Fundal height - July 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect
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Fundal height

If you are measuring right in track does that just means average sized baby? Haha I’m always told it’s measuring on track and have never been told weight so curious!

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my belly is measuring right on track this go around and my baby is the “normal” weight as well. With my first child I was always measuring 2 weeks ahead on my belly and he was always measuring 1.5 weeks ahead on ultrasound lol

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At my 26 week appointment my fundal height was measuring 31 weeks. This week 31 weeks baby is in the 55%/ 4lbs based on the growth scan. I never had my fundal height measured with my first two pregnancies either since it doesn’t look like it’s accurate.

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Baby 1: 30 week fundus 34cm, she was born at 41w3d at 9lbs9oz

Baby 2: 30 week fundus 35cm, growth US estimated 5lbs at 30 weeks.

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I measured 27 weeks fundal height at my 27 week appointment, 26 weeks fundal height at my 30 week appointment. I don't think I buy into fundal height too much because if you haven't eaten much/eaten foods that make you bloat then it's going to be different than a day you have eaten and had foods that make you bloat (but I'm also not a doctor and never even heard of fundal height till I was 26 weeks, so 😅)

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