"Women in philosophy​ have always needed a special stroke of luck."
May 13, 2024 12:02 PM   Subscribe

Whenever I read claims about ‘forgotten women’, I want to ask: ‘By whom?’ Feminists? Society? The ‘culture’? And why ‘forgotten’? Forgetting presupposes something once known, but the general ‘we’ who have ‘forgotten’ these women are also the ‘we’ who were not taught them in the first place. Such generalisations risk shifting the focus, and the responsibility, away from the agents of our ignorance: the historians and philosophers who made a world in which certain texts were deemed unworthy of preservation and the history of women’s thought was kept to the margins.
A Comet that Bodes Mischief by Sophie Smith. She discussed women in philosophy on the LRB Podcast.
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