NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers has confirmed that he was approached by independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to be his running mate for the 2024 election. 

Rodgers, the four-time MVP of the New York Jets, expressed his initial shock at the idea in an interview with conservative commentator Tucker Carlson, released on Tuesday. 

“My thing is, [Donald Trump] had four years to do it and didn’t drain the swamp,” he said. “And whether he just got scared because of what he learned when he was in there — I think it’s very plausible.”

Rodgers, who has been outspoken on various controversial issues, revealed that Kennedy asked him, “Would you think about being my running mate?” The quarterback responded equally candidly, saying, “Are you serious? I’m a f‑‑‑ing football player.” However, Rodgers also expressed his love for the country and a desire to “be a part of bringing it back to what she used to be.”

Carlson asked if Rodgers had considered the VP opportunity, and Rodgers said, “Oh yeah, I definitely thought about it. I definitely thought about it because I love Bobby, and I just wanted to hear what he had to say about it.”

The prospect of Rodgers as a vice presidential candidate sparked significant backlash earlier this year, and critics pointed to the athlete’s past comments about the Sandy Hook shooting and his stance on Covid-19 vaccines. In 2021, Rodgers faced criticism for misleading the public about his vaccination status. He later claimed that he was a victim of the “woke mob.”

In 2013, Rodgers told a reporter the Sandy Hook shooting was a government inside job, and the media was intentionally ignoring it. Rodgers rattled off a string of theories disproven multiple times when asked for evidence.

Kennedy, who initially launched his White House bid under a Democratic ticket and later became an independent candidate, has stated that he has made the ballot in 14 states, which includes California and Texas, the two states with the largest number of Electoral College votes.

A new polling index says Kennedy currently has 7.6% of the national vote, while former President Donald Trump has 41.4% and President Joe Biden has 40.7%.

Kennedy also has frequently spread conspiracy theories about vaccines and COVID-19.

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