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For shippers of Buddie aka Evan 'Buck' Buckley and Eddie Diaz from the TV show 9-1-1.

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What are the chances we get Buddie for Christmas this year?



I mean, I know it's way too early to tell but I swear I'll freak the fuck out if we get anything properly Buddie for Christmas. I know lots of people have always been hopeful but what level of hope is everyone carrying right now, because I'm starting to see the light, but I'm still unsure if that light is from Buddie dying in a raging fire 😭

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I really, genuinely think Buddie is going to happen!

Same it seems so close (Like the slow burn romance archetype)...

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OMG I was thinking this a few minutes ago!! I'm rewatching the show (from season 2, I skipped season 1 lol), and I watched season 3's Christmas episode tonight, and it got me thinking "hmm what if we got Buddie for Christmas?". I opened reddit and your post showed up

u/Healthy_Eggplant91 avatar

Our braincells are connected. Maybe we can manifest it 😭

Yay let's do it!

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I would love that! Chris, Eddie, and Buck spending holidays together would warm my heart. I think BUDDIE is happening. There's been so much breadcrumbing. More than usual and maybe that's because there's only 10 episodes but it def feels like I'm seeing more subtexts, theories, love languages, and passive looks and stares than ever before. The promos and interviews has been purposely misdirecting us too.

I hope we get a confirmation because there's so much more story to tell. With Buddie canon, they can have that silly new couple/old couple dynamic. I also feel like with BUDDIE being announced, characters like Ravi can start taking center stage and the show can start moving cohesively again. This season being 10 episodes is honestly the perfect half season to set up BUDDIE, confirm at the season finale, and tread new water in S8 with a full 18 eps.

I feel like BUDDIE can be full of family moments and even a epic wedding in the future. The culture needs it. I trust in Tim. I think he's cooking up a "oh" moment.


If anything happens this season it would be Buck having a feeling realization (it’s possibly the still we have of him in the locker room at night) but that’s like a 50/50 chance at this point. Next season will give us a clearer idea if it’s going to happen as they could be canon by the end. Although now there’s theories that Eddie is going back to Texas at the end of the season so I’m not sure where they’re headed

u/Healthy_Eggplant91 avatar

His family is kidnapping him??? 😭


There’s a new behind the scenes photo in the firehouse where Buck and Ravi are wearing their outfits but Eddie is wearing regular clothes and has a duffel bag next to him so people think this means he’s moving back to Texas at the end of the season



I’m desperately hoping it’s not true. We already had him leave the 118 in season 5 and it sucked we don’t need to go through that again

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u/Wonderful_Coat_6017 avatar
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Honestly? I really think 100% chance of not getting them at all this year. I still think it’s 50/50 that the last half of Season 8 will have a sign.

I would absolutely love it if they do make Buddie canon soon but I feel like the slammed on the brakes again recently and that they are trying to tamper down Buddie again go going on comments from cast recently. Hopefully this is just them tricking us again but I’m not holding my breath.

I can never predict this show accurately at all but usually when I say no the show says yes so I’m going with if I say no to Buddie the show will say yes.

I'm never comfortable placing odds at 100% in anything, but.... yeah, I've always felt like if we are going to get Buddie, it's going to be a slower burn than people anticipate. I think there are some ways that working through the Shannon stuff could have Eddie in a much better place to recognize he's queer sooner rather than later, compared to whatever circuitous path we were originally expecting. But I also think it's always been incredibly unlikely he'd find out super quickly in succession to Buck figuring it out. And when he does start to work through it, it just makes sense to me that alone would be a half season arc just for him to get to a point of accepting this about himself. Then does he figure the Buck part out right away? And even if he does, does that mean a quick reunion, or some kind of pining? And do they both need to get to a point where they're both aware of their feelings first, so we have a dynamic build with the tension of both being too afraid to screw things up?

Then again, like others have pointed out, this is still a Ryan Murphy show at the end of the day, and his peers also aren't great with pacing. BuckTommy got together following like, one and a half meaningful scenes. Bobby and Athena had a talk in a chapel that led to a surprise date. Maddie and Chim had better buildup than the others, but were already aware of their feelings after a handful of episodes. So while I'd like the sort of slowburn that makes me impatient, I'm not sure it's what we'd end up getting, so estimating how long things "should" take starts to feel like there's too many moving parts.

That said. If we get a Christmas episode in the first place, I wouldn't be surprised if it's very heavy Buddie content in a borderline ship-baity way, given the past handling of Christmas episodes. Like this is a show that's already played with the mistletoe placement.

u/Wonderful_Coat_6017 avatar

Oh exactly. It will either be the slowest slow burn in history or the quickest get together ever and there will be no in between.

I would love it if we get something in 8a but it really depends on what the hell happens with Eddie this season. I’m hoping it’s really not as bad as we are all imaging it to be and that Eddie can be set up for a realisation arc in 8a and not still be working through Shannon so much. I think the show try to milk this build up but then again fans are getting restless because it really has been a ridiculously long time already so they could do the quick route.

It just seems like so much has to happen - Eddie FINALLY moving past Shannon, ending both Marisol and Kim’s arcs, realising he is queer and accepting that, realising he has feelings for Buck, Buck’s own feelings realisation, then them actually acting on their feelings. That’s A LOT of moving parts to sort out by the end of the year

I now totally want see a Christmas ep where they go all ship-baity to get us talking over the Christmas break. Doing the usual drop hints that can be taken in multiple ways to get us built up into a frenzy. It would be smart of them to do it then and leave us hanging.

I really have no idea what to expect with the Shannon storyline, and usually I'm fairly good at at least anticipating what the plan is for where the character ends up, even if my guess for how they get there is totally wrong.

At this point, it's clear that Eddie has to work through both his grief at losing Shannon, and untangle the narrative he's created around her in his head in the past few years. While I think part of that could be tied into a sexuality storyline (both in terms of demisexuality and also a potential queer identity.... if he has to come to terms with a reality where his relationship with Shannon was never what he's gaslit himself into believing it is, what does his need to do that suggest about his deeper underlying issues?) -- I do question how much of this is a 5 stages of grief thing.

We saw anger in season 3, and the Kim thing can pretty easily be read as bargaining. So when he can no longer do that, we get depression (7x10) and then him working toward acceptance in early season 8, thanks to the assumed time jump between seasons. But is he just grieving Shannon, or is he also grieving that idealized concept of their relationship together? Because I think the answer to that will have a great impact on what 'acceptance' looks like.

If it's the latter, I can see a possibility where part of his acceptance involves reconceptualizing how the memory of Shannon fits into his life, and what he needs in a new partner that's distinct from his memories of Shannon. With that mindset, the queer awakening plot is fairly easy to fit in in 8A... the more difficult part to imagine is that just because Eddie comes to terms with what all of it means, doesn't mean he'd instantly be ready to put himself back out there.

One of the biggest problems I've had with Buck's storylines, though, is that the narrative isn't good at letting him stay single when he clearly needs to be. And while it's been a little kinder to Eddie in that regard, I do worry the pacing issues of this show will force Eddie into another relationship too soon to show "closure" for a grief arc, like ~this time it's not about Shannon, guys!~

And I don't think that would be fulfilling storytelling. I think what they need to do is find a balance -- someone who can readily accept Shannon's place in Eddie & Christopher's memories and history without the narrative creating a deliberate contrast between the two love interests. Which is probably another reason to make the next love interest Buck, or at least male, but who really knows.

I'm definitely in favor of the bait-y Christmas episode, particularly because at this point, I think anything overtly bait-y will be foreshadowing. It was one thing to play in that ambiguity when neither character's sexuality canonically aligned, but it's different to keep at it, now.


Maybe Eddie could spend the first few episodes of s8 working through his issues. Then we have a couple of episodes focusing more on other parts of the ensemble while Eddie has some well-deserved quiet (Buck and Tommy break up amicably at some point). Along comes the christmas episode. Everyone is in a fairly good place for a change, it's the usual christmas bliss, Eddie has let himself heal and be more open, and there are some intense eye contact / mushy family / suddenly a bit confused with themselves moments for both of them. And then we spend the entire winter break wondering if we are seeing things again or if this time they are really going for it. Then 8b can have feeling realisations (plus maybe a mild sexuality crisis for Eddie if it wasn't part of the 8a healing). S8 finale has them confess their feelings, and bam! Season 10 Buddie Wedding!

Oh, if only! :D

I'd prefer Buck to be single a bit mostly because already with Natalia it felt like Buck should have worked out some more things with himself before, and there was so little time and zero reflection between Natalia and Tommy. But what can I say, I'd also really like some buddie hints for christmas, and the show seems to have completely thrown out the half baked concepts of s6 anyway.

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u/Healthy_Eggplant91 avatar

If this is the case, I need S9 confirmed ASAP

u/Wonderful_Coat_6017 avatar

Me too! Hopefully the rumour is true that they are already looking at a s9 renewal!

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I honestly don't know? Really have no idea what conclusions will be reached from this Shannon arc. I think that will be really telling about the future of buddie and how quickly or not it will happen. I would honestly be pretty disappointed if at the end of this season, which has been HEAVILY suggestive, we still don't even have a hint of buddie.

In terms of how fast they would get together, I'm more in the camp of things would happen quickly once Eddie figures it out. And I actually think even his catholic guilt/feelings realization/whatever would probably happen in just 3-4 eps because this show does not do long story arcs. Things are pretty much always resolved in 1 to 4 episodes (I think the COUCH had the longest story arc on this show, which is wild).

So if they actually commit to some meaty storylines in 8a I actually DO think we could have maybe even a Christmas feelings/mutual feelings possibility. This all hinges on them not f*cking up the Shannon of it all, though, which I am highly skeptical about.


u/Easy_Key5944 avatar

I'm hopeful. That would be the mid-season finale for s8, and in the past buddie have had some nice x-mas moments.

It would be the perfect time to admit they're a family -- and then leave the audience hanging to find out in 8b how Buck, Eddie, and Chris decide to define being a family.

u/KievsBuckley avatar

I'm genuinely still 50/50 on whether Buddie will ever happen, but if it does, I don't think it comes earlier than the finale of Season 8. Eddie still has lots to go through and they need to set up things really well for it to work.

I could see a feelings realization in late season 8 and start developing the relationship on season 9.

u/ImmenseLocust avatar

I'm nearly 100% confident Buddie is happening by the end of season 8, but I'm not nearly as confident it will happen it time for Christmas. If Buck realizes his feelings by the end of this season (which admittedly I think has a decent chance of happening), then they might have time to do it before Christmas, otherwise I think there's just too much legwork to get it done in the first half of the season.

I flip back and forth between whether or not we’ll get canon Buddie at all (I lean towards yes a lot more than not but I could see other avenues being taken too 😭) - I’d love to see them together sooner rather than later bc I am impatient lmfao but I’d also kind of like to see them flesh everything out more, especially with Tommy and Marisol. Christmas/holiday eps are still a ways away so it could definitely work but hopefully you get what I mean lol

I’d also kind of like to see them flesh everything out more, especially with Tommy and Marisol

Are you caught up? Tommy, I think needs fleshing out desperately, if he's going to stick around for a while. Marisol, though.... it feels very much like the writing's on the wall with her, so any screen time they give her, I'll probably just be frustrated it's not going to someone else instead.

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u/SociallyAnxiousPagan avatar

My guess is no. I want Buddie to happen as much as the next person, but I don’t want Buck to rush into that relationship right away. I hope he spends some time coming to terms with his sexuality before he settles down.

I do want a cute little scene of Buck, Eddie, and Chris opening presents and spending time together. Maybe it’ll spark something in Eddie too. Who knows

Whenever I'm feeling less than hopeful, I try to focus on Tim Minear saying that a few years ago he was considering cutting back on Buddie scenes because no one wants to be accused of baiting (then he ended up leaving and KR was the one that did that, I guess). And he said that quite recently, so I'm guessing his opinion is still the same,

Well, this season has been filled with comparisons, hints, double meanings, and some choices that seem... very intentional. It doesn't mean that Buddie will absolutely happen, but they're certainly keeping their options open.

To me, personally, it definitely looks like they're laying the groundwork and will go there at some point, but I'm incredibly biased. I mean, if it was just one instance... but it has happened so often this season, not to mention that they're allowing Buddie questions in interviews again. I just feel like they wouldn't do all that, especially considering what Tim said about baiting, just because.

If it turns out they really just wanted to keep Buddie shippers interested, watching, and talking about the show... that would be incredibly cruel and I seriously hope it's not the case.