Solar rental - Try before you buy — RenewSolar Solar rental - Try before you buy — RenewSolar

Solar rental – Try before you buy

Curious about solar but unsure if it’s right for you?

At RenewSolar, we understand the hesitation. Solar quotes can be confusing, and upfront costs can seem daunting. That’s why we offer a unique “try before you buy” option with our solar rental option.

Imagine dipping your toes into the world of solar. Our rentals are perfect for getting a taste of the benefits solar can bring to your home, all without a big investment.

Here’s the deal:

  • Small, non-invasive systems: We use micro inverter systems that are easy to install and won’t disrupt your home. Choose between 800 and 1500 watt systems, depending on your needs.
  • See real savings: These systems can generate up to 10kWh of power per day, potentially saving you around £1.45 daily on electricity bills on our 800w system. Imagine that adding up over a month!
  • Learn the ropes: Track your energy use and see how solar panels can make a difference. This will help you decide if solar is a good long-term fit for your home.

Ready to give it a shot?

  • Rental period: Try solar for up to 4 months to get a real-world feel for its impact on your energy bills.
  • Rental cost: The installation fee is only £120, and the monthly rental is just £20. Plus, we’ll credit your rental payments and retainer towards the purchase price if you decide to buy!

Still have questions?

We’ve got you covered!:

  • Space requirements: The panels are a manageable size and can be ground-mounted or placed on a roof.
  • Breakage: We offer a retainer to cover accidental damage.
  • Installation: The temporary installation is easy and avoids drilling or trenching.
  • Upgrading: We can discuss future expansion if you love solar!
  • Shading: Our independent panel system minimizes production loss from shade.
  • Panel direction: The text offers guidance on solar panel placement for optimal sun exposure.

By addressing these concerns upfront and highlighting the ease and affordability of the rental program, this revision should make trying solar a more inviting option.

How much space do I need for the solar panels?
Solar panels are around 1.7 meters by 1.1 meters each, we will ground mount these and therefore they would be together making the space 1.7 by 2.2 meters and take a ground space of around 40 cm. They need to be south facing and not subject to shading.
The larger 4 panel systems could be split, placed on a flat roof, or mounted on a garage roof. This helps move the panels out of the way.
Note Solar panels get hot and can be broken, this is not suitable for locations near children.

What about warranty?
The warranty of the hardware will run from the date you began the rental.
What is the maximum rental time frame?
We are going to limit to 4 months maximum rental time. this should give you a feel for solar and impact a bill that you will get.

Can we upgrade?
The systems we use convert solar to AC at the panel, you can have up to 8 units (that’s 16 solar panels and a 6.4KW solar system) to make life easy, you should target 3.6kw as the paper and costs jump above this power. The main feed cable may need to be upgraded if you added units.
The installation of this type of solar is not always cost effective when upgrading, you also cannot add a battery to store the power unless you have a AC coupled batter inverter. If you have panel inverters and a AC coupled inverter the total of both determines the installation class… aka 4 units 3.2kw and 2kw AC coupled inverter is 5.2Kw and falls under G99/100 installation which is a higher cost and more long winded.

Is shading an issue?
Solar and shade do not mix, however the system we use make each panel independent. meaning if you get shade some of the time it wont effect the total production from all the unshaded panels.

What if I dont have south facing panels?
Solar panels in winter should be south facing to get the narrow arc of the sun, however east and west will produce power in the morning and evening, as the sun is higher in the summer months a fairly flat panel will produce good power. With grid tied systems spreading the power is a good idea so that you can make the most of the power produced. A east facing will be good from 08:30- 12:00 and a west facing from 13:00 to 18:00. South facing is shown above ( with part shading in the evening).

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