Exploring the world in Little Kitty, Big City presents new challenges and plenty of little things to find to fill your day. Throughout the city, you'll encounter birds' nests, busy people, and lots of birds. One of the more well-hidden aspects of the game are the soccer nets that are scattered around the map.

How Long Does It Take To Beat Little Kitty, Big City?

Curious how long it takes to beat Little Kitty, Big City? You might just be a cat.

You may spot them from afar and not know how to get to them. Thankfully, there are only four, and with a big of help, you'll be able to find them quickly. Here are all the soccer net location in Little Kitty, Big City and how to find them so you can complete the Back Of The Net Cat-chievement.

Where To Find The Green Goal

The first soccer net you'll come across is the green one, right outside of the artist's house. Crawl under the wall to enter the street, where you'll find a green soccer ball near a locker.

Tap the ball to move it closer to the net. Line up your shot and smack it in to make the first of four goals.

Where To Find The Purple Goal

The second soccer net is purple and is found near a parked car in a lot across the street from the construction site where you meet Tanuki. This one is easy to find, but the ball is nowhere in site. You'll need to go around the corner to find the soccer ball.

Try to stay towards the edge of the street, as people passing by will try to kick the ball away from you.

Bat the soccer ball around to get near the goal, then launch it into the goal to score. You can now move on to find another soccer goal and get one step closer to completing Back Of The Net.

Where To Find The Blue Goal

The third goal is found after you collect the first fish from the crow. Climb over the ivy wall towards the temple where you meet the father duck looking for the lost ducklings.

From there, make your way to the apartment complex where the crow sells hats for five shinies. Crawl under the wall, then scale the ivy. Follow the vent to find the blue soccer ball hiding on a box. Knock it down, then do your best work to push it up the slope and towards the goal.

Where To Find The Yellow Goal

The final goal can be found next to the Gecku store, down a slope. The ball, however, is nowhere in sight. You'll need to climb up onto the red truck next to the gate, climb up the boxes, then follow the ledge until you reach the vents.

Make your way cross the vents, then continue to climb up the pipes and boxes until you reach the top. On the blue platform, you'll find a yellow soccer ball waiting for you. Knock it to the ground and make your way back down.

If you're lucky, the ball will roll down the hill right into the goal. If not, go ahead and swing your paws to score the last goal and complete Back Of The Net.

Little Kitty, Big City: 8 Best Ways To Cause Mischief

There's a terror on the loose, and its name is Kitty.