So I see a post in thread A, and it triggers some sideways issue in my mind and I want to make a new thread based on that post (or part of it), which will be thread B, maybe in a different forum.

The only way I can imagine to do this is to quote the post in the same thread, copy everything in that new post window, cancel the post in that thread, back up and go to the forum I want, start a new thread, and paste the contents that I copied into a new thread post (with my own commentary or questions).

Is there a way to do this in fewer steps?

I think I have the answer to this canned, let me try this.

Click Reply, in the upper left corner of the reply window is the reply type button, looks like a curving arrow point to the right.

Choose Reply as linked topic and it starts a new thread. As an example, you can choose GD, IMHO or The Pit for it.

That is actually the best method.

Please give that a try and let me know if the instructions work and if that is what you were looking for.

It appears that it does exactly what @Roderick_Femm is asking for, although I didn’t personally pull the trigger on creating a new thread. But it definitely looked like it would have.

What_Exit’s solution is best for starting a new thread. But I’ll also note that if you want to reply in a different existing thread, there’s an easier way without having to reply, copy, cancel the post, and paste in a different thread. Instead, highlight the text you want to quote and select Copy Quote, then paste it in the new thread. You can select the entire post if you want to quote it all.

I use this all the time. It’s also very handy if you want to quote different people in the same post.