I use a MacBook at work. Updated MacOS and was signed out of iCloud. You can't reset the password (in the same day) without having access to or buying a second Apple device. This is the dumbest shit I've seen in a while. : r/LinusTechTips Skip to main content

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I use a MacBook at work. Updated MacOS and was signed out of iCloud. You can't reset the password (in the same day) without having access to or buying a second Apple device. This is the dumbest shit I've seen in a while.

r/LinusTechTips - I use a MacBook at work. Updated MacOS and was signed out of iCloud. You can't reset the password (in the same day) without having access to or buying a second Apple device. This is the dumbest shit I've seen in a while.
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Note: I don't own a second Apple device. I have an android phone and windows pcs at home.

There is an option to reset without these but it would take DAYS two weeks to get the reset confirmation.

Copy/paste from my response to a comment but:

The funniest part is I used my coworker's iPhone and all it did was send a notification to the MacBook and LET ME RESET THE PASSWORD ON THE ONLY DEVICE I HAVE. So you need a second active Apple device, but no need to verify that you're the one trying to reset the password.

I literally did not need to prove my identity to reset the password. I only needed to prove that I had access to a second Apple device.



More like cheap company decides not to have an IT department that would have followed Apples best practices for work accounts and set them up as that, not personal accounts. I’m not an Apple fan at all but this isn’t on them.

Edit: spelling

u/waka_flocculonodular avatar

Exactly. JAMF is there for a reason.

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u/GetOffMyDigitalLawn avatar

It quite literally is on them. It does not matter what the device is being used for, if he were using for something else it comes down to the same problem, Apple's shitty practices.

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This would be the same exact process for a regular person using a personal MacBook. This is on Apple.

u/Quazz avatar

Granted, but it's horrible security for personal use as well.

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u/FuzzelFox avatar

I know for a fact that at least until about 2014/2015 it was possible to take control of any random Mac simply by rebooting into Darwin, using a command to delete one file and then rebooting back into Mac OS. Deleting the file made the OS believe you were booting it up for the first time, so it would give you the setup wizard which then let you create a brand new admin account with full permissions 🙃

I'm pretty sure this worked on at least OS X Lion.

u/Rough_Principle_3755 avatar


u/Rough_Principle_3755 avatar

FileVault 1 encrypted All the user data (which made machines slow as shit cause most where HDD’s)….meaning if you reset, you could use the machine but couldn’t get to the data.

FileVault 2 encrypted the entire disc, so the above method you described wouldn’t work.

A firmware password on the machine would have made you process not possible.

Firmware password was the only one that would make using the machine again a PITA. The other two you could easily erase the machine and reuse it, but the data would be non accessible.

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u/InitialDay6670 avatar

10 billion dollars you couldn’t get into my phone without physical access, or in 2 months break the password. I don’t have 10 billion dollars but we can use Monopoly money.

This applies to essentially any device, not just Apple.This really isn't the own you think it is.

If you install the right app, and give it the right permissions, it can get your data. This is the same on IOS and Android. Otherwise, this is blocked by OS Sandboxing.

Android apps are technically more sandboxed than IOS ones because each app runs using its own UID.

Malware pops up in the App Store occasionally despite Apple's overly restrictive policied.

IOS 17.0 and lower have a CoreTrust bug that can be exploited in userspace, and before 17.0 due to an additional bug you could Jailbreak the device entirely from the device itself, no secondary device needed. This hasn't been possible for Android in ages and is a major security issue.

Android and IOS almost certainly both have Zero days that state actors can exploit (see NSO group and their ilk). Heck, the most sophisticated spyware, such as Pegasus, actually primarily target IOS due to the false sense of security people get by using iphones.

Fact is, if you aren't being targeted by a state actor, with or without physical access, as long as you yourself don't do shit to compromise your security nothing will happen. If you are being targeted by a state actor, IOS or Android won't matter. If you're doing dumb shit, IOS or Android won't matter.

If you REALLY want a safe phone you have to get an old school government supply chain Blackberry (don't think those still work nowadays due to 2G and 3G shutdown though) or something like the Liberty Phone (Linux phone with entirely US supply chain, you may know it as the Librem 5?).

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u/NerY_05 avatar

Lmao that's hilarious

Yeah i ain't buying anything from apple man

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u/pqpgodw avatar

Thanks for sharing. I will make sure to not use any Apple service (i also use a Macbook, Windows desktop and an Android phone).

I'm even considering moving to Google Pixel (or Oneplus) bc Samsung is starting with "Samsung Account required" to every cool feature; and "password not strong enough" when i want to use a password that i'm comfortable with. But at least i can easily reset the password if i have my number and email

For the love of god please don't even consider getting a 1+, I ditched my 8t to pixel 8 because of how awful the overall experience was

u/pqpgodw avatar

is it that bad? Was it the software?

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u/CivilianDuck avatar

I bailed on the Samsung line in 2022 for a Pixel 6 Pro. Love every second of it. Samsung started to push too far into that Apple Proprietary mindset for me, and while Google isn't that much better for the propriety mindset, at least I already bought into the Google Ecosystem and they're a lot less strict about maintaining a walled garden.

Better the devil you know than the one you don't.

I bailed on Samsung when my S9 Galaxy would restrict access to the NFC system if the battery dropped below 80% to official Samsung apps only.

At the time I was using NFC to read by continual glucose monitor, and insulin pump, and Samsung confirmed it was working as intended. That the only app allowed access to NFC was Samsung Pay, once the battery dropped below 80%.

So I ditched Samsung (I'm told that they have since revised that policy, but screw 'em).

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It's a bit different from wht you say. You need to know either your phone number or your email to reset the password from a trusted device.

Reset your Apple ID password with the Apple Support app on a borrowed device

If you don't have an Apple device but have access to your trusted phone number, you can borrow an Apple device from a friend or family member, or use one at an Apple Store.

  1. Open the Apple Support app on the borrowed Apple device. If necessary, you can download the Apple Support app from the App Store.

  2. Scroll down to Support Tools, then tap Reset Password.

  3. Tap "A different Apple ID".

  4. Enter your Apple ID. If you don’t remember your Apple ID, you may be able to use your email address or phone number.

  5. Tap Next, and follow the onscreen instructions to reset your password.

The probably assume you have a PIN on it and that the 2nd device is secure (?)

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Because it's been asked a few times:

That option at the very bottom will send a recovery email to you in 2 weeks (it says 3 days, but I used this option for a personal account a couple years ago and it took 2 weeks) with a small window to use the link. If you miss the window, you wait another 2 weeks. I used that option to try and recover my old Apple id a couple years ago

Do you have an Apple Store you can go to, use one of their display devices. It’s the last option

It's an option, but it's a shitty option lol

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u/VerifiedMother avatar

It's absolutely moronic, I live two hours from the nearest Apple store, some people in Montana could be 500 or more miles away from the nearest Apple store

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And that's why I gave up on all apple products... PC and android are so much more user-friendly when it comes to this stuff.

u/Ok_Inevitable8832 avatar

Except you have to download the YouTube app on another device to log into your Google account.

Why would I have a google account? Or tock tock, or facebook or any of the social media apps. Redit is as farr as I go.

All of them are just time wasters, personal data harvesting tools, and full of misinformation and lies.

It's not worth my time. I can use that time to better my home, my family, and my career and spend time with family and real friends.

u/Ok_Inevitable8832 avatar

If you want an android phone you pretty much have to have a Google account. Same thing with Apple. If you want to MFA your Google account it defaults to the YouTube app for some stupid reason

If you use a chrome book but have an iPhone for example, you have to install the YouTube app

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all they would need is to have a mobile number stored to verify in situations like these. That would be the simplest way out.
This is literal needless roadblock behavior

Yeet that whole system out and replace it with hardware keys instead for your Apple Account. Removes all the headaches.

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u/Ok_Inevitable8832 avatar

Your work should be paying for an iPhone for MFA…

Up until a while ago I still used my original iPad for this because I didn't have other devices.

Are users not able to sign into iCloud and then reset things from there? I can't remember how it works tho, so correct me if I'm wrong.

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u/AZTim avatar

I don't own any apple devices but wanted to reset my password. They made me wait 2 weeks, then they emailed me and "allowed" me to reset my password.

I did that with my personal Apple id and missed the tiny window to actually use the reset. I just decided trying to use my old iPod nano wasn't worth it lol

Yeah I had an apple id set up for my niece and nephews iPads and they got locked out for some dumb reason and I ended up just jailbreaking the damn things. Eventually just got rid of em and got em Nintendo switches.

I miss jailbreaking lol. I understand why Apple needs to patch the vulnerabilities that enable jailbreaks, but damn was it a fun time loading up my iPhone 4s with stupid shit I didn't need haha.

I've never actually owned an apple device I didn't end up reselling. Always used androids and never even considered anything else for mobile. I only use windows cause gaming on Linux isn't a viable option for the most part. Which is funny cause I work tech support for Apple

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u/WideAwakeNotSleeping avatar

Why thr fuck do they require you wait 2 weeks to receive an email?!

u/ZnFMarathon avatar

To get you to spend hundreds of dollars and buy into their lifestyle brand by getting a second device. You'll need to replace the first old one in a while too, and you'll still need a second device.

They are a monopoly and they need their ass handed to them by the US DOJ.

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u/Talkashie avatar

The fact that this "requires" another Apple device should be illegal. I can definitely see this being brought up in the ongoing lawsuit against Apple for trying to create a monopoly in the smartphone market

u/Stradocaster avatar

I bet it's a not-insignifcant number of people that just say fuck it and go buy something apple

u/Elarionus avatar

When Apple people ask why I don’t have Apple devices, and I point out this crap, they are genuinely confused.

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Yes, it is. Idk why you can't just have any normal authenticator app as 2FA. I use a hardware token for all my 2FA.

u/AnnoyingRain5 avatar

At least they support those now!

Oh, didn't know about that. Should enable it, otherwise it always asks for some authentication through a device that's sitting in a shelf at the office with a dead battery.

u/AnnoyingRain5 avatar

Yeah… it’s pretty good, but it hard requires having at least two physical tokens, as it disables normal 2FA.

Note that if you use your Apple ID with cough cough unofficial services (eg: SideStore or AltStore), you will have a real hard time doing that… also with old apple devices that came out before that was an option!

Good to know. Yes, I have three tokens, obviously.

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u/Palladium- avatar

You can.

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Its funny when you have TWO apple devices but one of them is broken (usually the phone) and then to be able to log in on a new device it sends a keychain request to your broken phone but there is no other option to recieve a 2FA via phone or email.

Really is just a kick in the teeth

The funniest part is I used my coworker's iPhone and all it did was send a notification to the MacBook and LET ME RESET THE PASSWORD ON THE ONLY DEVICE I HAVE. So you need a second active Apple device, but no need to verify that you're the one trying to reset the password.

Physical access to a device is not secure regardless of what platform. I can crack into any windows pc within 10 minutes just by using a windows install usb and writing a few lines to turn ease of access on the login screen into a command prompt with full admin privileges

u/jrdiver avatar

and i have had to do that back in the win7 days for friends/relatives that managed to lock themselves out of their computer - usually 2 siblings that share a computer and one is trolling the other, but forgot/mistyped when entering the password

you can't if the drive is bitlocker encrypted.

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u/probwontreplie avatar

What are you talking about? and why are you getting upvotes? You're not getting into any of my machines lol.

If you value you're data, you'll have your BIOS secured, external media boot disabled and bitlocker enabled.

I do know a way to bypass credential request for last logged in account tho ;)

I know how it happens, I just haven't quite figured out how to exploit it. I've been tempted to submit it to MS bug bounty program but am fucking around with it a bit more.

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There absolutely is a way to receive a 2fa to your phone or other Apple device. Email is not an option as it is not as secure as the other methods of verification.

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Apple just expects you to have an iPhone..

The worst part is I was looking at getting an iPad Pro, but now leaning more toward a Samsung tablet that'll pair better with my Fold 5. If I have to run to an apple store every time Apple decides to log me out of iCloud (which is frequent iirc, haven't used an iPhone since 2018 so it could have changed) then I don't want it.

Kinda related, but definitely go with the Samsung tablet. I have the Tab S7+ and love it.

Everybody I know with an iPad thinks mine writes better (w/ stylus), types better (keyboard), and looks better (bigger OLED screen).

Also, I got mine for <$300 with the Samsung case and keyboard. Awesome purchase. Even has an SD card slot (take that iPads!).

Yeah I was looking at the Tab S9 Ultra. I already have an S Pen Pro I got for drawing on my Fold 5 and actually really like it.

u/Cavalier_Sabre avatar

I have a Tab S8 Ultra and it's been fantastic.

I have a Lenovo P11 Pro and love it. Would never go back to Samsung products after my Knox fiasco on the S5 and seeing the Applefication of that company.

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u/the_harakiwi avatar

Oh wow great news. Last time I checked the tablet market it was do you plan to write on it? Ipad and get one of those paper like screen protectors with the official Apple Pen

A friend currently waits for a sale on the new iPad or the current gen to go down in price. He does have enough money but he only uses a iPhone with his work account and personal devices are Android and Windows PC.

Maybe he should check out the Samsung tablets too.

Since i've used both iPads and my Samsung tablet, I can say a few things for sure...

The stylus the Samsung comes with is skinner, but doesn't require charging like an Apple Pencil (Apple has lithium battery, Samsung is a capacitor). If a heavier pen is preferred/required, Apple is the way to go. Otherwise, whatever floats your boat. The writing experience is nearly identical otherwise. Samsung's pen does require tip replacements (I get about 8 months of daily use out of them), not too sure about Apple Pencils. However, the Samsung pen is a bit more "grippy" on the glass.

Also look into Microsoft's Surface line, like the Surface Laptop Studio. Full windows experience, Intel CPUs, even RTX graphics on higher end models. Especially since app support on Android tablets isn't quite as good as with iPads (ex., I can only use the Reddit app in portrait mode unless using the Dex feature).

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u/Ok-Material-9137 avatar

Tab s7+ is soooo good and really powerful. I use it to run PS2 emulator and games.

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Idk what you’re doing to be logged out of iCloud frequently but I haven’t had to log into mine for my phone in almost 3 years now

I haven't used an iPhone since 2017-2018 ish when I switched to Android but back then I'd have to log back in to iCloud regularly

Same lol

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u/Critical_Switch avatar

iPad is in a bad place right now. It has incredible hardware, but the software puts it down. 

It's not a proper desktop system and there are places where you will definitely feel it. Some of the native apps are insane battery hogs. 

At the same time, it's not proper iOS either and some functions, like connecting an Apple Watch, are missing. 

And the increased pricing just makes them a very questionable purchase. 

Yeah I didn't even look at the new prices... God damn

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I own an iPad pro,iPhone and MacBook and if I was buying a tablet now I'd definitely go with a samsung,on a side note though,I haven't really had to sign in to my apple I'd again on any device after signing in for the first time for a pretty long while.

This is confusing, I get logged out of iCloud every now and then, and I just input my password and everything is fine. Why are you resetting it every time?

I only had to reset it because I forgot it

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Samsung makes great tablets. Beware of software updates though, I could feel my tablet get slower with each update.