The Iron Throne is the symbol of power in the Game of Thrones universe. Whoever sits on this iconic, steel-forged throne is arguably the most powerful person in the world. With immense wealth and massive armies at their disposal, few would dare to cross the "King/Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm."

Some do, however, which leads to continual conflict. The battle for the Iron Throne is at the heart of the world of Westeros, which has led to a high turnover rate across Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. Fans of both series have seen at least a snippet of the rules of 10 kings or queens, but some held the highest-ranking position in Westeros much longer than others.

10 Most Controversial Game of Thrones Scenes, Ranked

During Game of Thrones' iconic eight-season run on television, it spawned a variety of controversies that still haunt the series.

10 King Aerys II Targaryen, The Mad King, Was Only Seen Through One of Bran Stark's Visions

Reign: Less Than One Episode (Flashback)

Aerys II Targaryen, The Mad King from Game of Thrones, sits on the throne


David Rintoul

Official Reign

258 – 281 AC

How They Claimed The Iron Throne

Death of his father, King Aegon V Targaryen

How Their Reign Ended

Killed by Jaime Lannister

First Episode

"Blood of My Blood" (GoT Season 6, Episode 6)

First Episode of Reign

"Blood of My Blood" (GoT Season 6, Episode 6)

Last Episode

"Blood of My Blood" (GoT Season 6, Episode 6)

While most rulers on the Iron Throne at least had the opportunity to rule in the present, King Aerys II Targaryen, was only ever seen in a flashback. "The Mad King's" rule remained in the back of characters' minds throughout Game of Thrones for his vicious rule.

Aerys II was slain by the "Kingslayer" Jaime Lannister during Robert's Rebellion, which formally ended the long Targaryen Dynasty until his daughter Daenerys' short reign at the end of the main series. Viewers finally get a glimpse of Aerys II's reign in the Season 6 episode "Blood of My Blood," where Aerys II, atop the Iron Throne, screams his infamous "Burn them all!" plea during his final hours.

9 King Jaehaerys I Targaryen Kicked Off House of the Dragon

Reign: Less Than One Episode

King Jaehaerys I Targaryen surrounded by characters such as Aemma Arryn, Corlys Velaryon, and Rhaenys Targaryen in House of the Dragon


Michael Carter

Official Reign

c. 42 – 103 AC

How They Claimed The Iron Throne

Death of his father, King Aegon Maegor I Targaryen

How Their Reign Ended

Death by natural causes

First Episode

"The Heirs of the Dragon" (HOTD Season 1, Episode 1)

First Episode of Reign

"The Heirs of the Dragon" (HOTD Season 1, Episode 1)

Last Episode

"The Heirs of the Dragon" (HOTD Season 1, Episode 1)

10 Best Advisors in Game of Thrones, Ranked

Game of Thrones features many charismatic leaders; however, they would be nothing if not for the brilliant advisors supporting them.

When a new series in the Game of Thrones universe debuts, that can only mean one thing: new kings and queens to love and hate. House of the Dragon is set in the middle of the Targaryen Dynasty in the lead-up to, and during, the Targaryen civil war known as the "Dance of the Dragons."

The events of that were set in motion long before during the reign of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen. "The Old King," Jaehaerys I was the longest-serving ruler in the history of the Seven Kingdoms. Despite this, Jaehaerys I was only seen in the opening minutes of House of the Dragon where the Great Council ruled on his heir, between Viserys and Rhaenys Targaryen. The decision by the Great Council to select a man, Viserys, instead of a woman, Rhaenys, became a precursor to the "Dance of the Dragons." Had a queen finally been established, there wouldn't have been as strong of a movement to usurp Princess Rhaenyra from her rightful place on the Iron Throne.

8 King Brandon I Stark Was the Last King of Game of Thrones

Reign: Less Than One Episode

Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead Wright) in front of water on Game of Thrones


Isaac Hempstead-Wright

Official Reign

305 AC – Present

How They Claimed The Iron Throne

Election by the Great Council of 305 AC

How Their Reign Ended

Ongoing as of the end of Game of Thrones

First Episode

"Winter is Coming" (GoT Season 1, Episode 1)

First Episode of Reign

"The Iron Throne" (GoT Season 8, Episode 6)

Last Episode

"The Iron Throne" (GoT Season 8, Episode 6)

Yes, King Brandon I Stark never officially sat on the Iron Throne. The Iron Throne had been destroyed by the time Brandon I rose to power. The Iron Throne in this context represents ruling the Seven (or six, as it were) Kingdoms.

Brandon I's journey began with being pushed out of a window by Jaime Lannister, unknowingly almost becoming a Kingslayer a second time. Afterward, Brandon I's adventure took him beyond the Wall and under the wing of the Three-Eyed Raven to maximize his Greenseer abilities – to have past, present, and future visions through dreams. Brandon I's visions were the catalyst for Game of Thrones' final conflict by revealing Jon Snow's parentage. When peace was finally brought to Westeros again, Brandon I was elected to rule the Six Kingdoms, which remains a point of contention among fans. Brandon I is the most recent reign, timeline-wise, viewers are able to see.

7 Queen Daenerys I Targaryen Briefly Achieved Her Long-Desired Goals

Reign: Two Episodes

Daenerys Targaryen, played by Emilia Clarke, looks to the left in Game of Thrones


Emilia Clarke

Official Reign

305 AC

How They Claimed The Iron Throne

By force leading to the death of Queen Cersei I Lannister

How Their Reign Ended

Killed by Jon Snow

First Episode

"Winter is Coming" (GoT Season 1, Episode 1)

First Episode of Reign

"The Bells" (GoT Season 8, Episode 5)

Last Episode

"The Iron Throne" (GoT Season 8, Episode 6)

At the very start of Game of Thrones, Queen Daenerys I Targaryen was in exile. She and her brother, the self-proclaimed King Viserys III, were the last remaining children of Aerys II. Their existence served as a ruling threat to the Baratheon Dynasty. However, the Mother of Dragons' journey back to the Seven Kingdoms was a long and grueling one.

When Daenerys I finally returned, she quickly fell in love with the King of the North, Jon Snow. However, both learned that Jon Snow was born Aegon Targaryen, and officially Daenerys I's nephew. The thought of being so close to her goal and having yet another claimant to the Iron Throne helped send her down a dark path, much like her father. Daenerys I, atop her dragon Drogon, set King's Landing ablaze and ending the Bratheon-Lannister Dynasty. Daenerys I's reign by force was short as Jon Snow feared she was too far gone after the atrocities she committed. Jon Snow murdered his former lover and accepted exile beyond the Wall as punishment.

6 King Aegon II Targaryen's Reign Continues Into House of the Dragon Season 2

Reign: Two Episodes and counting


Ty Tennant (adolescent) & Tom Glynn-Carney (adult)

Official Reign

132 AC – TBD

How They Claimed The Iron Throne

Death of his father, King Viserys I Targaryen, and usurped from Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen

How Their Reign Ended

TBD, ongoing in House of the Dragon

First Episode

"Second of His Name" (HotD Season 1, Episode 3)

First Episode of Reign

"The Green Council" (HotD Season 1, Episode 9)

Last Episode


A Complete Targaryen Family Tree in House of the Dragon

The Targaryen's ruled over Westeros for hundreds of years, yet it was the Targaryen's in House of the Dragon that began the downfall of them all.

The trigger for the Dance of the Dragons came when King Aegon II Targaryen rose to the Iron Throne. Aegon II was never meant to rise to power as his father had maintained his daughter, Princess Rhaenyra, would be his heir. However, his mother, Queen Alicent Hightower, misinterpreted her husband's mumbling words on his deathbed into believing Aegon II was his desired heir. This gave her the justification to usurp the Iron Throne and place her son upon it as opposed to the daughter of King Viserys I Targaryen's previous wife.

Aegon II's reign has been short, so far only taking place in the final two episodes of the first season of House of the Dragon. His reign will continue upon the show's return in June 2024 as the Dance of the Dragons is officially underway.

5 King Robert I Baratheon Was the First King of Game of Thrones

Reign: Seven Episodes

King Robert Baratheon enjoys a drink at a tournament in Game of Thrones


Mark Addy

Official Reign

281 – 298 AC

How They Claimed The Iron Throne

By force leading to the death of King Aerys II Targaryen

How Their Reign Ended

Assassination orchestrated by Queen Cersei I Lannister

First Episode

"Winter is Coming" (GoT Season 1, Episode 1)

First Episode of Reign

"Winter is Coming" (GoT Season 1, Episode 1)

Last Episode

"You Win or You Die" (GoT Season 1, Episode 7)

After the fall of the Targaryen Dynasty, another dynasty arose. King Robert I Baratheon, the Robert behind Robert's Rebellion, assumed the Iron Throne after his victory over Targaryen forces and allies. Robert I never wanted to be king, he was just sent into a rage when his beloved betrothed Lyanna Stark was presumably kidnapped by Iron Throne heir Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. In truth, Lyanna ran off with Rhaegar, and the two secretly eloped and produced a son – Jon Snow.

Robert I was the first ruler fans were introduced to, so he has a special place in the hearts of fans. Robert I spent much of his reign wallowing in booze and fornicating with as many women as possible, leading to numerous bastard children, including Gendry, who later became a legitimized Baratheon. Robert I was assassinated in a plot orchestrated by his wife, Cersei Lannister, by having her cousin/lover, and Robert I's squire, Lancel Lannister, offer Robert I enough alcohol during one of his hunts to leave him vulnerable. Robert I was mortally wounded by a boar in the process.

4 King Viserys I Targaryen Was King for Much of the First Season of House of the Dragon

Reign: Eight Episodes

King Viserys I Targaryen stands glumly during episode five of House of the Dragon


Paddy Considine

Official Reign

103 – 132 AC

How They Claimed The Iron Throne

Death of his grandfather, King Jaehaerys I Targaryen

How Their Reign Ended

Death by natural causes

First Episode

"The Heirs of the Dragon" (HOTD Season 1, Episode 1)

First Episode of Reign

"The Heirs of the Dragon" (HOTD Season 1, Episode 1)

Last Episode

"The Lord of the Tides" (HOTD Season 1, Episode 8)

King Viserys I Targaryen's reign makes up most of the first season of House of the Dragon. Effectively that show's version of Robert I, Viserys I oversaw a time of peace and prosperity. Much like Game of Thrones, conflict arose due to a succession crisis. Viserys I struggles to sire a son with his first wife Queen Aemma Targaryen.

Viserys I later named his daughter, Rhaenyra, as his heir, and maintained that declaration even after producing multiple sons with his second wife Alicent Hightower. Viserys I was a kind and respected king, but he was naive to believe Rhaenyra would succeed him and his power dwindled as he got progressively more sick and bedridden. His ignorance of the desire of many to have a male ruler led to the disruption of peace that followed his death.

3 Queen Cersei I Lannister Took the Reigns After the Death of Her Final Child

Reign: 13 Episodes

Queen Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey) sits on the Iron Throne in Game of Thrones


Lena Headey

Official Reign

303 – 305 AC

How They Claimed The Iron Throne

Death of her son, King Tommen I Lannister, after her destruction of the Great Sept of Baelor

How Their Reign Ended

Killed by falling debris during Queen Daenerys I Targaryen's assault on King's Landing

First Episode

"Winter is Coming" (GoT Season 1, Episode 1)

First Episode of Reign

"The Winds of Winter" (GoT Season 6, Episode 10)

Last Episode

"The Bells" (GoT Season 8, Episode 5)

Game Of Thrones: 10 Worst Things Cersei Lannister Did

While there were plenty of despicable characters in Game Of Thrones, Cersei Lannister was responsible for most of the cruel plots.

Queen Cersei I Lannister, the first official ruling queen of the Seven Kingdoms, has always been the center of power in King's Landing. She and her father, Tywin Lannister, manipulated the Baratheon kings before her while also keeping them in check.

Cersei I's rise to power came to a head after her decision to blow up the Great Sept of Baelor in order to eliminate her enemies, such as the Tyrells, as well as avoid her impending trial by the faith-driven Sparrows. In doing so, her last remaining child, King Tommen I Baratheon, killed himself after witnessing the destruction that killed his wife, Queen Margaery Tyrell, as well as the core pillar of his newfound faith. Cersei I would remain the last monarch to sit on the Iron Throne and the final one coronated by traditional means.

2 King Joffrey I Baratheon's Reign of Terror Made Him an Iconic Television Villain

Reign: 26 Episodes

Joffrey smiling with a crown in Game of Thrones


Jack Gleeson

Official Reign

298 – 301 AC

How They Claimed The Iron Throne

Death of his legal father, King Robert I Baratheon

How Their Reign Ended

Assassination orchestrated by Olenna Tyrell

First Episode

"Winter is Coming" (GoT Season 1, Episode 1)

First Episode of Reign

"You Win or You Die" (GoT Season 1, Episode 7)

Last Episode

"The Lion and the Rose" (GoT Season 4, Episode 2)

King Joffrey I Baratheon is perhaps the most iconic and recognizable ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. Joffrey I's maliciousness made him one of the hated villains in the history of television and arguably the most disliked character in Game of Thrones. From his very first appearance, fans couldn't wait for him to get his comeuppance.

While Joffrey I was legally the son of Robert I, he shared no DNA with him. Joffrey I was the bastard child of Cersei I and her brother Jaime Lannister. The same goes for his siblings. Technically, Joffrey's reign kicked off the Lannister Dynasty. Joffrey I's reign of terror ended with his assassination during his wedding to Margaery Tyrell, orchestrated by Margaery's grandmother Olenna Tyrell, in what is known as the Purple Wedding.

1 King Tommen I Baratheon Is the Longest Serving Monarch in Westeros by Number of Episodes

Reign: 28 Episodes


Callum Wharry (GoT S1-2) & Dean-Charles Chapman (GoT S4-6)

Official Reign

301 – 303 AC

How They Claimed The Iron Throne

Death of his brother, King Joffrey I Baratheon

How Their Reign Ended


First Episode

"Winter is Coming" (GoT Season 1, Episode 1)

First Episode of Reign

"Breaker of Chains" (GoT Season 4, Episode 3)

Last Episode

"The Winds of Winter" (GoT Season 6, Episode 10)

Following Joffrey I was his younger brother, King Tommen I Baratheon. While Tommen I was formally coronated three episodes after the death of his brother, Tommen I's reign officially began the moment Joffrey I died. This results in Tommen I's reign surpassing his brother's in terms of the number of episodes.

Unlike most Baratheon-Lannisters, Tommen I was well-meaning and kind. Had he lived a full life, he may have been one of the most beloved rulers of the Seven Kingdoms. However, his youth made him easy to manipulate leading to him joining forces with the Faith of the Seven and refusing to assist his mother, Cersei I, in her newfound legal woes. This unintentionally led to him losing all he held dear and subsequently his life.