Angus Young picks AC/DC's most intelligent guitar riff

Angus Young on AC/DC’s cleverest guitar riff: “It sounds easy but…”

When people think of AC/DC, musical versatility isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. They’re a band that found a formula and stuck to it, but unlike other bands who do this tactic, instead of being criticised, people look forward to AC/DC releases to get a glimpse of the formula that has brought them fame. It brings with it energy, something to sing to and an odd sense of nostalgia.

What is the best way to describe AC/DC’s sound? They are a band built on a three or four chord structure. As long as those chords are played in an upbeat fashion and can be danced to, the band is happy. On top of that, they need good drums that are easy to move to and lyrics laced with a vocal melody that begs a chorus of fans to join in when they’re sung. 

Because their sound is repetitive, it is often misinterpreted as simple, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. The band is filled to the brim with musical talent, whether that is in the in-your-face elements such as the vocal ability both Bon Scott and Brian Johnson displayed or Angus Young’s shredding guitar solos, or the more subtle components like the band’s rhythm section, which remains one of the best in rock music.

On November 18th, 2017, Malcolm Young passed away. This was a devastating blow to the world of rock, as it lost someone who was undoubtedly one of the best rhythm guitarists to ever take to the stage. His innate ability to fit small twists into songs to make them catchy and easy to move to while still being undeniably hard rock was a monumental achievement.

Eddie Van Halen commented when news about his death came to light that it was a “Sad day in rock and roll” before continuing, “Malcolm Young was my friend and the heart and soul of AC/DC. I had some of the best times of my life with him on our 1984 European tour.” The sentiment carried throughout the world of rock. But what made his guitar playing so special? Well, who better to answer than his brother?

In an interview, when Angus Young was asked about his favourite AC/DC guitar riffs, he highlighted one in particular that shows Malcolm’s genius: “I would say ‘Bad Boy Boogie’. [It] has a flavour because it’s got a little bit of a twist in it. It sounds easy, but Malcolm had a little twist that I don’t think many could do.”

Young continued, “Even when I do it today, I’d still listen again to how clever he was. How clever was he to do that? I still play it just for the fact that he changed that little note around. It just made all the difference. And that’s how he was, too, when you would work with him, doing things like guitar riffs. He was great!”

Malcolm Young remains one of the best rhythm guitarists out there, and the undeniable sound of AC/DC wouldn’t exist were it not for him.

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