy kingdom a whatever killed the son will give birth to the son of the devil oh okay so the dagger y damn she was my only mission so does this walk okay that sounded like it splattered but she tell me that neckless yeah she needs a protection uhuh so much power yeah okay it makes sense cuz she was stronger than her sister so he wants her right stains on thear so he gets the spere he still has to locate a powerful psychic where’s the ambulet oh bro he stck there through the walls [Music] pause damn bro that was insane bird on the ladder sorry who’s ring the dress now h [ __ ] I need to use the chair what you doing burning him looks like you’re the only one still playing by the rules midnight I need your help consider last request play danger scin woo God bro like he was literally cooking my man from the inside out that was crazy that little ship has been trying to climb out of his father a shadow for I which way is east I know it’s going to affect my man like he said there’s so many people that that died in that chair my man’s like a super Clairvoyant like you I know you going to run into a few of those Spirits my man literally been living with the dead his whole life like riding a bike no not really oh okay you going to go I came in there all right I guess that’s what you need it’s an electric chair kind of or yeah okay so he’s there I guess reliving the whole dagger stuff damn he got him this is crazy he I guess he got the dagger he can do it with that any luck that’s a word for it and how exactly do you intend on getting close enough to use these half breeds are most vulnerable their outer skin is breached by holy water know you sit on the bench if you’re not ready to play right damn he’s been studying a great idea you know you going on a solo mission to save the world that’s that’s my vote he’s like I like him what are you doing John bro that’s your problem you trying to get into hell I mean in heaven and you acting like this bro I know you feeling some type of way but bro this ain’t the way to get in to be [Music] mad uh okay so what what was that what just happened with that did she do it in did she fall anyway was was it right definitely what just [Applause] happened girl Li damn that’s old boy it’s not working they’re going straight through dude damn is he going to get her oh God this is nuts bro John hurry up violation of the balance Dam they they were smart they had the holy water in the sprinklers they were smart damn those bullets tear him apart yeah that’s awesome oh hey okay good [ __ ] hey good good stuff saved him now go save her damn now she’s back in hell again come on bro Angela I was going to say I want to see what the devil actually look like is he going to be or how they depict him I guess the son oh yeah both damn he got her damn oh my God this is stressing me out God that’s gross and it’s like they’re underwater like can’t breathe yeah you might do more than exercise I don’t know what like that’s the actual devil his son the son of Angela what is it oh gross that thing still in there what the hell bro the face in the stomach stuff gross oh oh oh [Music] Jee damn bro ke you got some big ass hands bro your whole hand was over her whole stomach not bad kid yeah not bad bro no way that thing made quick work in him BR just RI his ass a dam damn we really we really lost sh of bus character bro he’s looks he looks sicker yes I Gabriel Gabriel Here We Go Angel game I simply seeking to inspire mankind to all that was intended granted Redemption from the Creator and God takes you into his bosom I mean yeah yeah according to that it’s just really simple you know if you just do it this way this is what will happen I she’s Gabriel though yeah if sweet sweet God loves you so then I’ll will make you worthy of his love it’s only in the face of horror Truly find your No get off him like it I mean she is kind of been I mean like she’s been giving him the The Rundown and he’s just kind of like it could all be so simple Gabriel you’re insane is that what you call the road to Salvation you literally blow my man into the to smiing you feel me I’m one of your favorites I know you’re welcome in your house but I could use smell attention please yeah he’s finally breaking down maybe it’ll work in his favor this time ew it’s goopy uh-oh what took your soul another one soul I would come up here to collect myself damn so I guess it is the Devil Himself wearing the all white he’s the one dripping with the yucky I was s go coughing very fitting G I mean what do you mean very fitting you’re here very fitting let me help you paty I’ve got a whole theme park full of red Delights for sa the family busy busy busy busy need a vacation need a vacation bro this is hilarious I like how they talk like it and who they’re depicting it’s the dialogue’s crazy ew Gooby with Gabriel no accounting for taste really the spirit of Destiny or is it another one of your conss yeah he wants it yeah you couldn’t Den die you want it yes waited 20 years for you though oh put the tongue back in the mouth man I know that you’re the devil but Lord whoa this world is mine in time am oh that’s dope I love reflection yes little horn time to go home son I will smite thee yeah cuz you yeah yeah yeah now it’s it’s your turn whoa well I mean it is Lucifer he’s strong yeah he’s a God yeah what do you want sister what about her damn so he’s doing it for her sister that’s all right let her go on up to Jesus n fine it’s done time to go John well at least he went out and did the right thing on he went on a good [Music] note damn what the hell why joh get so heavy didn’t gain no weight I need that oh yeah maybe his sacrifice work maybe it set him free maybe him actually doing something set it free or [Music] something a yay This one belongs to me damn yeah he playing Don it this is awesome okay yeah that’s gross oh Pro you will live you will did he pull his lungs out that’s what he did new lungs I don’t know what he did yeah I was going to say he might have pulled pull out his lungs the the cancer or whatever that was in his lungs D they B they both came out on top yeah this is definitely something that Batman and them can’t handle cuz golly man they would have been struggling thank you no problem she wanted the kiss oh okay do you want to revenge is that what you’re thinking right now end of my life that’s said Devil’s St yeah she’s trying to play he might it’s your choice it’s always been your choice that’s called pain it ain’t a sin to punch you in the mouth yeah yeah it hurt it hurt you could have shot me [Laughter] John yeah you’re stuck and you’re homeless what you going to do kill yourself probably something tough tells me you’re not a flowers kind of guy gave her the dagger the the the the spere ruled hide it somewhere know will ever be able to find it always a catch I’ve got some cleaning up to do see you around see you around you better take her damn couldn’t even kiss her bro man I guess there’s a plan for all of us I had to die just to figure that out yeah di twice just to figure it out oh he’s doing G now Francis Lawrence okay directed by Francis Lawrence okay that was odd and I’m glad he stopped smoking that’s all right too yeah all right you guys so that was 2005 Constantine all right so sweetheart first time taking a look at it how do you feel about it that was pretty interesting I liked it I had a good time watching it um I like that the exorcism scenes weren’t that long cuz it’s not really an exorcism movie but it it got the point across like that last one I was like that was a little quick but then it came back it was in her stomach but this was really cool like we watched like the cartoon like kind of version of him being this supernatural being that can but to like see it live action and to visually see the representations of like Hill and Satan and these things that are like it’s like a different perspective on it other than just like possession and which there was possession obviously but like it’s just a different perspective like I said but this was pretty good I liked it and ke Rees played I think he played him very good okay the cast was good we good at of 10 I probably just like a seven 7.5 okay uh yeah so for me looking at again it’s it it’s I haven’t seen it since I was younger but like looking at it now it’s really dope you know someone who watched those older kind of like superheroes movies or ones that are like characters of stuff like that so like I said I think that it was awesome cuz we watched Constantine in the animated version and seeing it live action like you know like I said this is awesome and it kind of like almost feels like it kind of can pick up from that episode with Constantine because like now we kind of focused just on Constantine and U you kind of got a little bit of an an intro to him even though we’ve already watched the animated joint I like the depictions um I think that the exorcism stuff again when I watched we went just went and watched the new Exorcist movie it wasn’t all of that good it was cool but it wasn’t all that and there’s other movies that we’ve watched where they’ve got this exorcism stuff off really really well and I feel like that um when they do these Exorcist movies by the original and and continuing stories from the original you should take a look at some of these other movies and how they get this depiction and impact and just how it makes the audience feel because even though this is kind of like a scary sci-fi Supernatural magicky type of movie The Horror elements shine when it comes to certain stuff like the exorcisms and the demons and the depictions and stuff like that so um I think it’s it’s awesome for an actual 2005 movie and I’ve actually seen interviews with Keana Reeves where they’ve asked him you know are you going to come back to do Constantine because a lot of people love this movie back then um especially you know now that he’s done the John Wick stuff and you know like yeah see now you feel you know after seeing the John Wick stuff and you know I feel like he should be maybe you know doing a second Constantine but I don’t know how that is with WB and James gun’s new DC Universe if I if it happened I feel like it would be like an else world’s stuff kind of like the Batman and stuff like that so you all let us know down in the comments how you F about 2005’s Constantine all right um and before we get out of here make sure you guys leing a thumbs up and leaving a like if you’re new here to the channel hit subscribe and tap the notification Bell so when we do a video just like this one you all will get it first all right so of course more content will be on the way all right I’m fireworks the beautiful white gold this is snoopers Snoop YouTube channel and we out [Music]

#Constantine #DC #KeanuReeves

So we are back and since we recently watched Justice League Dark with John Constantine, I thought it would be cool to check out the live action film from 2005! This is CONSTANTINE. As a suicide survivor, demon hunter John Constantine (Keanu Reeves) has literally been to hell and back — and he knows that when he dies, he’s got a one-way ticket to Satan’s realm unless he can earn enough goodwill to climb God’s stairway to heaven. While helping policewoman Angela Dodson (Rachel Weisz) investigate her identical twin’s apparent suicide, Constantine becomes caught up in a supernatural plot involving both demonic and angelic forces. Based on the DC/Vertigo “Hellblazer” comics.

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  1. Glad you watch this incredible movie and after you should watch two more Keanu supernatural movies The Devil Advocate and The Gift, I promise you won't be disappointed

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